These two tiles are from Collection One
Click your browsers back button to return

  • Here you see two tiles used to create a web page. This is an example to show that the center can be filled with color to match the two tiles used, in this case I thought the center looked best left white. You do not need to fill the center with an image tile, as you can see, with the right color a solid color does well.
  • Feel free to use the tiles and the code (the code for this page has more cellpadding in the table to allow for the pattern in the tile), don't forget to download (save to your computer), the logo at the bottom, and link it back to
  • Advanced users tip- when your web page is in preview mode with your code editor, use the windows 'print screen', then paste into your paint program to extract the colors for your borders. You could always open the tiles in your paint program, but it helps to see the images tiled to determine what color would be right for the border.

Download the two tiles by clicking and saving the image tiles to your harddrive. Copy and paste the code below to a text file (Notepad), and save the text file in the same folder as your the image tiles. Paste the code into your code editor, and save the HTML document as index.html

This code is not suited for beginners.

Before you head for the 'view source' button on your browser for the code, I've made it easy for you. Copy and paste the code below into a text file. I saved a copy before adding the text you see here. The center table will look small before you load text and/or images. I used two border colors, all in the code. *Code does not include comment instructions found on the code in the image tiles 'about' page. (Straight Code)

Use this logo to link back:

Right click and save the logo to your computer, the URL to link back to is embedded in the table code. Link to