Masdevallia mejiana Garay


Publié dans Orquideología, Revista de la Sociedad Colombiana de Orquideología 5: 17. 1970.


Masdevallia mejiana Garay 1970 sec Masdevallia

This species was named after Don Alvarao Mejia of Medellín, Colombia, who was growing it in his collection at the time of its identification. It was later found to range along the western slopes of the Columbian Andes at elevations of 800 1000 meters. It grows best at average temperatures ranging from 60 - 83°F. The species grows epiphytically near the tops of large trees meaning that it, like M. strobelii, likes brighter light than one typically associates with growing Masdevallia. Mine hangs directly under my fluorescent lights. The flowers are large for the size of the plant and tend to come out laterally beyond the margins of the foliage. To allow for optimal display of flowers they should be mounted or alternatively potted in narrow, taller pots so that the flowers will show themselves well around the bottom. The flowers appear in a flush and on a specimen plant they make a very impressive display. The plant in the image has 5 flowers and buds on 8 growths. The flowers are very long lasting (~ 2 months) with good substance and are scented with a spicy somewhat sweet aroma.

There are 4 awards to M. mejiana, two CHMs and two CCMs. The highest CCM was for a plant with 33 flowers, 7 buds on 51 growths growing in a two inch pot. There are few hybrids made with M. mejiana. M. mejiana crossed with tovarensis produced the hybrid ‘SNOWBIRD’ - there are 3 other primary hybrids, none awarded, a couple of complex hybrids and one second generation hybrid made with Snowbird. Snowbird favors the tovarensis parent and to my eye doesn’t really add much to the look of the offspring but probably makes it much easier to grow and flower by adding warmth tolerance.




Marianna Max

West Orange, New Jersey



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