Schuld und Verzeihung, K. 3: hoffnungslose Umarmung

(Guilt and Redemption, ch 3: hopeless embrace)


Aya awakened to a throbbing in his groin. Upon opening his eyes, he found

curled up against him the blond, green-eyed object of his desire. He

blinked slowly and found that the body was not a mere fantasy. [Oh

god. He's right here. How did this happen?] He replayed the previous

evening's events. [We fell asleep after Yohji talked. Nothing else?] He

though a moment. [Nothing else.] Yohji shifted in his sleep, pressing

his butt against Aya's aching erection.

"Mmh, Aya," he muttered, then started snoring lightly.

[This is not helping. I am not starting a relationship with him. Not

right now. I'm not ready to open up to him.] A few sections of hair were

fanned out on the pillow by Aya's face. [I bet his hair is soft.] He

carefully brought a hand up to stroke the golden hair. [It is.] He

sniffed it. [Smells good, too, like a cookie almost. I'd expect nothing

less from Yohji the sensualist.]

Yohji was dreaming of a vacation in a tropical paradise, where he and Aya

spent long nights making love. He rolled over and reached out his arm to

find said redhead staring at him.

"Good morning," Aya said warily.

"Good morning," Yohji squawked, hoping his arousal wasn't obvious. [Oh

my. How long has he been awake? I hope I didn't say or do anything

incriminating in my sleep.] He yawned and stretched, catlike. "I suppose

I should be going."

"That would be a good idea," Aya stated without expression. [Leave before

one of us does something he'll regret.]

Yohji rolled over and rose from the bed, carefully as to hide the bulge in

his pants. "Well, I guess I'll see you in the flower shop. Thanks for

listening last night. Anytime you want me to return the favor, just let

me know, 'kay?" [Man, things are gonna be weird. I can tell.]

"Sure." [And I can guarantee that won't be anytime soon.]

Yohji escaped from Aya's room and into his own. [Man, that was close.] He

shut the door, closed the curtains, and slid out of his pajama pants and

into his bed. [Where were we in that dream?] He reached down and stroked

his erection. {Aya lay on the king-sized bed, clad only in silk boxers --

amethyst, to match his eyes. "Yohji," he whispered, "come to bed." He

climbed into the bed -- soft, satin sheets, just like his pajama pants --

and covered Aya with gentle kisses -- neck, chest, nipples, stomach.

"Mm, Yohji," Aya moaned.} Yohji moved his hand slowly over his erection,

moaning softly. {He knelt next to Aya, tracing the lines of his torso to

the waistband of his boxers, smiling at the growing erection. He leaned

forward to kiss him, and Aya threaded long white fingers into his hair,

pulling him close for another kiss. Aya's hands trailed down Yohji's

neck, over his arms and to his legs, then over to his own body, where he

gently brushed his straining erection. "Are you ready?" Aya asked.}

"God," Yohji groaned, stroking harder. {He pulled Aya's shorts off and

lifted Aya's hips, kneeling under him. Gently, he entered Aya and slowly

started fucking him, increasing pace as he neared orgasm. "Yohji," Aya

moaned, "touch me, please!" He took Aya's straining cock into his hand

and stroked it in rhythm with his thrusting, until they both came noisily,

each shouting the other's name.} Yohji lay panting, his hand and belly

covered with sticky fluid. [A guy can dream, can't he?] He pulled a few

tissues from the box.

Aya lay on his side, his erection brushing his boxers. He reached down

and stroked it, remembering the feel of Yohji's body pressed against him

and the smell of his hair. Quickly, adeptly, he brought himself to orgasm

and got out of bed, tossing the dirty shorts in the laundry.

In the flowershop, Aya was making himself busy by arranging flowers, or

washing windows, or watering - anything he could think of to avoid having

to face Yohji, who, of course, hadn't bothered to come downstairs for work

yet. Not that he had really minded waking up next to the tall blond, but

he wasn't about to admit that to anyone - especially not the blond in

question. [Don't need friends. Friends are only liabilities in this line

of work.] [But if you don't talk to someone, you're going to go crazy.]

[Maybe I already am crazy. After all, I'm standing here having a

conversation with myself.] He sighed.

Omi looked up. "Aya-kun? What's wrong?"

Aya looked up from the plant he was watering. "Nothing's wrong."

Just then, the familiar casual tenor interrupted. "Where's Ken?"

