Disclaimers: None of the Weib Kreuz characters belong to me even though I wish they would. Please do not sue me I am not gaining anything from this. I am only a poor college student writing some fiction about the cutest bishonens out there.

This was inspired by a lot of listening to Tori Amos ‘A Sorta Fairytale’ and watching ‘Witch Hunter Robin.’ Hopefully you guys will like it.

Author: Max Ikari

Pairings: Yohji/Ran and Ken/Omi.

Warnings: NC-17, Lemon, violence, adult language, adult situations. This story is totally AU.

Genre: Angst, romance, some sap.

[ ] Inner thoughts

/ / Mind Talking

Spoilers: Names and perhaps some situations

Chapter 2

Ran woke up feeling a bit nervous about his date later that evening with Yohji. Last night after feeding the dogs he had gone straight to bed so he hadn’t thought that much about it then. But now he was coherent and wondering what the hell he had been thinking to accept a date with a complete stranger.

"What’s done is done," he told the room in general as he passed a hand through unruly bangs.

Getting up, the redhead put a kettle on the stove to warm up some water for tea. It was his ritual and not even being away from home was going to make him break with his habits.

The only thing that could spoil his mood this morning were those horrible dogs but they were playing in the backyard and forgetting about Ran for the time being. A nice respite, which the redhead believed he deserved after being put through hell by those stupid mutts.

The kettle’s whistle startled him into moving away from the window where he had been watching the dogs play-attack each other.

Well what else was there to do?

After pouring the water into his cup, the redhead decided he needed a bath to clear his mind. To figure out what he was going to do with his day. Eyeing his laptop sitting on top of the room’s table he decided that he was going to go over some of those records he had been working on before deciding to take the days off. There was something not right but he still couldn’t put a finger on what it was exactly. He hated that feeling and it wasn’t that he had seen something that had made him uneasy it was just a feeling.

[You never liked those feelings Arawn]


It was becoming his new habit and Ran hated it. Having to answer to his own questions like he was crazy.


The way the bathroom was set up was making Ran wonder a bit how much money Kazuma had gotten from his inheritance. The house was beautiful, the bathroom looked expensive. It had a shower separate from a tub that was the size of a small pool. It was ridiculous in its size. There was no way that Kazuma used all the things he had in the room. It was a bit much.

Times like this made Ran remember why he had a small apartment, some potted plants and a cat. There was no way he could feel lonely with such a small apartment.

After filling the tub and adding some lavender salts Ran immersed himself in the water, sighing in delight. At least this would take his mind off all the things he had to do.

"What am I going to wear tonight?"

He hadn’t thought he was going to go out on a date when he came over here. Now he had to figure out what he was going to do. That Yohji guy had been wearing some pretty revealing clothes…he looked really handsome. Ran had to dress up to that.

The phone rang making Ran start a bit before turning to get the extension beside the tub.


#Good, you’re in. Just thought I’d call to remind you of our date. #

Ran narrowed his eyes, "How’d you get this number?"

# Phone book sweetheart. Everything you need is in a phonebook#

"I doubt that."

# What’s wrong? You can’t back out of this one. I have everything planned out. Quiet dinner, walk, and the rest.#

"The rest?"

There was a light chuckle…# You’ll like it. Ja ne. #

"Ja ne," Ran whispered as the line went dead on the other end. Now he was nervous, but it wasn’t a bad kind it was more in anticipation over what would happen tonight. He wasn’t the kind of person to sleep with somebody after the first date, but with Yohji…the thought seemed interesting. A smile spread across his features as he thought about it some more, it would be very nice indeed.

[You have lost your mind]


Yohji smiled as he hung up the phone. Ken was watching him with a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Do I have something on my face Ken-ken?"

Ken growled before saying something about him acting like a dog in heat.

Omi turned huge puppy eyes at him. In Yohji’s opinion the boy was a bit of a manipulator himself. "Who were you talking to Yohji-kun? I thought that other girl was out of town."

