See also

Least action principle

The laws of physics can be deduced from the principle of least action, which says that the action S is minimized.
The lagrangian L is the action per unit of time.
The lagrangian density Λ is the lagrangian per unit of volume.
The lagrangian density multiplied by a 4-dimensional volume of time-space gives an action.
The fact that the action is minimized is expressed by δ S = 0, which is equivalent to d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) - ∂ L / ∂ q = 0.

Proof :
δ S = δ ∫t1t2 L dt = ∫t1t2 δ L dt = ∫t1t2 ((∂ L/∂ q) δ q + (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ(dq/dt)) dt
t1t2 (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ(dq/dt) dt = ∫t1t2 (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) d(δ q)/dt dt
= ∫t1t2 d/dt ((∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q) dt - ∫t1t2 d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q dt
because d/dt ((∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q) dt = d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q dt + (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) ((∂(δ q))/dt) dt
From δ S = ∫t1t2 ((∂ L/∂ q) δ q + (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ(dq/dt)) dt
and ∫t1t2 (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ(dq/dt) = ∫t1t2 d/dt ((∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q) dt - ∫t1t2 d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q dt follows :
δ S = [(∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q]t1t2 + ∫t1t2 (∂ L/∂ q - d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt))) δ q dt
[(∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) δ q]t1t2 = 0 because δ q(t1) = δ q(t2)
δ S = 0 for all variation of δ q
Then d/dt (∂ L/∂ (dq/dt)) - ∂ L/∂ q = 0.

Other proof :
δ L = ∂ L/∂ q δ q + ∂ L/∂ (dq/dt) δ (dq/dt) + ∂ L/∂ t δ t
δ t = 0 => δ L = ∂ L/∂ q δ q + ∂ L/∂(dq/dt) d/dt δ q
δ S = ∫ ∂ L/∂ q δ q dt + ∫ ∂ L/∂(dq/dt) d/dt δ q dt
t1t2 ∂ L/∂(dq/dt) d δ q = [∂ L/∂(dq/dt) δ q]t1t2 - ∫t1t2 d/dt ∂ L/∂ q δ q dt
δ S = ∫ (∂ L/∂ q - d/dt ∂ L/∂(dq/dt)) δ q dt = 0
∂ L / ∂ q - d/dt ∂ L/∂(dq/dt) = 0

If we define the momentum p = ∂ L / ∂ (dq/dt), this equation can be written : dp/dt = ∂ L / ∂ q.

See Degenerate Lagrangians and Legendre transformations - :

"Lagrangian mechanics works in n-dimensional configuration space, which includes all parameters, defining a static state of mechanical system (coordinates of particles, orientation of rigid body etc). A point x in this space draws a curve x(t) in evolution. For such curves a functional A[x(t)], called action, is introduced. Only those curves, on which the action reaches an extremum, correspond to real evolution.

Usually consideration is restricted to functionals of the form

A[x(t)] = ∫ dt L(x,dx/dt)

with Lagrangian L dependent only on coordinates and velocities. The condition of extremum for the action leads to Lagrange-Euler equations

d/dt (∂ L/∂(dx/dt)) - ∂ L/∂ x = 0

This is (normally) a system second order differential equations, with solutions uniquely defined by initial coordinates and velocities x(0), dx/dt (0).

In Hamiltonian mechanics the state of the system is described by a point (x,p) in 2n-dimensional phase space. The dynamics is defined by a function H(x,p), called Hamiltonian, via equations:

dx/dt = ∂ H / ∂ p , dp/dt = - ∂ H / ∂ x

Look here for alternative formulation of the same theory.

Transition from Lagrangian to Hamiltonian mechanics is performed by Legendre transformation. It defines the momenta and Hamiltonian as:

p(x,dx/dt) = ∂ L / ∂ (dx/dt) , H(x,p) = p dx/dt - L .

The Hamiltonian depends on coordinates and momenta, so one should express the velocities via momenta, inverting the definitions of momenta: dx/dt = dx/dt(x,p) and substitute the result into Hamiltonian. "

See also Poisson brackets and symplectic form -

"A binary operation { , } , called Poisson brackets, is introduced for functions on the phase space:

  {A, B} = ∂ A/∂ x ∂ B/∂ p - ∂ A/∂ p ∂ B/∂ x

In terms of Poisson brackets the Hamiltonian equations can be rewritten as

dx/dt = {x, H} , dp/dt = {p, H}.

Exercise: prove, that for any function A(t,x,p) the following identity (Liouville equation) is valid:

dA/dt = ∂ A/∂ t + {A, H}. "

To determine the laws of physics for some phenomenon, one can express the action, the lagrangian or the lagrangian density corresponding to this phenomenon and apply this equation to it.

Example : particle moving in a gravitational field in non-relativistic approximation (v<<c) :

The lagrangian is the difference between the kinetic energy 1/2 m v2 and the potential energy -mgx :
L = 1/2 m v2 + m g x
Then p = dL/dv = mv
and dp/dt = ∂ L / ∂ x gives :
d(mv) / dt = m g
m dv/dt = m g
dv/dt = g.

