
Il faut fermer des yeux!


L'évolution de ma coiffure et ma chambre.




le 29 octobre 2000.

Je me suis coupée la frange moi-même.

Icky-Poo. I cut the Fringe myself

Le 10 Décembre 2000

Apres une coupe professionnelle?!? 160FF à Studio 12, rue de l'église, Antony

After a visit to the hairdresser's?!? S$40

Le 2 avril 2001

Chez l'Academie Toni & Guy (à côté du Louvre)

Gratos! (Free!)




Le 27 Novembre 2001

Qqs semaines après une coupe à Singapour. La dame était à la limite vulgaire dans son vocabulaire. J'ai payé 80F. Jérôme qui m'a vu, il y a deux semaines, pense que c'était mieux avant. Et toi? Christel disais que c'est très chinois!

I cut my hair during my week's getaway in Singapore. The lady said in Mandarin "Deng gei ni gai dao kah na sai!" Gosh, quite violent language, don't you think? It was a lot cheaper than in Paris. A Swedish friend said that the cut looks very chinese. Tony and Guy's seems to have stopped programming rdvs for the man or woman in the street.







29 January 2002

2nd time to Toni & Guy's. Waited for 1h+ after the appointed time. To think that I was turned away when I was 15 mins late a few months back! Finally got picked out of the three remaining dames left on the shelf by a hairdresser with blond hair speckled with brown spots, short on one side and long the other. She turned out to be such an angel despite the frowning look when she first saw me. Proposed a bowl cut but I've heard pple tell me so many times I've to avoid making my round face look even bigger that I protested and she accepted. Phew! Finally, her colleague proposed the T* cut. I've forgotten the name already! Must have been the most painful haircut in my life. She sure used those thinning scissors of hers to the max. Imagine my dismay when the stylist stopped by to say "Stop texturing. You've gone a bit too far!" Next came the plastering, otherwise known as "finish". Hair spray, gel and wax. 5 minutes later, Monsieur passes by and goes, "Hey there, go easy with the products. Not too much!" So here I am, washed out cos' I can't stand the artificial hair-standing products. Went to the washroom and pressed down the punk hairstyle. Pushed the door open and saw the hairdresser just outside. Decided to wait a while so as not to break the poor girl's heart. Comments from my friends have ranged from "Not bad" and "Suits you" from the nice ones to "Just passed the lawn mower?" from Martial.

PS. Am thinking of making all girlfriends visiting me in Paris pass through this ritual!

Dès le debut de l'année

With a new bed covers from a French hypermarket, Auchan, a (mad) cow and an inflatable cushion with blue fish in each corner.

I didn't know that I had to tuck the excess cloth of the bed cover at the end of the bed. While a friend explains the proper arrangement to me in the Regional Express Railway, a lady next to us shakes her head and almost sighs.

In my haste, I picked a blanket for warm weather and overheated rooms. Blooper! Given my underheated room, I've placed the 2 blankets I was using before in the bed cover. The sensation of the microfibre blanket is supposed to be really pleasant. Well, I'll let you know if my bed has really become more comfortable!

Depuis 1er avril 2001

Avec des nouvelles couette et housse acheté chez Auchan, ainsi qu'une vache (folle?) et un coussin gonflable (air-bag?) avec de petits poissons à chaque coin. J'ai pas compris qu'il fallait mettre l'excès de tissu au bout du lit et je me suis retrouvée le premier matin avec moitie couette et moitie housse. Alors qu'on m'explique ce principe dans le RER, une femme à côté de nous soupit et secoue la tête.

Dans ma hâte, j'ai choisit une couette pour les saisons chauds et les chambres sur-chauffées, qui n'est pas du tout le cas dans I313. C'est pas bien grave. Je mets la couette mais également les 2 couvertures que j'utilisait avant dans la housse. Il paraît que la sensation de la couette est agréable de tel point qu'on me conseille fortement d'avoir ce côté-là vers moi. Je dois prend l'habitude mais je te dirai plus tard si mon lit est vraiment devenu plus confortable!




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