Charles d' Izarn de Méjanel

As soon as it(he) had bought the castle, in 1778 , it(he) began to restore him(it) to be able to live in him(it). It(he) establishes an agreement with both brothers Malleviale of Coudayrolles, mason. The works to be made(done) were clarified and the fixed price. It was a question in particular of redoing completely all the roofs.

During the Revolution, the castle undergoes few damages. Only badges were beaten. One said that Coupiagais had burned the archives of the castle to remove the acts where were returnable the royalties which they had towards the Lord.

But it does not seem exact. It seems rather that(than) archives were scattered by the successive owners. The proof is there that certain documents were found to Saint-Sernin or in the Tarn, at the former(ancient) owners of the castle.

On the other hand, in the XIX-th century, Coupiagais continued to pay to Izarn the pensions that they owed previously in of Panat.

Coupiac forms, in 1791 , the administrative centre of canton of this same name; but in the administrative district of France of the year X, this canton was killed(abolished) and  gathered(reunited) to Saint-Sernin.

In 1808, Charles d' Izarn sold the Big Wood and the commonplace oven to a group of forty united Coupiagais among them. He died in Coupiac's castle in 1820.

Etienne d' Izarn

Been born on May 21, 1772 and married to N. de Corneilhan de Lajas, it(he) lived in the castle and died there in 1837. It(he) had only girls, among whom three made religious. The fourth  married Welcome de Moncan, Vios, Lagarde's parish. This one inherited from Coupiac's castle in the death of his(her)  father-in-law.

In 1835, there was repairs of the roof of the castle.


Hat, notary with Sailing, acquired(bought back) this castle, some years later to Moncan.

The abbot Souyris, bought him(it) in his turn, in 1872 , from Hat, and he bequeathed him(it) to Coupiac's factory with the idea that one could open it a private school.

In 1906, one asked the heirs of the abbot Souyris, because of the "inventories" to claim this castle so that it(he) no devînt not no State ownership. The court gave them earning of cause.

In 1908, Souyris de Solages, legal owner of the castle, sold him(it) to the abbot Germain Genieys, the priest of Solages, so that he re-came to Coupiac's parish.

In 1967, this bill of sale was registered(recorded), and the heir of the abbot Genieys returned, by bill of sale, the castle to the parish.

In 1981, the municipality buys the castle.

In 1982, is lawful the association " Los amics del castel de Copiac " (The friends of Coupiac's castle) whose purpose is the restoration and the sociocultural animation.

In 1985, Coupiac's city hall signs a lease of rent with the association of the Friends of the castle. This lease allows to this last one to join the union R. E. M.P. A . R . T., union of associations was authorized in the restoration of the patrimony in association with the Architects of the Buildings(ships) of France.


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