The order in Chaos.


Chaos is an orderly disorder. It is umpredictable, indecomposable, and yet contains regularity. It is a delicate balance between forces of stability and forces of instability It has enabled the existance of sciences, biology, geology and physics, to look at the wholness of their subject rather than just smaller and smaller subsections of it. Science has finally discovered the concept of the whole. We are all part of a system in which anything affects everything. Every input and output, however insignificant, affects not only your life but also the future of the world in some way, and often quite dramatically in a seemingly unrelated way. (see the movie "Run Lola run", which is describing 20 minutes of the life of a girl Lola. Depending on apparently insignificant events happening while she is runnig down the stairs at the beginning of the movie, her life and the life of others is going to be developping completly differently each time.)

In pre-Babylonian times Chaos was perceived as the mysterious space between Heaven and Earth, and the source of inspiration, form and change in this world. There is a Babylonian myth in which Marduk, symbol of man's control, kills Tiamet, the dragon goddess of Chaos (symbol of the chaotically unpredictable energy of the earth). This is the same earth dragon spirit that represents the organized forces of nature in many early belief systems from chinese to pagan.


Chaos and Science