"Oh, good morning Yohji-kun! I don't know where Ken-kun is. I think he

went to play soccer," Omi answered.

Aya turned back to the plant before Yohji could make eye contact.

[Yep, this is going to be strange,] Yohji thought while he put his apron

on. [Ah, well, we can't avoid each other forever. There's going to be

another mission sometime, and we live and work in the same place.] He

walked over to the shelves where Aya was watering plants.

Aya saw him coming and focused on the flower. [What does he want?]

"Hey, Aya."

Aya turned his head and glared at him. "What?"

"Nothing, man, geez. Thought you might want me to help out or something."

"I've already watered most of these. Why don't you sweep or something?"

Aya replied, doing his best to keep his voice steady and tone civil.

Simply seeing Yohji made him think of that morning. [It's going to be a

long day.]


Manx arrived with a new mission for them that evening. They were to

eliminate two men - Koga and Kase, head and number 2 of a crime

organization known for killing innocents.

Ken gaped. "Kase's not like that! Please, postpone this mission 3 days -

no, even two will be okay." He ran upstairs.

Yohji called after him and moved to follow him, when Aya stopped him with

a word.

"He's in pain. Let him go."

Yohji looked at him and blinked. [How does this guy do that? He always

seems to know when people need to be alone. I guess he's got a lot of

experience with wanting to be alone.] He almost blushed at that. [Here

I've been trying to get into his business, and he just wants to be alone.

Doesn't he?] He tore his gaze away from the redhead. [I guess I should

back off and really let him come to me when he wants to - IF he wants.

But he always looks so ... sad.]


They completed the mission, or, truthfully, Ken completed the mission, and

the others helped him out. It was obviously hard for Ken - no one wants

to kill an old friend, even if said old friend betrayed you twice.


When Omi went to open the shop the next morning, he found a note from Ken,

saying that he needed a break and would be gone for the day. "Poor

Ken-kun," he sighed, picked up a broom, and started sweeping.

"Omi, can I talk to you a minute?"

Omi jumped and turned around to find Yohji staring at him. "Don't sneak

up on me like that!"

"Were you daydreaming, Bishounen?"

Omi made a show of putting the broom away to hide his blush. "What do you

want to talk about, Yohji?"

Yohji dropped into a chair and sighed. "What do you think I want to talk

about?" [I can't believe I'm asking for relationship advice from a high

schooler.] "I think I fucked up. I fell asleep in Aya's bed, and from

the way he was looking at me when I woke up, he wasn't too happy about


"Well, he could have woken you up and kicked you out..."

"I think he'd just woken up, too."

Omi nodded and made an understanding noise. "What were you doing there,


"Well, uh, I looked in his door when I got home, since it was standing

open, and he woke up and told me to come in and sit down." [What a vision

he presented, too.] Yohji decided to leave out any more details. "Then

the other day I realized that maybe - just maybe - he wants to be left

alone, and here I am, trying to get into his business." [And his pants.]

He sighed. "And he's been not quite avoiding me ever since. I guess I

should just back off."

Omi looked at him sympathetically.

Yohji's expression changed from morose to jovial. "So what - or whom -

were you daydreaming about, Bishounen?"

Omi flustered and flushed, and before he was forced into answering, a

crowd of girls came into the store.

Yohji thought he heard a sigh of relief and chuckled to himself.


Yohji followed Ken one evening to find out where he'd been spending all

his time lately. Ken emerged from an apartment, followed quickly by a

girl, who hugged and kissed him before he walked down the stairs to his


He emerged from hiding and called to Ken. "How many people have you

killed? Do you think you can embrace her?"

Ken flinched and replied, "I want to make her dream come true." He took

off on his bike, leaving Yohji to stand there and reflect.

[As if I'm any better. I'm as much a murderer as he is. I don't deserve

other people's affection.] He lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. [I

wonder if that's what's going through Aya's head, that he's unworthy.]

Another drag. [I wonder what the real Aya is like, underneath all that

ice.] Another drag. [I wonder if I'll ever get to find out.]

Another. [I hope he lets me find out.] Another, before dropping the

half-smoked cigarette onto the ground and stepping on the glowing

embers. [I won't push him.]



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>>>>>>>>>>>>> * By not-so-popular demand, here's part 3.

Title: Schuld und Verzeihung

Author: Akiko

email: akiko at mitsukaranai dot net

date: 25 Nov 01

pairing: yohji & aya (eventually)

archive: yes to ML's, Nanjo-san. Anyone else, ask me. Also on my site.


