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French nationality
25 years old (born on 04/21/1973)

Graduate in Computer Science engineering

Diplôme in Computer Science (grade B pass)
Spécialisation en Imagerie de synthèse
Marne-la-Vallée University
1995 - 1996
Degree and research degree in Computer Science (grade B pass)
and professional degree in Computer Science engineering (grade B pass)
Marne-la-Vallée University
1993 - 1995
University Degree in human ressources management
Marne-la-Vallée University
september 1994

Sabbatical year
World tour with volunteer job in local associations
Canada, Argentina, Norway, Mongolia, Lebanon, Senegal
1997 - 1998
Military service as computer scientist
Data management for the employees
Military Personnel Management of the Army
1996 - 1997
Modelling of a website produced and controlled by a database
Working with another student for a antics seller
august 1996
Computer science teacher for first year students
Marne-la-Vallée University
1995 - 1996
Servicing of a management software for managing students (in foxBase)
Demography institute of Paris
1994 - 1996
Computer graphics course
exchange program between european universities
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
summer semester 1994

Operating systems: DOS, Windows 95, UNIX
Script programming: UNIX Shells, Perl
Structured and object programming: Pascal, C, C++, Java (still learning)
Interface and graphic libraries: XWindows, Motif, OpenGL
Markup languages: TeX, LaTeX, HTML
Databases: foxBase, Oracle (SQL), Access

Foreign languages
English: level 500 in TOEFL
German: reading, speaking and writing (plenty of trips)
Spanish: notions

Last release on 01/11/1998