Yohji smiled as he leaned on the kitchen counter before lighting a cigarette, "Talking to a guy I met yesterday."

"Is that the person you met while the cats starved to death?" said Ken, draining his glass of juice.

"Well if the cats starved then we wouldn’t have to feed them."

"Yohji-kun..." sighed the young blonde as he started to gather the plates from the table. "Just be careful. You don’t know anything about him."

"Well I know he’s a looker, even if he’s a guy. Besides, I won’t bring him here so you don’t have to worry."

Ken sighed while getting up, "I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the idea of Yohji being with guys. So who’s seme?"

"You want me to start, lovely Ken-ken? Are you jealous? Would you rather have me trying to seduce you?" As he said this, Yohji kept moving closer to Ken with each word. The brunette was now blushing scarlet and trying to get away from Yohji. Ken was never very good with people coming on to him.

"Yohji-kun, leave him alone."

"Sure thing chibi just telling Ken-ken that whenever he wants something just to ask."

"Like I’m going to let you touch me. You’re a walking sack of STDs."

Omi blinked, trying not to laugh, "That wasn’t very funny Ken-kun."

Yohji glared at them both. What were the gods thinking by putting him in a group with these two?

"Well after you guys get laid talk to me."

"These values are wrong."

# Ran aren’t you supposed to be on a break?#

"Yes, but I was going through last month’s records before we received the Crandlier account. There are some things missing."

# Ran, leave those papers to accounting. You are just supposed to be relaxing, not looking through old records."

" I know, I know," said Ran into the receiver as he flicked some hair out of his eyes. "But I can’t shake this feeling that there’s something off. I know there is."

# Okay, when you get back we’ll go over those figures again. Will that make you get off my back?#

Ran smiled, "For the moment it will."

# Well then go have fun and let me have my own. #

"Take care."

# You too.#

Closing the cell phone, Ran looked over the figures one last time before he closed the laptop. It was getting close to 7 pm and he still had to change. Walking to the closet he picked out a pair of black leather pants, a green shirt and a black leather jacket. He also decided on some black boots. Discarding the robe he had been wearing he tried on the pants, happy to notice that they weren’t too tight. He finished dressing in a similar manner; checking that nothing was too tight or revealing. He didn’t like dressing that way.

The doorbell rang exactly at 7 pm, giving Yohji bonus points in Ran’s book.

"Hello beautiful," drawled the blonde when Ran opened the door. The blonde was impressed; it wasn’t as if Ran had gone out of his way to look sexy he just was. Perhaps it was because of the way the redhead carried himself. He gave Ran one white rose; the latter arched a brow before accepting it.

"I didn’t think you would appreciate a dozen roses."

"You were right. Where are we going?"

"Well there’s this nice diner. I thought you might like it."

Yohji drove pointing out the places where people would go to hang out or places he had gone before. After finding a parking spot, both men entered the diner. Ran noticed the name, ‘The Cabaret.’

"Interesting name."
Yohji smiled, "Interesting place, you’ll like it."

Ran liked the place instantly. It had a nice quiet atmosphere, a jazz band played on a small stage while couples engaged in small conversations and the single people hanged hung out around the bar trying to find a partner for the night.

Yohji picked a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant from there they could watch the band as well as who entered and left the place.

"You like?" asked the blonde as he lit a cigarette.

Ran smiled it was a nice place, "Yes."

"I thought so. So tell be about yourself? What do you do? Why are you taking care of peoples’ pets? Things like that."

A small chuckle escaped the redhead, "You’re going to have to be more specific than that. I don’t work well with generals."

Yohji grinned, "Okay, are you involved with someone?"

"I wouldn’t be here if I were."

"Have you ever been?"

"Nope. Never been interested."

Yohji smiled, "A challenge."

Ran raised an eyebrow before taking a sip of the chardonnay Yohji had ordered when they entered the restaurant.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well," said Yohji taking a drag from his cigarette, "Here I am with a handsome guy who is free because he is not interested in relationships. Maybe I can make him want one."