Remark : mimimizing the action means maximizing the potential energy. It means that the trajectory is higher that the straightforward line, it is REPELLED by the mass. Generally one consider that the particles are ATTRACTED by masses. This paradox is because generally we consider the initial position and the initial speed as fixed, and the trajectory is lower than the straightforward line corresponding to this initial position and speed, but here the initial and final positions are fixed, and in this case the trajectory is higher than the straight line between these positions.

Conservation on energy deduced from the least action principle :
dL/dt = ∑\a ∂ L/∂ qa dqa/dt + ∂ L/∂(dqa/dt) d2 qa/dt2
∂ L/∂ qa = d/dt ∂ L/∂(dqa/dt)
dL/dt = ∑a d/dt ∂ L/∂(dqa/dt) dqa/dt + ∂L/∂(dqa/dt) d2 qa/dt2 = ∑a d/dt (∂ L/∂(dqa/dt) dqa/dt
d/dt (∑a ∂ L/∂(dqa/dt) dqa/dt - L) = 0
E = ∑a ∂ L/∂(dqa/dt) dqa/dt - L
dE/dt = 0

Path integral :
x(t1) -> x(t2)
ei/hbar S

Particules et lois de la physique, par Richard Feynman et Steven Weinberg
Conférence de Steven Weinberg : A la recherche des lois ultimes de la physique

Dans un univers mythique où les seules particules sont l'électron et le photon, la densité de lagrangien est :
L = - psi bar (gamma^mu d/dx^mu + m) psi - 1/4 (dA_nu/dx^mu - da_mu/dx^nu)^2 + ieA_mu psi bar gamma^mu psi - mu (dA_nu/dx^mu - dA_mu / dx_nu) psi bar sigma^mu^nu psi - G psi bar psi psi bar psi + ...

avec :

Les 3 premiers termes donnent une précision suffisante.

Théorie des cordes :
métrique g_alpha_beta(sigma) de la surface décrivant l'évolution de la corde dans le temps
action I[x,g] = 1/2 intégrale (g(sigma))^1/2 g^alpha^beta(sigma) dx^mu(sigma)/dsigma^alpha dx^nu(sigma)/dsigma^beta d^2 sigma.

Special relativity

The coordinates of 4 dimensional space-time are (ct x y z).
The metric used is (+ - - -), which means gmn =

(1  0  0  0)

(0 -1  0  0)

(0  0 -1  0)

(0  0  0 -1)

Other possible metrics are (- + + +), or (+ + + +) with coordinates (ct ix iy iz) or (ict x y z).

The scalar product of two vectors uμ = (u0 u1 u2 u3) = (ut ux uy uz) and vν is gμν uμ vν = ∑μ=03ν=03 gμν uμ vν.

Gauge fields

Example of the electromagnetic field

The electromagnetic field is a gauge field associated with U(1) which is simply the circle.
It can also be viewed as gravitation in the fifth dimension of a 5 dimensional space obtained by multiplying the 4 dimensional space-time by the circle U(1) which is compactified to the Planck length. This is Kaluza-Klein theory.

The phase is a point on the circle U(1).
The potential Am = (At=V Ax Ay Az) is the gradient of the phase. In the general case, the potential is Aam where a is one of the compactified dimensions of the phase space, but in the case of the electromagnetic field, the circle U(1) has only 1 dimension, so this indice a is useless.
The field Fmn is dmAn-dnAm where d is the partial derivation. It means that Fmn is the dephasage of an infinitesimal loop in the plane mn.

    S(t+dt,x) <--- -Ax(t+dt,x+dx/2) --- R(t+dt,x+dx)

    |                                   ^

    |                                   |  

    -At(t+dt/2,x)                       +At(t+dt/2,x+dx)

    |                                   |    

 t  V                                   |

 ^  P(t,x) ------- +Ax(t,x+dx/2) -----> Q(t,x+dx)



Ax(t,x+dx/2) - Ax(t+dt,x+dx/2) = -∂t Ax(t+dt/2,x+dx/2)dt
Then φ4 = φ0 - ∂t Ax dt dx + ∂x At dx dt = φ0 + (∂x At - ∂t Ax) dx dt = φ0 + Fxt dx dt.

In the general case the field is :
Fmna = dmAna - dnAma + fbcaAmbAnc
where m and n are dimensions of space-time (t,x,y,z), a, b, c are dimensions of phase space (compactified dimensions) and fbca are the structure constants.

The field satisfies dmFnp + dpFmn + dnFpm = 0 or emnpq dnFpq = 0.

The potential Am is determined by the current density of the sources Jm = ρ vm (where ρ is the charge density and v the speed) by the relation : [] Am = μ0Jm with [] = 1/c d2/dt2 - d2/dx2 - d2/dy2 - d2/dz2.

The field is also directly determined from the sources by
dnFmn = -µ0Jm

A particle moving in an electromagnetic field is submitted to a force. f = e F v

( γ/c f.v )     (0    Ex/c Ey/c Ez/c) (γ c )

( γ fx    ) = e (Ex/c 0    Bz   -By ) (γ vx) 

( γ fy    )     (Ey/c -Bz   0    Bx ) (γ vy)

( γ fz    )     (Ez/c By   -Bx  0   ) (γ vz)

With a metric (+ - - -), Fmn =

(0     Ex/c Ey/c Ez/c)

(-Ex/c 0    -Bz  By  )

(-Ey/c Bz   0    -Bx )

(-Ez/c -By  Bx   0   )

Fmn =

(0    -Ex/c -Ey/c -Ez/c)

(Ex/c 0     -Bz   By   )

(Ey/c Bz    0     -Bx  )

(Ez/c -By   Bx    0    )

The sign before E depends on the metrics (+---) or (-+++)

Kaluza Klein theory

The 4 dimensional curved (by gravity) space-time with the electromagnetic gauge field on U(1) is equivalent to a 5 dimensional space-time (4 dimensional space time multilied by U(1)) with only gravity.

