Spent Night

Chapter 5


Yohji’s POV

I was more than mad when I finally got the room back into some kind of order. Aya had emerged from the bathroom, all smiles and sighs, and started rubbing himself against me. At first, I thought that it was maybe one of the personalities but was surprised to discover that it was actually Aya.

Oh, it was excellent sex… but it was what happened after sex that bothered me. Aya didn’t say a word but just turned, giving me his back and mumbled something that sounded like "thought so." I asked what he meant by that but Aya didn’t answer, which either meant that he was either pissed or just simply ignoring me.

I really hoped it was the latter…with the way Aya’s moods had been changing, I would rather be ignored than have him mad at me. However, when I woke up the next morning, Aya was up…probably for quite a while with how cold his side of the bed had been. Walking into the kitchen, Aya was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper and having some tea, actually acting normal.

"Hey Aya. You okay?"

Aya peered at me over the newspaper and gave me his usual answer whenever he tries to ignore me.

" Hn."

" You don’t have to ignore me. What’s wrong?"

A shrug before Aya folded the newspaper. He stared at me like he’s looking for something, some kind of confirmation. Then it comes to me.

Ah shit! He must be trying to see if I acted weird around him or I had noticed him acting weird. Well, I was not about to provide him with that information. Not only would he get mad, he would start thinking that I wanted to send him to the psychiatric ward again.

" What’s wrong?"

Aya blinked, and a slight blush came to his cheeks. Could have been embarrassment? Of what, I didn’t know. There was nothing that we didn’t know about each other.

" Nothing. Omi called."

" Oh? What did he want?" I asked as a poured myself a cup of coffee. It had become a morning ritual, replacing the booze I used to drink before, well, before I had moved in with Aya.

" There’s a mission that requires our services."

I choked on the coffee and spent the next few minutes trying to get my breathing back to normal. Aya had an amused smile plastered on his face, as if he had told a private joke and was amused by the idea.

" What are you smiling at?"

"Oh, nothing."

I stared. I knew I did. I had never heard that tone of voice from Aya. Well, I had heard it before but was hoping to gods that it wasn’t who I thought it was. The gods were more than comfortable making my life a living hell, as I was finding out lately. That personality was a pain in the ass, literally.

" What’s wrong?"

" What are you doing here, Ryo?" My voice sounded strange even my ears - dead.

Aya…I mean, Ryo raised an eyebrow and just smiled, but that smile was pure venom, almost as if I was dinner. It made me feel more defensive.

" I was just visiting. Been cooped up a little too long. Would you mind?" The redhead reached for the pack of cigarettes I had brought in with me. I just shrugged. Perhaps the less I fought with him, the more he would listen to me. Not bloody likely.

" Well, as my dear Aya had been saying, the kitten called. We have a mission. Oh, don’t give me that look; your Aya will be back by then. You’re supposed to go to the flower shop with Aya and get the details."

" We haven’t taken any jobs for almost three years…why now?"

Aya shrugged as he exhaled the cigarette smoke. " How should I know? I just got here." Ryo laughed at that, finding it increasingly amusing. I was just annoyed, annoyed and tired, enough that I almost smiled at Ryo’s comment. Almost.

Ryo got up and arched his back, stretching himself out of the chair. I could hear some of his bones pop, but I was more interested in watching how the black sweater he wore rode up, exposing his abdomen. Ryo stopped in mid-stretch and grinned.

" Jeez, you would think that nailing him all night would take those thoughts out of your head."

I had the grace to blush at the choice of words. I knew I was a playboy, I should be used to it. Well, I wasn’t, not when it came to Aya. I still lusted for the guy more than ever and that in itself was against my principles. I loved Aya but honestly, I never thought I would still want him this much after all this time together.

" Ah, you’re a shy one." Ryo chuckled at his statement.

" Yamero," I said, starting to feel the beginnings of a headache. " If you are just here to make my life impossible, you should leave. It’s weird enough as it is that I’m even talking to you."

Ryo chuckled at that and put out his cigarette. " Yohji, you should be used to this by now."

