Chapter 7

"What’s wrong with me?" asked Aya to nobody in particular. He was in one of his moods because he was feeling like hell. Not that it was his fault. Of course not. He knew if he didn’t have people in his mind constantly talking nonsense he would feel better. That was not to mention the fact that the German bastard had decided that Aya was interesting enough to drive insane.

He wasn’t going to school today, it wasn’t a good day. Besides he couldn’t bear to see Umi again after vomiting in front of her. Yohji had found that hilarious saying that he didn’t know Aya could be embarrassed about such a small thing. Well, he hadn’t been the one to puke out his guts in front of her. When Yohji had asked what happened, Aya chose to pretend ignorance. He couldn’t tell Yohji.

Of all the things he could do, Aya wasn’t very sure Yohji would forgive him for going out with the enemy. Sleeping with him might be a different matter entirely. That was without saying, that and the fact that he still didn’t know why he had been there with Schuldich in the first place…


"What are you talking about?"

Aya lifted his gaze from his lap, where he had fisted the bed sheets. Yohji was there, standing in the room doorway wearing some black boxers with a mug in one hand and a cigarette in another.

"Don’t even think about lighting that thing on."

Yohji grinned, "Of course not beautiful. It helps me control my cravings."

"Hn, I told you quitting would be better."

"Oi, I’m not quitting. Here." The blonde extended the mug to him before sitting beside him on the bed. "How are you feeling today?"

"You know what? I was thinking that maybe we both need a break. Maybe some fresh country air will do us some good."

Aya smiled as he took a sip from the mug. He loved this, waking up to a peaceful morning and drinking some green tea. Yohji knew what he craved every morning: peace and quiet.

"So…what do you think?"

"Depends, when are you planning on taking this ‘break’?"

Yohji frowned at Aya’s amusement, "Are you mocking me?"


"Like I believe you. You laugh at half the stuff I say."

The redhead smiled at that.

"Okay, I’m sorry. What did you want to say?"

Yohji pouted beautifully making Aya want to kiss him. The blonde could be so cute sometimes.

"You’re not sorry. Well, I know you haven’t been sleeping well so I thought that maybe the four of us could go to the springs in Beppu. The Nogamihonkan Ryokan has some nice hot springs, and we could relax for some days."
Aya blinked; that sounded nice and it might help him get his mind off everything that had been stressing him lately.

"That sounds nice."

Yohji grinned then hugged the redhead, "I hope you’ll like it."

"Umm, what did you mean ‘the four of us?’ Ken and Omi?"

"Oh yeah, they’re coming. Their arrangement…it’s been getting a bit weird, well at least that’s what chibi said."


"You sound so interested."

"I am."

"Ken have you packed everything?"

"Umm?…" Ken surveyed his room; it was clean. For the first time in years he had cleaned all of his room, arranged his clothes in hangers, built a shelve in where to put his various soccer magazines, and a box to put all of his practice balls in. The room looked nice, even Omi had been surprised. And why did he clean it? Because he had felt bad having Omi clean everything everyday and he wanted to show the blonde genki boy that he could also do it.

Well, at least in his room.

"Ken? We’re going to be late meeting Yohji and Aya."

"Okay, I’m coming." Picking up his duffel bag the brunette left the room to meet Omi at the bottom of the steps.

"What kept you?" asked Omi, a bit annoyed at having to wait for Ken.

Ken smiled, "Sorry, I was checking that I hadn’t forgotten anything."

"Oh. Okay then, so you’re ready?"


Omi’s smile made Ken stare at him; he was starting to fall in love with him. Not a good thing that if the brunette took into consideration the type of luck he had with relationships.



Ken blinked before shaking his head, "Nothing. It was nothing."

"Oh, okay."

This was going to be a long trip.

Yohji was whistling a little pop tune while he drove Aya’s car to Beppu. The scenery was the part the blonde loved the most about traveling. It gave one the opportunity to appreciate the beautiful things in life. Besides, the florist in him appreciated seeing nature in its true form, wild and untamed. Not that he didn’t like arranged gardens but also seeing nature before it was messed with gave him a sense of peace.

"How far do we still have to go?"

"Umm, I think another three hours," said the blonde as he chewed on an unlit cigarette. Aya smiled faintly at him before turning his head to look out of the window. It was a beautiful day.

A beautiful quiet day with no problems, at least not from Aya. It was days like this that Yohji remembered why he loved the man so much, why he still lived with him. It was a good thing to be reminded of this because a person could forget, especially when said partner was a MPD sufferer who was too stubborn to go and seek treatment.

"You seem pleased with yourself," said Aya, not turning from watching the window. The redhead knew why Yohji had decided to take them on this trip. He was having blackouts; he could accept this because he was aware of the time lapses. Having to admit to Yohji that he found himself in places that he shouldn’t be was a bit harder, especially with what happened the last time he had woken up in a strange place. He loved Yohji, he knew that but lately their relationship had been a bit strained because of him. Yohji was a patient man but no saint, he could put up with his tantrums better than anyone, which was why they were still together. However, Aya knew he didn’t make it easy for him, and this vacation perhaps was what they both needed. It was better to do this than drive each other crazy because they were all stressed.

