As You See Me.. (11).

Disclaimer: Same as in previous

Pairing: Yohji x Aya/Ran
Warnings: Yaoi, Shounen-ai, Violence, Angst, Language, AU

Schuldig was pissed.

Now, when one usually says 'pissed', one can generally assume that it's a rather unhappy state that involves a lot of grumbling, bitching, and complaining.

Not with the German. When he got pissed, he got very violent.

Ken knelt nearby, riding out the storm of his master's anger. It was just a matter of time, he knew, until he was sporting fresh bruises. He would take the brunt of it, to be sure, but he'd been doing this for over a year. He was used to it. It didn't, however, have the effect that Schuldig desired.

Pretty Ken Hidaka was *not* a masochist.

Once the initial flare of anger faded out, Ken could look forward to a night of rough sex. Not how he preferred to spend them. He liked his nights quiet and lazy so that he could remember what he'd been as opposed to what he'd become. He used those nights to give him the strength it took not to hang himself at first opportunity. He'd tried it once - even had the scar around his throat to prove it.

Schuldig had come in and cut him down, dragging his limp body to the shower to rouse the former soccer player. After that, there was a series of sound beatings that left him battered, bloody, and too scared to try it again for nearly a year. Ken used to flinch everytime his master's hand came near his face.

Not anymore.

Now, he felt the burning anger in his gut. He wanted out. He had a good idea of what was going on. Somehow, Schuldig's ex-lover had thrown a spike into the German's plans. It almost brought a smile to his face. He loved to see the redhead thwarted. He wished someone would have done that for him.

He snapped out of it when he realized that Schuldig was talking to him, "Master?"

"Stupid boy! I said, 'I'm going to handle some business alone. Do you need more recovery time?'" Schuldig wasn't in the mood to be screwed around. If Ken stayed behind, he'd just have his fun when he got back.

"Yes, master. I'm…" The athletic slave made a show of squirming as he knelt on the floor, "I need to use that balm… and then rest so I can be ready for you when you get back." He kept his eyes to the floor, wishing the German would just leave and be done with it.

"Fine," Schuldig growled, "I should be back in a few hours."

The door slammed and he was alone. Ken let out a sigh of relief. This was as serious a mess as he'd ever seen. He pulled himself to his feet and moved to the desk, where a bunch of photographs lay scattered about. His azure eyes flicked over the pictures, admiring the beauty of the redheaded subject.

He moved a few around, just so he could see the rest of them, and found a memo pad that had a number scrawled on it. Ken read it aloud in a soft voice, "'Balinese - 555-7802… Call and ask how his little toy's doing…'" He shook his head. Why couldn't the German just leave it alone?

An idea came to him suddenly and Ken looked at the bottom of the door, checking the shadows. It appeared as though the bodyguards had gone with Schuldig. He almost smiled. His shaking hand moved to the phone receiver, knowing that - if the German found out - he'd have hell to pay. It came off it's cradle smoothly and he put it to his ear.

Dialing the number on the paper, Ken held his breath. This… This was as bold a move as ever and he hoped it would do *something*. It might not ease his plight, sure, but if he died… he'd be just as well off.

After a few rings, there was a pick up,"Hello?"

"Ummm… Moshi-moshi. Kudou Yohji-san?"

The voice on the other end immediately switched to Japanese, "Yes. Can I help you?"

Ken took a deep breath, "My name is… is… Ken Hidaka."

"Hey! I used to watch you play all the time! You were the best in the League… I'm sorry about what happened." Yohji seemed amicable enough.

"That's okay," Ken said with a wince. He didn't like to be reminded of that fateful week in his life. "I… I don't know how to say this… Schuldig is planning on killing your… lover."

Yohji's voice went quiet instantly, "How do you know this?"

Ashamed as he was of his current predicament, Ken knew that it was the only way to make the rock star believe him, "Because… I… I'm his… slave." His blue eyes closed and his whole body shook. Admitting that to another compassionate human being was absolute torture.

"Oh, God… Is there anything I can do for you?" Yohji was immediately ready to do whatever it took to make things right.

"I used to know this boy… His name's Nagi Naoe. If you could find him and let him know I'm all right," Ken let the sentence trail off. How was the boy doing in his absence? Did he go back to that streetgang after all?

"Will do. How much freedom do you have? Can you get someplace where I can pick you up? Is there a way for me to get you the fuck out?"

"No. I'm not allowed to leave the mansion." Ken thought about things. While he didn't know exactly where he was, his knowledge of the surrounding area was good enough to give him an idea of how far from L.A. his location was. "I can see smog to the south of the house… and it takes about an hour to get there… Maybe a half hour east of the freeway…"

Yohji's voice softened, "Thanks, Ken. I'll see what I can do for you. Just hold out and *don't* contact me again unless it's an emergency, okay?"

"Yes… Thank you." Ken put down the receiver and looked out the window. Maybe… just maybe… Things would go back to being right in his little screwed up world.

Yohji put down the phone and picked it up again. He dialed Omi's cell.

"Moshi-moshi… Tsukiyono."

"Omi? Need you to do something."

The youth's voice brightened considerably, "Mr. Kudou! What's up? More computer stuff?"

A smile formed on Yohji's lips, "Sort of… Need information on a kid named Nagi Naoe. Can you find him?"

In the background, tapping at a keyboard could be heard, "Looking now." Omi paused, "Looks like he's in an orphanage… Just on the other side of town, in fact."

With a nod, Yohji give little thought as to what to do, "Okay, get him out and on the first available plane to L.A. Hack, forge, I don't give a fuck how… Just get him out of there and to the States."

Omi piped up, "Looks like he's going to be transferred to a juvenile detention facility in about three hours…"

"What for?" Yohji's ears perked up.

"File says he's been terrorizing gangs for the last year. Hmmm… Now that's odd." Omi's voice lowered in his curiosity and his fingers went to work again.

Yohji's forehead crinkled, "What, Omi?"

"All the gangs he's been after have been either directly or indirectly associated with some organized crime boss named Schuldig."

That information stopped the singer for a second. He thought for a few minutes and then an evil smile formed, "In that case, spare NO expense to get him here… As fast as you possibly can, Omi. I'll double your check if he's here in twenty-four hours," Yohji added as an afterthought.

"For that kind of money," Omi said with a chuckle, "I'll get him to you in eighteen."

"Great. I'm looking forward to meeting this kid." Yohji hung up and looked out the window. His dark little smile held firm, something left over from his days as 'Balines'.

'Fuck you, Schuldig… This game's almost over. You're in check and you've only got a few moves left… What will you sacrifice this time to force my hand?'


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