Ran laughed, "I really doubt that is going to happen anytime soon."

"Well I can always try."

The waiter arrived to ask for their orders, Yohji ordered some Alfredo pasta with chicken and breadsticks while Ran ordered a fish fillet with vegetables. It was a light dinner for both, Ran thinking that he wasn’t very hungry and Yohji thinking that he needed space for other things.

"Well Ran, since you don’t want tell me about you, I’ll tell you about myself."

"You don’t have to," Ran smiled, "It’s better if you don’t."

The blonde stopped halfway raising an eyebrow, "Why not?"

"It’s best if we don’t know much about each other. We are never going to see each other after I go back to Kyoto."

Yohji laughed, "Who says we are never to see each other again? Never is a long time."

"I know."

They kept talking throughout dinner, Yohji happy to get a smile out of Ran since in his opinion the redhead had a beautiful smile. Once they were done with dinner, Yohji paid the check and they both walked out into the cool night air.

At night Tokyo was a beautiful city, even if it was crime ridden and there were more problems in the city than it was worth; the city still held a spirit of adventure that drew most people in.

"So what do you want to do now?" asked the blonde, "Movies, bar, disco?"

Ran laughed, "I don’t know. Never been on a date before."

"Really? I wouldn’t have thought that."

"Why not?" asked the redhead with a smile.

"Well I think you’re very attractive. To have never gone out on a date seems…"


Yohji laughed, "You could say that."

"Yes, well there are reasons why I don’t go out."

"You don’t like going out on dates?"

"You could say that."

They went to a small bar that Yohji liked to go when he wanted somewhere quiet to go talk and have a great time. They both ordered drinks and after the second one Yohji began to realize that Ran did not drink. Not that he was drunk, but that limited amount of alcohol had opened him up enough that when Yohji leaned toward him to kiss him, the redhead immediately opened his lips to accept him. From then on the semi-tension between each other had completely melted into a heavy round of making out in the dark corner of the bar. Both their breaths were mingling as Yohji pulled the redhead onto his lap, Ran not minding in the least. Leaving the bar, Yohji couldn’t stop touching the redhead and Ran didn’t seem to mind anyway. He kept rubbing Yohji’s thigh with his hand while the blonde was driving back to Ran’s house.

"Do you want to come in?"

Yohji blinked as he parked the car, "Umm, Ran I don’t think that’s a very good idea."

"Why not?" pouted the redhead. Yohji couldn’t believe it, the redhead was actually pouting, making it even more difficult for Yohji to make the right decision.

"Because you’re drunk and more than likely you will regret this sooner or later."

"I will not," said the redhead as he leaned up to capture Yohji’s lips in a desperate kiss.


"Please," Ran whispered, "I want you and don’t tell me you don’t want me." This was said as Ran’s soft hand rubbed his manhood through his pants. Yohji moaned, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

Ran laughed, "See, you can’t deny it."

"Ran, I know…but…" but what? The redhead was practically throwing himself at him and he was denying it? Yohji had never denied sex in his life, so why was he now? Because you are nervous. Ran was hot to put it lightly and Yohji was nervous. When had that happened?



A moan echoed throughout the room followed by a soft grunt. Soft white hands were holding onto blonde hair as a wicked tongue played with his manhood driving him crazy.


Yohji was addicted to the soft skin. It had surprised him to find out that underneath all those clothes the redhead wore there was such a soft body waiting to be uncovered. He loved it, loved pushing all the buttons that drove the redhead to distraction. He started purring and the redhead moaned out loud, arching off the bed. Smiling, Yohji moved his mouth from Ran’s member to crawl up to those soft pouty lips. They kissed with all the passion they could muster; it was too hot. Their bodies were slick with sweat, clinging to each other in all the right places. It had been so long since Yohji had felt this lustful toward another person, and the sounds Ran made… All those whimpers were enough to make him painfully hard.