Notations :

g'_mn = ( g_mn - Φ A_m A_n   - Φ A_m )

        ( - Φ A_n            - Φ     )

g'^mn = ( g^mn   - A^m        )

        ( - A^n  - 1/Φ + A^2)

Generalization to any gauge field

Gauge fields corresponding to known physical forces : The phase is a point of an internal space with n compactified dimensions.
The potential Ama is the gradient of the phase, where m is a dimension of space-time (t,x,y,z) and a is a compactified dimension.

Conventions : mu' = { μ, m } where

The vielbeins (matrices of base changing between curved and locally flat coordinates) are :

E'^a'_mu' = ( e^a_μ          0     )

            ( A_μ^k E^n_k    E^n_m )

e'_a'^mu' = ( e_a^μ    -e_a^ρ A_ρ^m )

            ( 0         E^n_m            )

The metric is :

g'_mu'nu' = ( g_m_n + G_m_n A_μ^m A_ν^n   A_μ^m G_m_n )

            ( A_ν^n G_m_n                  G_mn         )

g'^mu'nu' = ( g^μ^ν   -A^μ^n               )

            ( -A^ν^m   G^mn + A^ρ^m A_ρ_n)

or more symetrically :

g'^mu'nu' = ( g^μ^ν            -A_ν^n g^μ^ν              )

            ( -A_μ^m g^μ^ν    G^mn + g^μ^ν A_μ^m A_ν^n ) 

A charged particle moves in the fifth dimension with a speed proportional to its charge divided by its mass.
Two particles which have the same charge move in the same direction in the fifth dimension. According to special relativity, their mass increase because of this speed, so the attractive force should be greater, but from the point of view of these particles, they do not move. The increasement of the attractive force is compensed by a repulsive force : the electrostatic force.

According to the gauge field theory, the force fi = m ai which acts on a particle of mass m, charge q and speed vj in an electromagnetic field Fij is : fi = q vj Fij.
According to Kaluza Klein theory, the particle follows geodesics of 5-dimensional space-time, which means that the acceleration ai = d2 x / dt2 = - Γijk vj vk, then fi = m ai = - m Γijk vj vk.
The affine connection Γ is :
Γijk = 1/2 gil (∂j glk + ∂k glj - ∂l gjk)
Fij appears in Γiju and Γiuj where u is the compactified Kaluza Klein dimension.

Lagrangian of a particle in an electromagnetic field

Equation of Lagrange : dL/dq = d/dt (dL/d(dq/dt)

Action S = -mc ∫ ds

ds2 = c2dt2 - (dx2+dy2+dz2)

ds = c 2√(1-v2/c2)dt

L = 1/2 mv2 + e A.v - eV

S = - ∑ mc ∫ ds - ∑ e ∫ Amdxm + 1/2μ0t1t2dt ∫(E2/c2-B2)d τ
= - ∑ mc ∫ ds - ∑ e ∫ Amdxm + 1/2μ0t1t2dt ∫(-1/2 FmnFmn)d τ

L = -1/4 FmnFmn + AmJm

L = √(-g) (1/4 R - 1/2 gij(φ) ∂μφiμφj -1/4 mIJ(φ) FμνI FμνJ - 1/8 εμνρσ aIJ(phi) FμνI FρσJ)

With metrics (- + + +) :
L = -1/4 Fμν Fμν + Jμ Aμ + Lmatter
L = -1/4 Fμν Fμν + ψ bar (γμ (∂μ + i e Aμ) + m) ψ
Jμ = ∂ L / ∂ Aμ = - i e ψ bar γμ ψ
V(t) = + i e ∫ d3 x (ψ bar(x,t) γμ ψ(x,t)) aμ(x,t) + Vcoul(t)

See also Lagrangian Theory of Fields and Particles

Lagrangian Theory of Fields and Particles

--> postscript only (10 pages)


This is a discussion of how to do particle and field Lagrangians. The particle's action principle seeks to maximise the proper time in a trajectory between two events in spacetime. The field's action principle seeks to minimise the integral over whatever Lorentz scalar can be constructed from the field, given its symmetry, and with the proviso that the resulting Hamiltonian be positive definite. The interaction arises from simple coupling, to the particle itself in the case of a scalar field, and through the particle's four velocity in the case of a vector field. We will see that the vector field coupled to the particle's motion in this way must give rise to an antisymmetric force field, which by symmetry of interaction forms the basis for the construction of Lorentz scalars. A very fundamental result is that like charges attract for scalar field interactions, while they repel for the vector field. The vector field, of course, is the basis for electromagnetism. An often repeated error concerning the particle's equation of motion in a scalar field is cleared up -- since the four velocity is a unit vector, the force must be projected orthogonal to the world line in order to have consistent dynamics. It is interesting to note that most of the properties of electrodynamics, including the repulsion or attratction of charges, are necessary consequences of linearity, masslessness, and the fact that it is a vector field.

