Ma (petite) contribution à Ada 95 et GWindows


SHRestartSystemMB@12    @59     NONAME
SHShutDownDialog@4      @60     NONAME
SHRunDialog@24          @61     NONAME
SHChangeIconDialog@16   @62     NONAME

SHGetExtension@4        @31     NONAME
SHAddBackslash@4        @32     NONAME
SHGetFileName@4         @34     NONAME
SHPathIsRelative@4      @40     NONAME
SHPathIsExe@4           @43     NONAME
SHFileExists@4          @45     NONAME
SHGetPathArgs@4         @52     NONAME
SHGetShortPathName@4    @92     NONAME

SHObjectProperties@16   @178    NONAME

@echo off
rem  File name: Build_libUDshell32.a.bat
echo on
dlltool -v --dllname shell32.dll --def UDshell32.def  --output-lib libUDshell32.a

with GNAT.OS_Lib;            use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Interfaces.C;           use Interfaces.C;
with GWindows;               use GWindows;
with Gwindows.Base;

package UD_Shell32 is
Type Scenario is (SHLogOff, SHShutDown, SHReBoot, SHForce, SHPowerOff);
procedure SHRestartSystemMB  (Win        : in GWindows.Base.Base_Window_Type'Class;
                                 Prompt     :
in String        := "";
                                 How        :
in Scenario      := SHReBoot);
procedure SHRestartSystemMB  (Prompt     : in String        := "";
                                 How        :
in Scenario      := SHReBoot);
procedure SHShutDownDialog;
Type RunFlag is (SHNo_Browse, SHNo_MRU, SHRelative_Path, SHNo_Label, SHNo_SeparateMem);
Type RunFlagArray is Array (RunFlag) of Boolean;
procedure SHRunDialog        (Win        : in GWindows.Base.Base_Window_Type'Class;
                                 IconName   :
in String        := "";
                                 Directory  :
in String        := GetEnv ("WinDir").all;
                                 Title      :
in String        := "";
                                 Comment    :
in String        := "";
                                 FlagArray  :
in RunFlagArray  := (Others => False));
procedure SHRunDialog        (IconName   : in String        := "";
                                 Directory  :
in String        := GetEnv ("WinDir").all;
                                 Title      :
in String        := "";
                                 Comment    :
in String        := "";
                                 FlagArray  :
in RunFlagArray  := (Others => False));
type SHObj_Type is (SHPrinter, SHFile);
procedure SHObjectProperties (Win        : in GWindows.Base.Base_Window_Type'Class;
                                 Target     :
in SHObj_Type   := SHFile;
                                 Path_FName :
in String;
                                 TabName    :
in String);

procedure SHObjectProperties (Target     : in SHObj_Type   := SHFile;
                                 Path_FName :
in String;
                                 TabName    :
in String);
type SHString_Access is access String;
procedure SHChangeIconDialog (Win           : in      GWindows.Base.Base_Window_Type'Class;
                                 IconFile      :
in out  SHString_Access;
                                 SystemDir     :
in      Boolean :=True;
                                 NumIcon       :
in out  Integer;
                                 Cancel        :
out     Boolean);
procedure SHChangeIconDialog (IconFile      : in out  SHString_Access;
                                 SystemDir     :
in      Boolean :=True;
                                 NumIcon       :
in out  Integer;
                                 Cancel        :
out     Boolean);