Grabbing hold of the redhead’s hips, one hand snaking down to the tight ring where Yohji longed to be buried in, coating one of his fingers with some lotion before spreading some around the tight ring and putting a finger inside. Ran’s breath caught as he tried to force himself to relax.

"Shhh, it’s okay. It will feel good in a minute."

Ran nodded, not that Yohji noticed as he concentrated in the task of making this pleasurable for both of them. When Ran had relaxed enough he withdrew his finger before adding more lotion and re-inserting it as well as another one. The blonde repeated the process again making sure that Ran was prepared enough before lowering himself to enter Ran’s tight heat. Both groaned at the sensation, Ran holding still so his body could accommodate Yohji’s length without pain. Yohji kept taking slow breaths, trying to keep his body under control.

Lowering his head, Yohji let his lips roam over Ran’s delicate neck, fascinated by the sheer softness of it. He started licking and sucking, placing a careful bite where neck joined shoulder, making Ran arch a bit causing Yohji to move inside him. A small whimper escaped the redhead’s lips and Yohji moved a little to see if Ran was ready. The redhead’s thighs tightened around his waist and then Yohji knew that Ran was.

Carefully pulling out, Yohji pushed back in, starting a rhythm that Ran began to appreciate once Yohji’s tip rubbed against his prostrate.

"Oh, gods…" whispered Ran, holding on to Yohji’s arms painfully tight; there would be bruises later on. Ran’s erection was trapped between their bodies, the friction making him moan louder. Then Yohji started pushing both of them to the brink, Ran coming with an aborted sob and Yohji following soon after then collapsing on top of the smaller man. Ran’s arms came around Yohji’s shoulders and he hid his face in the crook of the blonde’s neck.

Ran chuckled, "I don’t think I’ll regret this."

Yohji laughed, "You say that now. Ugh, we should get cleaned up."

"Want to join me in the shower?"

Yohji didn’t need to be asked twice.

There was too much light and his head hurt. Everything felt kind of fuzzy but he felt comfortable nonetheless. There was warmth beside him and he moved to snuggle up to it until he started remembering what he had done last night. Oh, gods…

Opening his eyes he came face to face with Yohji, who was staring at him with a smile plastered on his face. Ran had the grace to blush.

"Ohayo Ran…"

Ran kept staring at the blonde before Yohji sighed, getting up and starting to sort out his clothes.

"Wha…What are you doing?"

"Getting my clothes."


"Isn’t it obvious? I told you you would regret this."

Ran blushed lowering his eyes to where his hands fisted on the sheets. "I don’t regret it."

"Oh…then what’s wrong?"

"I didn’t think you’d stay."

Yohji laughed, "Well I was exhausted. I really had no choice."

Ran blushed scarlet at this, last night’s shower had been…educational.

"Well sweetie, I still gotta go. Work and all the rest…"

Ran smiled, "Yes, work."

"Umm, we should get together again…"

"But not today right?"

Yohji blushed while brushing his hair out of his eyes, "Well I’m going to be a bit busy the next two days."

Ran chuckled, "No need to explain anything to me. Well if you are ever in Kyoto you can give me a call."

As Yohji wrote down the redhead’s number, Ran got up wrapping a sheet around his waist. Yohji thought it was the cutest thing. He had to get out of here, Yohji had no place getting attached to the redhead. Yet, it was so incredible the way he wanted the redhead. He had never felt a thing like this before.

Ran was staring at him, the redhead knew he wasn’t going to call. Just trying to be polite.

"Well I had a great time Ran, we should do this again sometime."


"Well, umm, have a nice trip back."

Ran smiled, "I will."

He leaned to place a quick kiss on the redhead’s lips before escaping the house, "Ja ne."

Ran sighed before his knees gave out crumbling in a tangle of sheets and skin on the floor, "Well that was just plain stupid Ran. Way to go." Hopefully I won’t run into him again. That would be awkward…

"Yohji, you were supposed to open shop three hours ago. Where were you?" asked Omi, waving a pen so close to his face that Yohji feared bodily harm.