Tips and tricks that you learn from this include how to decide what the signs should be for the free particle and field parts of the Lagrangian, how to manipulate the variation of the proper time, why the sign of the interaction part is arbitrary, how to convert back and forth between a Lagrangian and a Lagrangian field density and likewise between particles and ensemble densities, how to make to correspondence to the more common nonrelativistic model, and how to get all the factors of the speed of light, c, properly when you don't assume natural units with c equal to unity. These are all things I had trouble with and so I wanted to write them up together in a coherent whole. The result should be useful to any physicist or physics watcher interested in the basis for modern theory.

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Classical Field Theory

Scalar fields are important in cosmology as they are thought to drive inflation. Such a field is called an inflaton, an example of which may be the Higgs boson. Thus the field φ considered below can be thoguht of as an inflaton, a Higgs boson or any other scalar boson.

In both special and general relativity we always seek covariant equations in which space and time are given equal status. The Euler-Lagrange equations (4.6) are clearly not covariant because special emphasis is placed on time via the dqi/dt and d/dt(∂ L/∂ (dqi/dt)) terms.

Let us replace the qi by a field φ ≡ φ (x) where x ≡ (t, x) . The generalized coordinate q has been replaced by the field variable φ and the discrete index i has been replaced by a continuously varying index x. In the next section we shall show how to derive the Euler-Lagrange equations from the action defined as  
  S ≡ ∫ L dt (148)
which again is clearly not covariant. A covariant form of the action would involve a Lagrangian density L via  
  S ≡ ∫ L d4 x = ∫ L d3 x dt (149)
with L ≡ ∫ L d3 x . The term - ∂ L/∂ qi in equation (4.6) gets replaced by the covariant term - ∂ L/∂ φ (x) . Any time derivative d/dt should be replaced with ∂μ ≡ ∂ / ∂ xμ which contains space as well as time derivatives. Thus one can guess that the covariant generalization of the point particle Euler-Lagrange equations (4.6) is  
 μ L / ∂ (∂ μ φ ) - ∂ L/∂ φ = 0 (150)
which is the covariant Euler-Lagrange equation for scalar fields. This will be derived rigorously in the next section.

In analogy with the canonical momentum in equation (4.5) we define the covariant momentum density  
  Π μ ≡ ∂ L/∂ (∂μ φ ) (151)
so that the Euler-Lagrange equations become  
 μ Πμ = ∂ L/∂ φ (152)
The canonical momentum is defined as  
  Π ≡ Π0 = ∂ L/∂ dφ/dt (153)
The energy momentum tensor is (analagous to (4.8))  
  Tμν ≡ Πμν φ - gμν L (154)
with the Hamiltonian density

John Norbury

Classical Klein-Gordon Field

In order to illustrate the foregoing theory we shall use the example of the classical, massive Klein-Gordon field defined with the Lagrangian density (HL units ??)
The covariant momentum density is more easily evaluated by re-writing LKG = 1/2gμν ( ∂μ φ ∂ν φ - m2 φ2) . Thus Πμ = ∂ L/∂ (∂μ φ ) } = 1/2gμν ( δα μν φ + ∂μ φ δαν ) = 1/2( δαμμ φ + ∂ν φ δαν ) = 1/2( ∂α φ + ∂α φ ) = ∂α φ . Thus for the Klein-Gordon field we have  
  Πα = ∂α φ (155)
giving the canonical momentum Π = Π0 = ∂0 φ = ∂0 φ = dφ/dt , 
  Π = dφ/dt (156)
Evaluating ∂ L/∂ φ = - m2 φ , the Euler-Lagrange equations give the field equation as ∂μμ φ + m2 φ or
which is the Klein-Gordon equation for a free, massive scalar field. In momentum space p2 = - []2 , thus  
  (p2 - m2 )φ = 0 (157)
(Note that some authors [30] define []2 ≡ ∇2 - ∂2/∂ t2 different from (3.42), so that they write the Klein-Gordon equation as ([]2 - m2 )φ = 0 or (p2+m2 )φ = 0 .)

The energy momentum tensor is
Therefore the Hamiltonian density is H≡ T00=(dφ/dt)2-1/2(∂α φ ∂α φ -m2 φ 2) which becomes [31]
where we have relied upon the results of Section 3.4.1.