Getting up, I put my mug in the sink before turning to face Ryo. It was true that I was getting used to it. I could even tell them all apart by the subtle differences. With Ryo, it was posture, his frame more relaxed than Aya’s. Also, the fact that every movement he made seemed calculated. In other words, the guy was a big flirt. It was weird talking to him because it was almost a competition as to who was better at getting the other to spread his legs - pardon my french.

" Yeah, I should be used to you, but that doesn’t mean I have to like you."

Ryo outright laughed at that as if I had said the most amusing thing. " Don’t flatter yourself, Blondie. I like you but just as a bed partner. Anyways, you should be glad I’m talking to you. I’m here to warn you."

" Warn me?" I frowned, not trusting Ryo to tell the truth. He had tried worse lines when trying to get into my pants.

An exasperated huff of air left Ryo’s lips. " Yeah, warn you. Better listen to me. Gendo is not happy with you, or even the whole relationship you guys have going on. He’s a jealous bastard. I should know. Don’t do anything to piss him off or you’ll regret it. The only reason nothing has happened is because you’ve been smart enough to pretend that nothing has happened. If Aya gets angry with you, Gendo will take over and I dunno what he’ll do. That guy is repressed as they come. He’s gonna explode someday. Hopefully, you won’t be the target."

I was surprised to say the least. Ryo had never tried to have a normal conversation. I didn’t know what I expected. Maybe he was going to tell me about how many people he’d slept with or something. Running a hand to get the hair out of my eyes, I picked up the box of cigarettes and lit one.

" So Gendo’s pissed. Can’t say I’m surprised."

Ryo smiled and patted my back, smiling. " Welcome to the club. Anyways, whenever you wanna play around, you can call me. I don’t have anything better to do."

I raised an eyebrow at that. " Oh? I’m supposed to be flattered by that?"

" You betcha, Blondie. Gonna take a shower. Join me?"

I laughed, even though I had always hated Ryo and the lot of them, the guy had never given me a big reason to hate him. It wasn’t his fault Aya had created him in a moment of desperation. At least the redhead didn’t have a head full of pricks.

" No, I’ll pass. I only take showers with Aya."

" You’re no fun. You don’t know what you’re missing."

" Oh, I have an idea," I said in between chuckles. A small smile was all Ryo gave me before he went in the bathroom and locked the door.

Aya and I arrived at the flower shop at around noon. I wasn’t very happy - a Yohji dragged out of bed early usually means you get a cranky Yohji most of the day. Omi opened the door and looked at us nervously. I guess he expected us to still be mad at each other.

" Hey kiddo," I said, entering the shop and ruffling his hair in the process.

" I’m not a kid anymore," said Omi, pouting a bit.

" Oh, I know that," The knowing smile I gave him made him blush beet red.

" Baka," muttered Aya before going to the kitchen and getting a bottle of water. He drank a bit from it before speaking. " What’s this job? I hope it’s not Kritiker again."

Omi flinched at the mention of Kritiker and I knew Aya had hit the mark.

" Who contacted you?"

" Birman. I really tried to say no, but you know how they get if you deny them. She promised that she would leave us alone after this job."

" Somehow I doubt that. They took all the trouble to find us so I doubt they’re gonna let us go now." I closed my eyes reflecting on that thought. They were like demons, once you promise them your soul, they could come and claim it whenever they please.

" Yohji-kun, she promised. Besides Kritiker’s a disaster right now. We were the only team they could trust."

" Or could find," added Aya from his spot near the fridge. " You know that most of Kritiker’s teams have gone underground after the security breach two years ago."

Omi lowered his eyes to stare at his feet. " I know. I was just trying…"

" Don’t worry kiddo. Aya’s just cranky because I smoked in the apartment." I saw the look Aya shot me - it was too cute.

" So you’ll do it?"

" Of course. Besides, we need the money. Whadya say Aya?"

"Hn." Well, it’s better than nothing.

Omi and I stared at each other as Aya just looked out the window. "What does Ken think about this?"

Omi jumped when he heard Aya’s voice again.