The blonde smiled as he flipped his hair from his eyes, "I am. We haven’t had a proper break in almost two years, this should be nice." The grin that was thrown his way clearly showed the type of thoughts that were going through his boyfriend’s mind.

"You have a dirty mind."

Yohji laughed, "Oh don’t tell me you don’t."

Aya had the grace to blush.

The hotel was beautiful. It was located at the base of a mountain, allowing only the fresh air descending from the mountain to reach them. The bird calls and insect songs were soothing while the rustling of leaves made them feel a bit more secluded than they actually were. A great time to be here since it wasn’t crowded, giving them the peace and isolation they were seeking. It was night making the place seem more isolated than usual, all the boys were pleased with the place. Yohji went to the pay for the rooms, one for him and Aya and another for Ken and Omi. The younger boys, though, had seemed a bit stressed at the prospect of sharing a room; it was funny considering how much they slept together.

"It’s okay chibi, no use in getting your pants in a knot." Omi had shot him a dirty look before following Ken into their room. The blonde turned to his lover seeing the tired way he carried himself, he looked so vulnerable.

"You should go to bed," said the blonde once they entered their room. The room was in the same theme as the rest of the hotel, peace and tranquility were engraved in every nook. The room was cozy with one king sized bed, a small fireplace in the middle of the room. The bathroom was beautiful with a Jacuzzi, shower, and big vanity. Yohji whistled a bit under his breath as Aya dropped his suitcase on the bed to sort his things out.

"You’re doing that right now? You should go to bed," said the blonde as he dropped on the bed beside Aya’s suitcase.

Aya sighed running his hand through his hair before shooting the blonde a look that reflected absolute patience, "Yohji, you know I can’t go to bed before fixing this. You should do the same."

"Hai, hai," said the blonde as he took out his crumpled pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket and placed them on the dinner table in the room.
"And no smoking, I want fresh air all the time I’m here."

"What?!" Wide green eyes looked into smiling violet ones. Oh but Aya was getting off with making him quit smoking at least for the week they were to be here. The blonde was not happy but if he didn’t listen then he would have to go with either no smoking or no sex, and as much as he liked smoking he liked sex better.

"You heard me."

"Yeah. You’ll have to make it up to me."

"I always do."

Yohji smiled slyly as he walked over to hug his lover from behind. The redhead was pliant in his arms, moving his neck to the side to give the blonde access to nuzzle him.

"Hmm," smiled the redhead while letting the blonde support his weight.

"You still drive me crazy you know? Even after all this time I’m still crazy about you."

Aya smiled, " And I wouldn’t change it for the world."

"You better not. Hmm…but it makes me wonder if you like having me like this. Driving me crazy on a daily basis." By now the blonde had moved the black shirt that covered his lover away from his neck and started kissing the area where neck met shoulder. The thought of going to sleep was moving farther and farther away from their minds.

"Yohji, you were who said that I should sleep."

Yohji smiled, "There’s no reason why I shouldn’t help you."

"You do have a point."

The redhead turned in his arms raising his lips towards those of the blonde. The blonde met him halfway, verdant eyes full of passion at the thought of being once more buried inside Aya’s body. He teased the redhead’s lips with his tongue trying to get entrance to the warm cavern of his mouth. Aya tasted as he always did of lemon tea with a hint of honey, a taste that Yohji had yet to be tired of. Moaning, he hugged Aya’s waist trying to bring their bodies closer. In order to rub their arousals together as each of them fed on the excitement of the other. Once they reached the point where they could no longer bear to be separated by clothes and were about to do something about it there was a knock at their door.

"Aya? Yohji?"

"Damn it!" whispered the blonde. "Just when things were starting to get good."

Aya smiled before stepping away from Yohji. "This was your idea. We have to meet them to eat."

"Yeah, yeah. Tonight I’m going to get payment, you hear me?"

"I’m not complaining."

"You’re a tease."
Aya smiled.

Ken and Omi felt a bit odd sharing a room when they had such a weird relationship. It wasn’t the fact that they were sharing the room as much as the increasing attraction between the two. Even those few minutes that they had spent in the room had made the air feel thicker. Avoidance was not going to solve the problem…sadly. At least that’s what Ken thought. He would rather avoid Omi than have to accept the fact that even though their relationship had started more like a ‘friends with benefits’ type, it was now becoming something more. Simply being in the same room near Omi made him feel butterflies in the pit of his stomach.

"What do you want to do?"

The question nearly made Ken jump out of his skin. He grinned sheepishly as he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his head. This was too confusing, the way his emotions switched on him every minute of the day.

"Well maybe we should go get something to eat. What about that?"