John Norbury


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The Lagrangian formalism

The dynamics of a set of classical fields φi(xμ) on some d-dimensional manifold M can be obtained from a Lagrangian density L(φi,∂μφi) through the principle of stationary action

δ S = 0, (1.1)

where S is the action

S=∫M ddxL(φi,∂μφi). (1.2)

Taking the variation of the fields to be zero on the boundary of the manifold

δφi = 0 on ∂M, (1.3)

we obtain from the extremization of the action the equations of motion called the Euler-Lagrange equations

μ(δL/δ(∂μφi)) = δL/δφi. (1.4)

Rein Halbersma
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The Hamiltonian formalism

There is an alternative approach to classical field theory in which one considers a Hamiltonian H which can be obtained from the Lagrangian by

H = δL/δ(∂0φi) ∂0φi -L
= πi0φi - L, (1.5)

where the canonical momenta πi are defined by

πi ≡ δL/δ(∂0φi). (1.6)

The equations of motion are called Hamilton's equations
0πi = i, H}PB,
0φi = i, H}PB, (1.7)

where the Poisson bracket {f,g}PB is defined by

{f,g}PB ≡ ∂ f/∂φi ∂ g/∂πi - ∂ g/∂φi ∂ f/∂πi. (1.8)

Rein Halbersma
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Noether's theorem

Suppose now that the action is invariant under some internal global symmetry group G which we shall assume to be a Lie group. Then there exists a set of generators Ta satisfying the Lie algebra of G

[Ta,Tb] = i fab c Tc, (1.9)

where fab c are the structure constants. Under infinitesimal transformations U = e-iεaTa the fields φi and their derivatives ∂μφi transform according to
δφi = -iεa(Ta)ijφj,
δ(∂μφi) = μ(δφi). (1.10)

By using the above transformation rules, the equations of motion and requiring the variation of the action to vanish for all transformations in G one finds

∀ a:∂μjμa = 0, (1.11)

where the divergence-less currents jμa are defined by

jμa ≡ -i (δL/δ(∂μφi))(Ta)ijφj . (1.12)

Requiring that the space-like parts of the currents are zero at the boundary of a space-like volume V

jia = 0 on ∂V, (1.13)

and integrating (1.12) over such a volume one finds

∀ a: ∂0Qa = 0, (1.14)

where the conserved charges Qa are defined by
Qa V dd-1x j0a
= - i ∫V dd-1x (δL/δ(∂0φi))Ta)ijφj
= -i ∫V dd-1x πi(Ta)ijφj. (1.15)

This is an example of Noether's theorem: for every generator Ta of a continuous symmetry group of the action there exists a conserved charge Qa.

In the above we considered internal symmetries but Noether's theorem applies equally well to spacetime symmetries such as translations and rotations. The conserved charges are then the energy-momentum and the angular momentum of the system under consideration.

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Rein Halbersma

The charge algebra

So far we have been discussing classical field theory. In making the transition to quantum field theory it is convenient to use the Hamiltonian rather than the Lagrangian formalism. One can then postulate the fields and the momenta to be operators on a suitable Hilbert space and define canonical equal-time commutation relations between them

i(t,x),πj(t,y)] = i δd-1(x-y) δij,
i(t,x),πj(t,y)] = i(t,x),φj(t,y)] = 0. (1.16)

The equations of motion are then obtained by replacing the Poisson brackets with commutators
i ∂0πi = i, H],
i ∂0φi = i, H]. (1.17)

In quantum field theory Noether's theorem remains valid but in addition the charges Qa satisfy the same Lie algebra as the generators Ta

[Qa,Qb] = - ∫V dd-1x∫~V dd-1y[πi(x)(Ta)ijφj(x),πk(y)(Ta)klφl(y)]
= V dd-1i(x)fabc(Tc)ijφj(x)  
  = i fab  cQc. (1.18)

This representation of the Lie algebra is called the charge algebra and the action of the charges on the fields is given by
δφi = i εa[Qai]  
  = -iεa(Ta)ijφj. (1.19)

It is important to note that although we used the equations of motion to derive the conservation of the charges Qa, the charge algebra is satisfied independently of the equations of motion.

Local symmetries

Up to now we have only discussed global symmetries where the infinitesimal parameters did not depend on the spacetime co-ordinates. In making the transition to local symmetries one makes the parameters co-ordinate dependent. In doing so, the group-algebra remains the same as do the transformation rules for the fields. However, the derivatives ∂μ no longer commute with the group transformations

μ(δφi) = - i εa(Ta)ij(∂μφj) - i(∂μεa)(Ta)ijφj  
  = δ(∂μφi) - i(∂μεa)(Ta)ijφj. (1.20)

Requiring the derivatives of the fields to transform in the same way as the fields themselves, one can define a covariant derivative Dμ by

Dμ = ∂μ - i g Aaμ Ta, (1.21)

where the gauge-fields Aaμ transform in such a way that the second term in (1.20) disappears

δ Acμ = εaAbμfabc - \frac1g∂μεc. (1.22)

This covariant derivative then commutes with the group transformations

Dμ(δφi) = δ(Dμφi), (1.23)

but it no longer commutes with itself
[Dμ,Dν] = - i g (∂ Aaν] + g fbcaAbμAcν)Ta  
  -i g FaμνTa, (1.24)

where Faμν is called the field-tensor.

In making a Lagrangian with a global symmetry group invariant under the local version of these symmetries, one replaces all ordinary derivatives ∂μ by covariant derivatives Dμ and then adds the invariant quantitiy FaμνFaμν to this new Lagrangian.

Local symmetries are for historical reasons usually called gauge-symmetries and physical models exhibiting such symmetries are called gauge-theories. In particular, if the gauge-group is a non-Abelian internal symmetry group, then such models go under the name of Yang-Mills theories.