"You really want to know chibi?"

Omi must have noticed the tone of his voice because he blushed, mumbling that he should take a shower before showing up to work.

After undressing, the blonde stood under the showerhead trying to convince himself that he had done the right thing.

"Just forget about it Yohji…you have a mission the next two days. Should forget about him by then."

Nodding to himself, Yohji went on to forget about Ran.

"Hey Ran, how was Tokyo?!"

Ran turned from where he was waiting for the light to change so he could cross the street to smile at his friend Koji. Koji was a young intern from Fukushima that had moved to Kyoto to become an accountant. Ran liked him; he was a good worker, smart and humble. Not like most of his coworkers who were full of themselves.

The light had turned while he waited for Koji to catch up to him. He would have to wait again, not that the redhead minded. It was a nice day, the breeze having a clean smell signaling that fall was near.

"Aa, was nice."

Koji sighed, " I wish I had the money to go to Tokyo, but I was almost late with the rent this month."

Ran smiled, "It will get better."

Koji adjusted his glasses as he flipped golden brown hair out of his eyes, "I wish it was sooner than later."


"So what did the heads say this week?"

"The usual," said Ran as he crossed the street, "how we have to get more clients and bend to their every wish, etc. etc."

Koji laughed, "And I wonder why you make people uncomfortable."

"Well it’s not working, I can’t get rid of you."

Koji grinned, "So have you eaten?"

"No, you buying?"

Koji turned to look around before leaning close to talk, "Ran have you noticed something funny about accounting?"

Violet eyes narrowed in suspicion, "Why?"

"Well when you were gone I was doing some research, you know to show the university and came across some papers I shouldn’t have seen. So I thought maybe I could talk to you about it."

"You can come over to my house. More private."

"I knew I could count on you."

Ran was eating out of a box of fried rice as he reviewed the numbers Koji had given him. He had removed his coat and undone his tie in his haste to get to those papers. It was the most disheveled Koji had ever seen him. The person in question was looking over some graphs, a small frown marring his features.

"This doesn’t make sense…"

"That’s why I wanted to show the figures to you. Even though I’m just an intern I know when something doesn’t add up. It’s ridiculous to think that no one noticed before this."

"I know. I called Akira from Tokyo to talk about the figures but he just told me to drop it."

Koji’s frown deepened, "That’s odd…besides what would you gain by losing all those clients?"

"Unless it’s not about losing the clients. Unless it’s about moving them, giving them to another firm recommended by our firm. Then the clients suspect nothing and get their money laundered."

Koji gasped, "You mean fraud?"

Ran smiled, "Well that would explain why our bosses are so well off."

"But…but somebody would have noticed by now."

A small laugh, "You are a bit naïve believing the best of people. For money, people are capable of the worst atrocities."

"You know you are scary sometimes."

"Your face is worth it."

Koji stuck out his tongue at him. "Seriously Ran, what are we going to do?"

"You are doing nothing. Let me deal with this."


"But nothing. You don’t want to ruin your career before you even start it do you?"


"Then I will talk with Mr. Yakamoto and try to figure this out. Hopefully it is just a mistake." This being said more for Koji’s sake than his. Ran had never been an optimist, no use in hoping for things that would never be. Humans were corrupt by nature, this knowledge being part of him ever since he was a child. He could sense it from the people around him. Aya had always said that maybe he was an empathy, being able to tell when people were angry, confused, happy…

Ran knew it was his innate ability of understanding people’s expressions and actions, almost as if they were spelled out in a book. Nothing emphatic about that, if you only opened yourself to see what people were capable of, then you could see the future.