Omi blinked a bit before smiling, "Hai, Ken-kun. Ano…are you alright?"

It was Ken’s turn to stare at the young blonde before him. He didn’t think he was being that obvious.

"I’m fine, don’t worry about me," said the brunette, grinning broadly. "Now let’s see what we’re going to eat."

They walked out of their room looking at their surroundings. The hotel was beautiful since it was located at the edge of a mount. The air felt fresher and cleaner than it did in Tokyo. It was a nice break from all the pollution and the scent of blood that came with their profession. Omi watched the brunette as the jock walked ahead, the way his hips moved without any conscious control. It made the blonde blush the way his thoughts seemed to derail every time he started thinking about Ken. It wasn’t his fault, was it? Ken seemed to bring out the worst in him, making him think about things he shouldn’t. All because one night they had both gotten too drunk and ended up in bed.

"Omi? Are you alright?"

Omi came to with Ken staring at him. The blonde blushed. There was no way that he was going to let Ken know how much he affected him.

"Yeah, sure Ken-kun. I was just a bit distracted."
Ken raised an eyebrow, "Don’t you like it here? You looked a bit upset."

Omi smiled, "I do like it. So what are we going to do tonight?"

"I was thinking of going to the baths tonight, what do you think? You want to come with me?"

"Sure, let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving."

"Aya come on…" whispered the blonde as he tried to get his lover to go with him to their room. The blonde hated every time Aya decided he was going to be a prick and make it difficult for him to get him into bed with him. Tonight was one of those times, but not because the redhead was mad at him. No, it was because he wanted to make Yohji work at it a little. But he didn’t want to have to pry the man off the sofa with a crowbar, he wanted to get laid, dammit! Was that too much to ask? The blonde was sure that if a survey was taken by all the men in the hotel he would be proven right. Except for Aya. Yohji was beginning to think that Aya had been born with a few genetic problems, one of those being the lack of a sex drive.

"Aya come on…I’m tired of watching this movie," pleaded the blonde as he watched the screen once more. It was some movie he had watched when he was a bit younger: a lot of death, it was one of those plague movies, not the type of movie Aya would normally indulge in. Except for the fact that Ken and Omi were interested in watching it and Aya ‘thought’ he needed to keep them company. As if the bastard was so concerned about what their younger friends thought about him. No, Yohji knew how Aya’s mind worked and the redhead knew that Yohji had wanted to fuck him ever since they got there. The redhead got off in making the blonde suffer.

"Don’t you dare think about pouting." Was the only response the blonde got from his lover. Oh well.

Yohji eyed the man warily as he thought about pouting. Then seemed to think better of it and just sighed, "Well then if you don’t mind I’m going to take a bath. My back hurts from the driving."


The blonde shook his head as he left the room, once outside he lighted a cigarette and stood there looking out into the night. It was so quiet, so peaceful compared to the few disasters these past months had brought them. First with Aya’s personalities coming back…

There was something about that that bothered him even if he tried to pretend that nothing was wrong. There was something that Aya wasn’t telling him, he knew it. He had found himself more often than not watching his lover out of the corner of his eye as he tried to come up with an explanation. Like that night that Aya had gone missing and stumbled back at the crack of dawn completely drunk. Okay, Ryo was completely drunk. When Aya woke up a little bit afterwards he had a hungover but didn’t remember anything. Fucking Ryo, leaving him with a hungover and irritated Aya while he had all the fun the night before.

He had never mention that fact to Aya, afraid that if his lover knew that his personalities were getting worse the man would leave him. He loved Aya, no matter how much he tried to deny it. It had all started with a little sex and after that Yohji couldn’t leave the man. He wouldn’t. It was just that thought that kept him by Aya’s side, he couldn’t leave his lover to deal with this. Which is why he felt worse when he remembered the time he had walked out on him. The blonde had only been gone a few days and Aya was falling apart, no longer able to control himself.

"You’ll get wrinkled if you keep frowning like that."

The sound startled Yohji enough that he felt his heart stop in his chest. "You should make a noise when you move. Give people a chance not to die of a panic attack."

Aya rolled his eyes as he hugged the blonde’s waist. "I’ll remember that next time."

Yohji smiled, "Liar. Are you okay?"

Yohji could hear the redhead sigh as he thought about it, such a simple question was so complicated for the both of them, "Yes…I think I am."

The blonde hugged the redhead to him, he was so thin. He would have to make sure that Aya ate or he was going to have a very bony lover in the next few months. "That’s good to hear. I was starting to worry about you."

"I’m tired, let’s go to bed."

"Oh?" asked the blonde as a smirk started to spread through his face.

"Sleep Yohji. I—I just want to be held tonight." The last admission came with a fair amount of blushing and a bit of stuttering. The last being with a fair amount of blushing and bit of stuttering.

The blonde smiled a he hugged his lover closer to him. He would do anything for this frail man that he held in his hands.

"Sure Aya."



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