Notes: This takes place around episodes 4 and 5 of the series.

Warnings: Masturbation scenes.

disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz is the property of Koyasu Takehito, AMF, Media

Blasters, and some other people. No profit is being made from this

amateur effort.

Schuld und Verzeihung, K. 3: hoffnungslose Umarmung

(Guilt and Redemption, ch 3: hopeless embrace)

Aya awakened to a throbbing in his groin. Upon opening his eyes, he found

curled up against him the blond, green-eyed object of his desire. He

blinked slowly and found that the body was not a mere fantasy. [Oh

god. He's right here. How did this happen?] He replayed the previous

evening's events. [We fell asleep after Yohji talked. Nothing else?] He

though a moment. [Nothing else.] Yohji shifted in his sleep, pressing

his butt against Aya's aching erection.

"Mmh, Aya," he muttered, then started snoring lightly.

[This is not helping. I am not starting a relationship with him. Not

right now. I'm not ready to open up to him.] A few sections of hair were

fanned out on the pillow by Aya's face. [I bet his hair is soft.] He

carefully brought a hand up to stroke the golden hair. [It is.] He

sniffed it. [Smells good, too, like a cookie almost. I'd expect nothing

less from Yohji the sensualist.]

Yohji was dreaming of a vacation in a tropical paradise, where he and Aya

spent long nights making love. He rolled over and reached out his arm to

find said redhead staring at him.

"Good morning," Aya said warily.

"Good morning," Yohji squawked, hoping his arousal wasn't obvious. [Oh

my. How long has he been awake? I hope I didn't say or do anything

incriminating in my sleep.] He yawned and stretched, catlike. "I suppose

I should be going."

"That would be a good idea," Aya stated without expression. [Leave before

one of us does something he'll regret.]

Yohji rolled over and rose from the bed, carefully as to hide the bulge in

his pants. "Well, I guess I'll see you in the flower shop. Thanks for

listening last night. Anytime you want me to return the favor, just let

me know, 'kay?" [Man, things are gonna be weird. I can tell.]

"Sure." [And I can guarantee that won't be anytime soon.]

Yohji escaped from Aya's room and into his own. [Man, that was close.] He

shut the door, closed the curtains, and slid out of his pajama pants and

into his bed. [Where were we in that dream?] He reached down and stroked

his erection. {Aya lay on the king-sized bed, clad only in silk boxers --

amethyst, to match his eyes. "Yohji," he whispered, "come to bed." He

climbed into the bed -- soft, satin sheets, just like his pajama pants --

and covered Aya with gentle kisses -- neck, chest, nipples, stomach.

"Mm, Yohji," Aya moaned.} Yohji moved his hand slowly over his erection,

moaning softly. {He knelt next to Aya, tracing the lines of his torso to

the waistband of his boxers, smiling at the growing erection. He leaned

forward to kiss him, and Aya threaded long white fingers into his hair,

pulling him close for another kiss. Aya's hands trailed down Yohji's

neck, over his arms and to his legs, then over to his own body, where he

gently brushed his straining erection. "Are you ready?" Aya asked.}

"God," Yohji groaned, stroking harder. {He pulled Aya's shorts off and

lifted Aya's hips, kneeling under him. Gently, he entered Aya and slowly

started fucking him, increasing pace as he neared orgasm. "Yohji," Aya

moaned, "touch me, please!" He took Aya's straining cock into his hand

and stroked it in rhythm with his thrusting, until they both came noisily,

each shouting the other's name.} Yohji lay panting, his hand and belly

covered with sticky fluid. [A guy can dream, can't he?] He pulled a few

tissues from the box.

Aya lay on his side, his erection brushing his boxers. He reached down

and stroked it, remembering the feel of Yohji's body pressed against him

and the smell of his hair. Quickly, adeptly, he brought himself to orgasm

and got out of bed, tossing the dirty shorts in the laundry.

In the flowershop, Aya was making himself busy by arranging flowers, or

washing windows, or watering - anything he could think of to avoid having

to face Yohji, who, of course, hadn't bothered to come downstairs for work

yet. Not that he had really minded waking up next to the tall blond, but

he wasn't about to admit that to anyone - especially not the blond in

question. [Don't need friends. Friends are only liabilities in this line

of work.] [But if you don't talk to someone, you're going to go crazy.]

[Maybe I already am crazy. After all, I'm standing here having a

conversation with myself.] He sighed.