"Huh? Oh…he’s okay with it, Aya-kun"

" I seriously doubt that." And I turned to stare. Oh God no…I really didn’t think Aya would be doing his personality changing in front of Omi. [The young boy had a hard time as it was dealing with the idea of Aya being a little unhinged, but as it was Omi either failed to notice the change of voice or was ignoring it. " Well then, we won’t have any problems, will we? Can I see that report?"

Omi nodded and left the room to get it. I saw this as my opportunity to get Aya back to "normal."

" Who the hell are you?"

" Nice to see you, Kudou."

Oh shit. It’s Gendo. " To what do we owe this visit?"

Every time Gendo came out, it still gave me the creeps. It was as if the guy was modeled after Crawford, only it wasn’t right to see my lover looking at me as if he was planning on how to get rid of me.

Gendo smiled then, a predatory smile as if he could read me, see what I was thinking.

" Just wanted some fresh air, Kudou-san"

I was starting to get angry but I couldn’t take the risk of angering the prick…as much as I disliked him, if he got mad, I might not see Aya again.

" We have a mission." I said awkwardly, not really knowing what to tell the guy.

" I know. Do I make you nervous?" The guy enjoyed seeing me squirm.

I shrugged. "Not really, I just wonder what you’re gonna do to Aya, that’s all."

Gendo laughed, and my eyes widened at this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that man crack a genuine smile. It sounded as if he was genuinely amused.

" I get the picture Kudou, the little one’s coming." And as I turned to see Omi, Aya was back to normal. This was too weird, even for me.

The mission was supposed to be an easy one: go in, and go out, but of course, I never said the gods ever made it easy for us to kill. First, the warehouse had been more protected than the report Omi gave us said. Secondly, we were all so out of practice that we were making simple and idiotic mistakes, which were pissing me off. When Schwartz appeared out of nowhere, it was the final straw. I had believed all this time that they were dead or tried to fool myself into thinking that they were dead. I really hated those guys, especially the redhead and his attempts to see into people’s minds.

" Hello. Miss us?"

" Not really," I said, leaning against the wall behind me. Aya was beside me, looking of all things, normal. I was desperate to get him out of this. This whole mission had been a disaster. Aya had been switching personalities as if he had an off and on switch in his head. Meeting Schwartz in here was not a good idea when you had a partner that was switching personalities every two seconds.

Hopefully, Omi was about ready for that little distraction he had planned.

" Weiss, didn’t expect you here," said Crawford.

Schuldich laughed at the comment and turned to Aya. It was then, for the first time in my life that I saw the telepath surprised. His mouth opened slightly before ridding his face of all traces of emotion. Aya was smiling.

I looked back and forth between both of them and then the gods showed how much they loved to screw with my life by having Aya start to talk. Or shall I say, Ryo.

" Is this the great German telepath? Never seen a telepath before." Aya was flirting. In the middle of a mission, he was flirting and with the fucking telepath.

" Ryo, back off." Aya turned to look at me before blinking and going back to the Aya I loved.

Crawford smiled before saying, "It seems we have overstayed our welcome, Schuldich you can play with the kitten later. Let’s go."

As I watched Schwartz leave, I had the sinking feeling that something bad was about to happen, not only because of what Crawford had said but also because of the hungry look Schuldich gave Aya before leaving. He must have said something because Aya paled and was about to gut the man. But the explosion that went off stopped him and we were all too busy escaping the inferno to pay any more attention.

When we reached our apartment, Aya went immediately to take a shower, complaining about the blood that was stuck in his clothes. Well, I wasn’t surprised; the idiot had gone into a rampage when one of the guards managed to clock him. I’m sure that wasn’t Aya but none of the personalities in there had that kind of crazy streak. He had enjoyed himself, had enjoyed making all those men suffer. I had been so surprised that all I could do was watch the bloodshed. I’m afraid, not for me but for Aya. What if he has a personality that was like Farfarello? What would I do? And then, that dumbass Ryo had started flirting with Schuldich, attracting unwanted attention. Sighing, I sat on the bed, listening to the shower run in the background while my mind was filled of images that I didn’t want to see. More than worried about Aya’s personalities, I was jealous. And I felt sick.



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