Quantum theory of fields

Πl(x,t) = δ L[Ψ(t),.Ψ(t)]/δ.Ψl(x,t)

equations of motion :
l(x,t) = δ L[Ψ(t),.Ψ(t)]/δ Ψl(x,t)

Action I[Ψ] = ∫- dt L[Ψ(t),.Ψ(t)] = ∫ d4x L(Ψ(x),∂Ψ(x)/∂ xμ)

∂/∂ xμ ∂ L/∂ (∂ Ψl/∂ xμ) = ∂ L/∂Ψl

H = ∑l ∫ d3x Πl(x,t) .Ψl(x,t) - L(Ψ(t),.Ψ(t))

L = -1/2 ∂μφ ∂μφ - m2/2 φ2 - H(φ)

With a metrics (- + + +) : (  - m2) φ = H φ

Π = ∂ L / ∂ .ψ = φ

H = ∫ d3x (Π .φ - L) = ∫ d3x[1/2 Π2 + 1/2 (∇ψ)2 + 1/2 m2 φ2 + H(φ)]

L = -1/4 Fμν Fμν - Ψ bar (γμ (∂μ + i e Aμ) Ψ

Jμ = ∂ L / ∂ Aμ = - i e Ψ bar γμ Ψ

Non abelian gauge fields

Gauge transformation :
ψn(x) -> eienΛ(x)ψn(x) for arbitrary Λ.
Aμ(x) -> Aμ(x) + ∂μΛ(x)
Gauge covariant derivative : ∂μψμ(x) - i en Aμ(x) ψ(x)

δψl(x) = i εα(x)(tα)lmψm(x) where tα are matrices.
[tα,tβ] = i Cγαβ tγ
Cγαβ = - Cγβα
0 = [[tα,tβ],tγ] + [[tγ,tα],tβ] + [[tβ,tγ],tα]
0 = Cδαβ Cεδγ + Cδγα Cεδβ + Cδβγ Cεδα
(tAα)βγ = -i Cβγα
[tAα,tAβ] = i Cγαβ tAγ

Example : Yang-Mills : ψ = (ψp, ψn) wave functions of proton and neutron

t1 = 1/2 (0 1)   t2 = 1/2 (0 -i)   t3 = 1/2 (1 0)

         (1 0)            (i  0)            (0 1)

Cγαβ = εγαβ

t1A = (0  0  0)   t2A = (0  0  i)   t3A = (0 -i  0)

      (0  0 -i)        (0  0  0)        (i  0  0)

      (0  i  0)        (-i 0  0)        (0  0  0)

δ(∂Mψl(x)) = iεα(x)(tα)lm(∂μψm(x)) + i(∂μεα(x))(tα)lmψm(x)

δ Aβμ = ∂μεβ + i εα(tAα)βγ Aγμ
δ Aβμ = ∂μεβ + Cβγα εα Aγμ

Dμψ(x)l = ∂μψl(x) - i Aβμ(x)(tβ)lmψm(x)
= iεα(tα)lmμψm - i Cβγα εα Aγμ(tβ)lmψm + Aγμ(tγ)lm(tα)mnψn

δ(Dμψ)l = i εα(tα)lm (Dμψ)m

Fγνμ = ∂ν Aγμ - ∂μ Aγν + Cγαβ Aαν Aβμ
δ Fβνμ = iεα(tAα)βγ Fγνμ = εα Cβγα Fγνμ

L(ψ,Dμψ,Dνμψ,...Fαμν,Dρ Fαμν,...)
∂ L/∂ψl i(tα)lmψm + ∂ L/∂(Dμψl) i(tα)lm)(Dμψm) + ∂ L/∂(Dnu Dμψl) i(tα)lm (Dν Dμψm) + ... + ∂ L/∂ Fβμν Cβγα Fγνμ + ∂ L/∂ Dρ Fβμν Cβγα Dρ Fγνμ + ... = 0

LA = -1/2 gαβ Fαμν Fβμν
g11 = g22 = -g33 = -2

L = -1/4 αμν Fαμν + Lm(ψ,Dmuψ)
Equations of motion : ∂μ(∂ L/∂(∂μ Aαν)) = - ∂μ Fαμν = ∂ L/∂ Aalphaν = - Fγνμ Cγαβ Aβμ - i ∂ Lμ/∂(Dνψ) tαψ

Complete current j :
μ Fαμν = -jαν
jαν = -Fγνμ Cγαβ - i ∂ Lμ / ∂ (Dνψ) tα ψ
ν jαν = 0
Dλ Fαμν = ∂λ Fαμν - i (tβA)αγ Aβλ Fγμν
= ∂λ - Cαγβ Aβλ Fγμν
=> Dμ Fαμν = -Jαν
Jαν = -i ∂ Lμ / ∂ (Dνψ) tαψ
[Dν,Dμ] Fαρσ = - i (tAγ)αβ Fγνμ Fβρσ = - Cγαβ Fγνμ Fβρσ
Dν Jαν = 0
Dμ Fανλ + Dν Fαλν + Dλ Fαμν = 0

Dμψ = ∂μψ - i tα Aαμ ψ
Constraints : Πα0 = ∂ L / ∂ (∂0 A0α) = 0 and -∂μ ∂ L / ∂ (∂μ Aα0) + ∂ L/∂ Aα0 = ∂μ Fαμ0 + Fγμ0 Cγαβ Aβμ + Jα0
= ∂k Παk + Πγk Cγαβ Aβk + Jα0 = 0
Παk = ∂ L / ∂ (∂0 Aαk) = Fαk0

General relativity

When a vector vμ is transported from x + dx to x, it's coordinates are augmented by Γμνρ vν dxρ where Γ is the connection or the Christoffel symbol.

