28th Infantry Division

Known as the "Keystone Division". Organized from units of the Pennsylvania National Guard at Camp Hancock, Ga., August 5, 1917. The majority of the officers and enlisted men were from the State of Pennsylvania. On November 15th the division was reorganized to conform to the new Tables of Organization.
The division commenced leaving the States April 21, 1918, moving through Camp Upton. It landed at Calais May 18th and trained with the British in the vicinity of Nielles les Blequin for about two weeks. It then moved to Gonesse where it trained with the French for another two weeks' period, and then moved to a sector near the Marne.
On July 1, 1918, two platoons of the 11th Infantry took part in an attack on hill 204. On July 16th part of the infantry entered the line on the Marne River and the entire division was in sector on the Ourcq river by July 27, 1918.
The division was relieved on the night of July 30th-31st, and from then to August 6th was in rest in the vicinity of Jaulgonne on the Marne. On the night of August 6th-7th, it again entered the line on the Vesle river, the sector extending from about Courlandon on the east to Fismes on the west. Here it remained actively engaged until Sept. 8th, when it was relieved by a French division.
Upon relief of the division, it moved to a position south of the Argonne forest, and on Sept. 20th took partof the sector extending from Boureuilles on the east to Cote 285 on the west. It was one of the attacking divisions in the offensive of Sept. 26th, pushing as far as Chatel Chehery, where it was relieved on Oct. 9th. It then moved by bus to an area northeast of Commercy.
On Oct. 16th it took over a sector near Thiaucourt extending from northeast to Jaulny on the east to the southern end of Etany de Lachaussee on the west. It held this sector until the signing of the armistice and then went to the divisional training area.
The units composing the division were as follows: 55th and 56th Inf. Brigs., 109th, 110th, 11th, 112th Inf. Regts.; 108th and 109th Machine Gun Bns.; 53d Arty. Brig.; 107th and 108th and 109th Arty. Regts.; 103d Trench Mortar Battery; 107th Div. Machine Gun Bn.; 103d Engr. Regt. And Train; 103d Fld. Sig. Bn.; 103d Train Hqs. and M.P.; 103d Supply Train; 103d Amm. Train; 103d Sanitary Train; 109th, 110th, 11th, 112th Amb. Cos. And Field Hospitals.
To include May 15, 1919, the division's casualties were 2,531 battle deaths, and 13,746 wounded. Seven hundred and twenty-six individuals of this division were taken prisoners by the enemy.
Distinguished Service Crosses awarded, 58.
Commanding generals: Maj. Gen. C. M. Clement to Dec. 11, 1917; Maj. Gen. Chas. H. Muir, Dec. 15, 1917, to Oct. 24, 1918; Maj. Gen. Wm. H. Hay, Oct. 24 to Nov. 11, 1918.

Links :

- 28th Infantry "Keystone" Division (Mechanized)
- 28th Infantry Division Association