Rappelez-vous Marie-Soleil

Marie-Soleil was a very great actress. She was animating the Telethon Enfant Soleil since 6 years. She was even giving her home number to keep the contact with the children that she was helping... According to me, the death of this person isn't fair. Everybody liked Marie-Soleil because she was very generous. Marie-Soleil's death is a tragedy and the Quebec will take time to forget her. Marie-Soleil, thank you for everything you have done for us, thank you...

Here's some pictures of her

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     d'échange de bannières 1 pour 1jaffiche.net -
     le réseau d'échange de bannières 1 pour 1
jaffiche.net - le réseau d'échange de bannières 1 pour 1

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Last update : May 2nd 2000 by Drolshy