Covariant derivative :
DmAl = dmAl + ΓlmnAn
DmAl = dmAl - ΓnmlAn

Dμ gνρ = 0 => Γlmn = 1/2 gls ( dmgsn + dngsm - dsgmn)

Curvature Rbamn = dmΓban - dnΓbam + Γlan Γblm - Γlam Γbln
Ram = Rlalm
R = gamRam

Action : Sg for gravitation, Se for matter and electromagnetism.
δ Sg = -1/(2χ c) ∫ (Rij - 1/2 gij R) √(-g) δ gij
Sg = -1/(2 χ c) ∫ 2√(-g) R d Omega with χ = 2 π G / c4

With matter and electromagnetic field (Λe) :
action Se = 1/c ∫ √(-g) Λe
Tij is defined by : 1/2 Tij √(-g) = ∂(√(-g) Λe) / ∂ gik - ∂l ( ∂ (√(-g) Λe) / ∂ (∂l gik) )
Then δ Se = 1/c ∫ 1/2 Tik √(-g) δ gik dΩ.
Then δ (Sg + Se) = 0 becomes :
-1/(2χ c) ∫ (Rij - 1/2 gij R - χ Tij) √(-g) δ gij dΩ = 0
Rmn - 1/2 gmnR = χ Tmn
Rij = χ (Tij - 1/2 gij T)
Λ(em) = -1/(4μ0) Fik Fik
T(em) = 1/μ0 (- Fri Fsi + 1/4 grs Fik Fik)

See also :


Vers une théorie de la relativité d'échelle

Laurent Nottale

Version française des deux premiers chapitres du livre:


Towards a Theory of Scale Relativity

Laurent Nottale

© World Scientific (Singapore, New Jersey, London, 1993)

Ainsi la relativité restreinte mène à la contrainte qu'aucune vitese ne peut excéder une certaine vitesse universellec, qu'on peut ensuite identifier à la vitesse de n'importe quelle particule de masse nulle dans le vide, en particuler la lumière.19 On rappelle que l'espace-temps minkowskien est caractérisé par l'invariant:

ds2 = c2dt2 - (dx2 + dy2 + dz2) ,

dans n'importe quelle transformation de coordonnées inertielles.

Poursuivons avec l'évolution des idées en relativité. Ce fut l'une des contributions les plus importantes de Mach que d'insister sur la relativité de tous les mouvements, par seulement des mouvements inertiels. En se fondant sur les principes de covariance générale et d'équivalence, Einstein construisit la théorie de la relativité générale, dont les équations peuvent être vues comme des contraintes sur les courbures de l'espace-temps qui sont physiquement possibles. Les équations d'Einstein

Rμν - (1/2) R gμν - Λ gμν = χ Tμν (2.1)

sont les plus générales des équations les plus simples qui soient covariantes sous toutes les transformations de système de coordonnées continues et (au moins deux fois) différentiables.

Les lecteurs qui souhaiteraient un exposé complet de cette théorie sont invités à consulter des livres tels ceux de Misner, Thorne et Wheeler22 ou Weinberg.55 Rappelons simplement ici brièvement que, dans ces équations, les gμν sont des potentiels de métrique tensoriels qui généralisent le potentiel gravitationnel newtonien scalaire. L'invariant de la relativité générale s'écrit, avec la convention d'Einstein de sommation des indices identiques présents en haut et en bas

ds2 = gμν dxμ dxν, (μ,ν= 0 à 3).

En relativité générale, l'existence de la courbure de l'espace-temps implique que les variations des quantités physiques telles que les vecteurs ou les tenseurs dans des transformations infinitésimales de coordonnées dépendent de l'espace-temps lui-même. Ce fait s'exprime par la dérivation covariante

DμAν= ∂μAν+ Γνρμ Aρ

qui généralise la dérivation partielle usuelle. Dans cette expression, les effets de l'espace-temps (c'est-à-dire de la gravitation) sont décrits par les symboles de Christoffel

Γrmn = (1/2) gρλ ( ∂ν gλμ + ∂ μ gλν - ∂l gμν ) ,

qui jouent le rôle du champ gravitationnel. Les dérivées covariantes ne commutent pas, si bien que leur commutateur conduit à l'apparition d'un tenseur à quatre indices, le tenseur de Riemann Rλμνρ :

(Dμ Dν - DνDμ ) Aρ = Rλrnm Aλ .