It had been the same when he had joined Yakamoto Enterprises. Yakamoto Jun had built up a company from the ashes; as he loved to remind all those in his payroll, suffering disappointments and crises to make it to the top. However, when Ran had met him a pudgy man well into his fifties with a receding hairline and eyes that reflected some inner darkness, the redhead hadn’t felt like this man was an outstanding member of society. After that first meeting he had spent the next week having nightmares about women disappearing from dance floors only to appear dead in sewers, dumpsters, or in dark alleys. It had been so weird that the next time Ran had faced the man he had started sweating, going into an all out panic attack. He hadn’t had one of those in a while.

Hopefully, tomorrow it wouldn’t be that way.

"Yohji have you been listening to a word I’ve said?"

"Chibi, I always listen to what you say," drawled the blonde before taking a drag from his cigarette.

The boys were gathered in their basement going over the reports Manx had delivered to them earlier today. They weren’t very happy about it since it meant that they would have to go to Kyoto to do the job. It was weird that the report said they had to go that far, usually most of their missions were closer to Tokyo.

"Then what did I just say?"

"That we have to be careful. Kritiker didn’t give us much information to work with."

Ken gasped, "Well what do you know? There is a brain under all that fluffed up hair."

"Don’t start with me Ken-ken, you might not like what I have to say."

The brunette picked up a cup to throw it at the blonde before Omi gave him a warning glance.

Lowering his arm he muttered, "Don’t call me that."

Yohji’s grin got wider, "Call you what Ken-ken?"

"Dammit Yohji! You know what I mean!"


"Both of you stop it! We don’t have time for this. Tonight we leave for Kyoto and you better read over your reports. Especially you Yohji-kun."

Ken stifled a laugh, earning a dirty glance from Yohji, but the blonde said nothing. Instead he sighed, getting up from the chair to stretch his muscles.

"It’ll be okay, chibi. Nothing to worry about."

Omi smiled, "Okay."

The blonde walked up the steps towards his room; he had to find something to do. It was ridiculous and if Ken knew why he was so distracted he would never hear the end of it. Ran, the name kept bouncing in his head like a marble driving him to distraction.

"Ran, what did you do to me?"

Hopefully if the gods were with him, he would not run into Ran. It was going to be awkward explaining what he was doing over there without seeming like a stalker.

"Mr. Fujimiya I understand you wanted to speak with Mr. Yakamoto?"

"Umm?" Ran looked up from his computer to see a man completely dressed in black talking to him. The guy was dressed like a yakuza making Ran feel a bit uncomfortable.

"You wanted to speak with Mr. Yakamoto?"

"Oh, yes. Can he see me?"
"Not yet. He is in an important meeting but he would appreciate it if you could stop by before your shift is over."

"I understand."

He had barely turned back his attention to the screen when Koji poked his head into his office.

"What was that about?"

Removing his glasses, Ran lifted his hand to rub the tiredness out of his eyes, "Koji…I told you to drop it."

"What? I’m not doing anything."

"Exactly. What the hell are you still doing in my office?"

"Maa, has anybody said you have no sense of humor?"

"You, all the time."

"I’m glad you remember."

When Ran glared at him, the young intern decided to have a hasty retreat before Ran got angry.

"Balinese, where are you?"

"Going to the fifth floor."

"The target is supposed to be in the tenth floor."

"I know, but I can’t use the elevator."

"Don’t worry about it, just be sure nobody sees you."
Yohji had to roll his eyes at the obviousness of the statement. Of course he was going to be careful. What kind of idiot did Ken and Omi take him for?

He kept walking stealthily towards his goal, making sure that nobody crossed his path even though it was impossible given that most employees had left for the day. His heart was loudly beating in his chest as his adrenaline started to build {up}. He was to be the distraction, while Ken went into the office to download the records of the dealings of the past six months. It was funny that Kritiker had not given them much more information other than get rid of Mr. Yakamoto and clean out his files. The guy was not heavily protected, making Yohji’s job much easier.

When he reached the tenth floor he got on all fours, moving slowly toward the office at the end where he could see some shadows. Actually the people in the office seemed to be having an argument.