-- APIs non-documentées & constantes utiles

DeskTopHwnd     : constant Interfaces.C.long       := 16#0#;
function SHRestartSystemMBA  (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 PromptA    : char_array;
                                 Flags      : Interfaces.C.unsigned)
return Interfaces.C.long;
function SHRestartSystemMBW  (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 PromptW    : wchar_array;
                                 Flags      : Interfaces.C.unsigned)
return Interfaces.C.long;
   LogOff          :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#0#;
   ShutDown        :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#1#;
   ReBoot          :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#2#;
   Force           :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#4#;
   PowerOff        :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#8#;
gwYes           : constant Interfaces.C.long       := 16#6#;
   gwNo            :
constant Interfaces.C.long       := 16#7#;
function SHShutDownDialogAW  (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long) -- Pas de chaînes
return Interfaces.C.long;
function SHRunDialogA        (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 hIcon      : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 DirectoryA : char_array;
                                 TitleA     : char_array;
                                 CommentA   : char_array;
                                 Flags      : Interfaces.C.unsigned)
return Interfaces.C.long;
function SHRunDialogW        (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 hIcon      : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 DirectoryW : wchar_array;
                                 TitleW     : wchar_array;
                                 CommentW   : wchar_array;
                                 Flags      : Interfaces.C.unsigned)
return Interfaces.C.long;
   No_Browse       :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   :=  16#1#;
   No_MRU          :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   :=  16#2#;
   Relative_Path   :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   :=  16#4#;
-- petit bug sur les chemins comportant un espace...
No_Label        : constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   :=  16#8#;
   No_SeparateMem  :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#20#;--NT seulement

function SHChangeIconDialogA (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 FileNameA  : char_array;
                                 nMaxFile   : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 IconIndex  :
access Interfaces.C.long)
return Interfaces.C.long;
function SHChangeIconDialogW (hwnd       : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 FileNameW  : wchar_array;
                                 nMaxFile   : Interfaces.C.long;
                                 IconIndex  :
access Interfaces.C.long)
return Interfaces.C.long;
   gwCancel        :
constant Interfaces.C.long       := 16#0#;
   gwOk            :
constant Interfaces.C.long       := 16#1#;
function  SHObjectPropertiesA (hwnd      : Interfaces.C.long;
                                  uFlags    : Interfaces.C.unsigned;
                                  sNameA    : char_array;
                                  sParamA   : char_array)
return Interfaces.C.long;
function  SHObjectPropertiesW (hwnd      : Interfaces.C.long;
                                  uFlags    : Interfaces.C.unsigned;
                                  sNameW    : wchar_array;
                                  sParamW   : wchar_array)
return Interfaces.C.long;

   Printer         :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#1#;
   File            :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned   := 16#2#;
function IsWin9x return Boolean;

-- APIs documentées fort utiles...

function hInst return Interfaces.C.long;     

function LoadIcon (hInst   : Interfaces.C.long;
                      pszIcon : GString_C)
return Interfaces.C.long;

function GetSystemDirectory (Path   : GString_C;
                                nSize  : Interfaces.C.size_t)
return Interfaces.C.size_t;
type OSVERSIONINFO is record
dwOSVersionInfoSize : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
      dwMajorVersion      : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
      dwMinorVersion      : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
      dwBuildNumber       : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
      dwPlatformId        : Interfaces.C.unsigned_long;
      szCSDVersion        : GString_C (
0 .. 127);
end record;
function GetVersionEx (lpVersionInformation : LPOSVERSIONINFO)
   OVI_Win9x  :
constant Interfaces.C.unsigned_long :=   1;  

   Max_Path   :
constant Interfaces.C.size_t        := 260;
-- pragmas
pragma Linker_Options ("-lUDshell32");

pragma Import (Stdcall, SHRestartSystemMBA, "SHRestartSystemMB");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHRestartSystemMBW, "SHRestartSystemMB");

pragma Import (Stdcall, SHShutDownDialogAW, "SHShutDownDialog"); -- Pas de chaînes
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHRunDialogA, "SHRunDialog");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHRunDialogW, "SHRunDialog");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHChangeIconDialogA, "SHChangeIconDialog");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHChangeIconDialogW, "SHChangeIconDialog");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHObjectPropertiesA, "SHObjectProperties");
pragma Import (Stdcall, SHObjectPropertiesW, "SHObjectProperties");
pragma Import (C, hInst, "rts_get_hInstance");

pragma Import (StdCall, LoadIcon, "LoadIcon" & Character_Mode_Identifier);
pragma Import (Stdcall, GetSystemDirectory, "GetSystemDirectory" & Character_Mode_Identifier);
pragma Convention (C, OSVERSIONINFO);
pragma Import (Stdcall, GetVersionEx, "GetVersionEx" & Character_Mode_Identifier);

end UD_Shell32;

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