Omi looked up. "Aya-kun? What's wrong?"

Aya looked up from the plant he was watering. "Nothing's wrong."

Just then, the familiar casual tenor interrupted. "Where's Ken?"

"Oh, good morning Yohji-kun! I don't know where Ken-kun is. I think he

went to play soccer," Omi answered.

Aya turned back to the plant before Yohji could make eye contact.

[Yep, this is going to be strange,] Yohji thought while he put his apron

on. [Ah, well, we can't avoid each other forever. There's going to be

another mission sometime, and we live and work in the same place.] He

walked over to the shelves where Aya was watering plants.

Aya saw him coming and focused on the flower. [What does he want?]

"Hey, Aya."

Aya turned his head and glared at him. "What?"

"Nothing, man, geez. Thought you might want me to help out or something."

"I've already watered most of these. Why don't you sweep or something?"

Aya replied, doing his best to keep his voice steady and tone civil.

Simply seeing Yohji made him think of that morning. [It's going to be a

long day.]


Manx arrived with a new mission for them that evening. They were to

eliminate two men - Koga and Kase, head and number 2 of a crime

organization known for killing innocents.

Ken gaped. "Kase's not like that! Please, postpone this mission 3 days -

no, even two will be okay." He ran upstairs.

Yohji called after him and moved to follow him, when Aya stopped him with

a word.

"He's in pain. Let him go."

Yohji looked at him and blinked. [How does this guy do that? He always

seems to know when people need to be alone. I guess he's got a lot of

experience with wanting to be alone.] He almost blushed at that. [Here

I've been trying to get into his business, and he just wants to be alone.

Doesn't he?] He tore his gaze away from the redhead. [I guess I should

back off and really let him come to me when he wants to - IF he wants.

But he always looks so ... sad.]


They completed the mission, or, truthfully, Ken completed the mission, and

the others helped him out. It was obviously hard for Ken - no one wants

to kill an old friend, even if said old friend betrayed you twice.


When Omi went to open the shop the next morning, he found a note from Ken,

saying that he needed a break and would be gone for the day. "Poor

Ken-kun," he sighed, picked up a broom, and started sweeping.

"Omi, can I talk to you a minute?"

Omi jumped and turned around to find Yohji staring at him. "Don't sneak

up on me like that!"

"Were you daydreaming, Bishounen?"

Omi made a show of putting the broom away to hide his blush. "What do you

want to talk about, Yohji?"

Yohji dropped into a chair and sighed. "What do you think I want to talk

about?" [I can't believe I'm asking for relationship advice from a high

schooler.] "I think I fucked up. I fell asleep in Aya's bed, and from

the way he was looking at me when I woke up, he wasn't too happy about


"Well, he could have woken you up and kicked you out..."

"I think he'd just woken up, too."

Omi nodded and made an understanding noise. "What were you doing there,


"Well, uh, I looked in his door when I got home, since it was standing

open, and he woke up and told me to come in and sit down." [What a vision

he presented, too.] Yohji decided to leave out any more details. "Then

the other day I realized that maybe - just maybe - he wants to be left

alone, and here I am, trying to get into his business." [And his pants.]

He sighed. "And he's been not quite avoiding me ever since. I guess I

should just back off."

Omi looked at him sympathetically.

Yohji's expression changed from morose to jovial. "So what - or whom -

were you daydreaming about, Bishounen?"

Omi flustered and flushed, and before he was forced into answering, a

crowd of girls came into the store.

Yohji thought he heard a sigh of relief and chuckled to himself.


Yohji followed Ken one evening to find out where he'd been spending all

his time lately. Ken emerged from an apartment, followed quickly by a

girl, who hugged and kissed him before he walked down the stairs to his


He emerged from hiding and called to Ken. "How many people have you

killed? Do you think you can embrace her?"

Ken flinched and replied, "I want to make her dream come true." He took

off on his bike, leaving Yohji to stand there and reflect.

[As if I'm any better. I'm as much a murderer as he is. I don't deserve

other people's affection.] He lit a cigarette and took a deep drag. [I

wonder if that's what's going through Aya's head, that he's unworthy.]

Another drag. [I wonder what the real Aya is like, underneath all that

ice.] Another drag. [I wonder if I'll ever get to find out.]

Another. [I hope he lets me find out.] Another, before dropping the

half-smoked cigarette onto the ground and stepping on the glowing

embers. [I won't push him.]




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