‘But sir…"

"Listen to me, it is not your place to be snooping where you don’t belong!"

"Snooping?! This is ridiculous. Those figures are obvious to anybody with eyes to see. All those clients didn’t have to move. You moved them in order to steal their money!"

A loud bang was heard. Perhaps the man was hitting his hand against his desk.

"That’s it! You’re fired! I want all your shit out by tomorrow!"

"Wha…?! Okay, fine but I am going with this to the authorities. You won’t take advantage of anybody else again."

And the glass door was yanked open as a person passed by where Yohji was hiding, muttering curses and what nots to the person in the room. Oh well, the idiot would not live long enough to tell his staff who he’d just fired.

Walking slowly to the door, he noticed the target opening a small wooden box to extract a Cuban. He sighed cutting the tip of the cigar before lighting it up. The whole scene was making Yohji crave his cigarettes.

"Well, this is a pretty sight. Making my job easier…"

The man jumped out of his chair, eyes wide as he scanned the room looking for an exit. Yohji guessed he was regretting having let the guy he was talking to leave.

"Who---who the hell are you?"

"I am your saviour," said Yohji as he started to pull his wire out of his watch. "This will only hurt for a moment."

"But—you can’t kill me, I—what have I done?" Yohji could see the beads of sweat rolling down the man’s round head to rest on his short neck. The guy was a bit big, Yohji sighed. He hated messy kills and more than likely this one was going to be one of those.

"Fucking pig! He fires me…" Ran stopped mid rant, dropping into his chair in the office. This was a problem. Now he had to start looking for another job, which was a bitch. The only good thing out of all this was that Ran had protected Koji, at least Mr. Yakamoto would not fire the young man.

"Might as well get it over with." He started packing most of his papers into his bag when he heard a noise. It was odd, almost like a squeal, Ran chuckled a bit. "I bet the guy is turning into a pig."

Looking outside his office, the redhead couldn’t see a thing. The whole floor was dark since everybody was gone. That’s why that bastard had wanted to talk to him after work, so no one would hear their fight.


The noise had stopped. What it Mr. Yakamoto was having a heart attack? It was a moment after that Ran fell to his knees clutching at his chest. He couldn’t breathe, what was wrong with him?
Lifting his eyes he could see a blurry shadow walking around Mr. Yakamoto’s office but that couldn’t be him. The shadow was taller.

Taking a deep breath and using the wall, he heaved himself up being careful as to not fall again. Finally reaching the office he waited outside a second before taking a breath.

"Sir…" he said while he knocked on the door. Yet, the door slowly swung open showing the dead figure of Mr. Yakamoto, who laid over his desk with his eyes bulging and blood seeping from under him.


The other figure on the room stopped staring at him as if he had seen a ghost. "Ran…"

Ran’s head snapped toward the voice, "Wha…Yohji?"

"Ran, what are you doing here?"

"Yohji? You—you killed him."

"He was evil. Killed girls to fulfill himself."

Ran’s eyebrows knotted, he couldn’t understand. "You killed him."


"You killed him! You sick fuck!," at that moment it occurred to Ran that he might also be in danger. It was almost in slow motion that he saw Yohji start to move toward him as he tried to get away. He had to get away.

"Ran wait!"

"No, no…"

"Ran!" The voice was getting closer. He had to get out of here. Running toward the elevator, he was about to press the down button when a wire wrapped around his hand jerking his arm painfully behind his back.

"Ran listen to me. Listen to me!" That voice so close to him. He had slept with a murderer. Oh. God.

"Ran, please understand. He was evil. The world is a safer place without him."

"No…" everything was becoming hazy. Red, like blood. The same color of his family’s blood. He was going to faint in the arms of a killer. It was then that deep inside of him something woke, an odd feeling yet familiar at the same time. The feeling moved throughout his body spreading heat. He couldn’t hear the voice anymore, he wouldn’t. He just closed his eyes as the color of fire appeared in his mind and when he opened his eyes the room was on fire.



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