La contraction du tenseur de Riemann donne le tenseur de Ricci Rμν = gλρRλμρν:

Rμν = ∂ρΓrμν - ∂νΓρμρ + Γrmn Γλρλ - Γρrμλ Γλνρ ,

tandis que la quantité R = gμν Rμν est la courbure scalaire. Les équations d'Einstein énoncent que le tenseur énergie-impulsion Tμν est égal, à la constante χ = 8πG/c4 près, au tenseur géométrique d'Einstein donné par le premier membre de l'équation (2.1), dans laquelle Λ est la constante cosmologique. Le tenseur d'Einstein et le tenseur énergie-impulsion se conservent au sens covariant. Le principe d'Einstein de l'équivalence de la gravitation et de l'inertie s'exprime par le fait qu'on peut toujours trouver un système de coordonnées dans lequel la métrique est localement minkowskienne, et que dans un tel système les équations du mouvement d'une particule libre sont celles du mouvement inertiel, Duμ = 0, où uμ est la quadri-vitesse de la particule. Ecrite dans un système de coordonnées quelconque, cette équation devient l'équation des géodésiques

(d2xμ/ds2) + Γmnr (dxν/ds) (dxρ/ds) = 0 .

Dirac equation

(i d/ - m) Ψ(x) = 0
LQED = Ψ bar (i D/ - m) Ψ = - Ψ bar (i <-D/ + m) Ψ
with Dm = dm + i e Am
and (for any Z) Z/ = γmZm
and γ are the matrices :

γ 0 = (1   0)

      (0  -1)

γ k = (0       σ k)

      (-σ k    0  )

σ 1 = (0 1)

      (1 0)

σ 2 = (0 -i)

      (i  0)

σ 3 = (1  0)

      (0 -1)

L = -1/4 Fmn Fmn - Ψ bar (γm(dm+ieAm) + M) Ψ

LQCD = i ∑i=1NF q bari(x) (dm - igsa=181/2laAma(x)) γmqi(x) - 1/4 ∑a=18Fmna(x) Fmna(x) - ∑i=1NF q bari(x) Miqi(x)

See also :

With a metrics (+ - - -)

the Klein-Gordon equation is : ([] + m^2) Ψ(x) = 0

with [] = d/dt^2 - d/dx^2 - d/dy^2 - d/dz^2

Let γ^μ (i=0..3) be 4 matrices :

γ^0 = ONE 0

      0 -ONE 

γ^k = 0       σ^k

      -σ^k 0

ONE = 1 0 

      0 1

σ^1 = 0 1

      1 0

σ^2 = 0 -i

      i  0

σ^3 = 1 0

      0 -1

Let A/ be (sum over μ = 0,1,2,3 of ) γ^μ A_μ

The Dirac equations are :

	(i d/ - m) Ψ(x) = 0

and :

	i (d_μ Ψbar) γ^μ + m Ψbar = Ψbar (i <-d/ + m) = 0

With an electromagnetic field :

	i d Ψ/dt = (α (p - e A) + e PHI + β m) Ψ

	i d/dt Ψ(r,t) = (-i α ∇ + β + e αha . A(r,t) - e A^0(r,t)) Ψ(r,t)

	(α p + β (m + U(x)) Ψ(x,t) = i d/dt Ψ(x,t)

The lagrangian is :

	L = Ψbar (i d/ - m) Ψ

	= - Ψbar (i <-d/ + m) Ψ

        = 1/2 (i Ψbar <-d/ Ψ - i Ψbar d/ Ψ) - m Ψbar Ψ

	= 1/2 (i Ψbar γ^μ d_μ Ψ - i d_μ Ψbar γ^μ Ψ) - m Ψbar Ψ

	L_DEM = Ψbar (i D/ - m) Ψ = Ψbar (i d/ - e A/ - m) Ψ

	with D_μ = d_μ + i e A_μ

	L_QED = -1/4 F_μ_ν F^μ^ν + Ψbar (i D/ - m) Ψ 

i hbar d psi/dt = H psi
H = -i hbar c alpha . nabla + a_4 mc^2
-hbar^2 d^2psi/dt^2 = H^2 psi

i hbar ∂ψ/∂ t = Hψ
H = -i hbar cα∇ + a4 m c2
-hbar22ψ/∂ t2 = H2ψ = - hbar2 c2 αi αj2ψ/(∂ xi ∂ xj) - i hbar m c3i α4 + α4 αi) ∂ψ/∂ xi + m2 c4 α42ψ
αi αj + αj αi = 2 δij 1
αi α4 + α4 αi = 0
α42 = 1

α1 = 0 0 0 1

     0 0 1 0

     0 1 0 0

     1 0 0 0 

α2 = 0  0  0 -i   

     0  0  i  0

     0 -i  0  0

     i  0  0  0

α3 = 0  0  1  0

     0  0  0 -1

     1  0  0  0

     0 -1  0  0

α4 = 1  0  0  0

     0  1  0  0

     0  0 -1  0

     0  0  0 -1

(hbar - γμ ∂/∂ xμ + m c2) ψ = 0
γ = -i α4 α, γ0 = -i α4
1/2 (γμ γν + γν γμ) = ημν
i hbar ∂/∂ t -> i hbar ∂/∂ t + e φ
-i hbar ∇ -> -i hbar ∇ + e/c A
(i hbar ∂/∂ t + e φ) ψ = (-i hbar c ∇ + e A) α ψ + m c2 α4 ψ

σ = 0 0 1 0 α

    0 0 0 1

    1 0 0 0

    0 1 0 0

String theory

A string is described by a parametrized surface Xm(τ,σ)
The action of a free bosonic string moving in curved space is :
S = 1/2α' ∫ d τ d σ 2√(-h) hab daXm dbXn gmn(X)
where hab is the metric of the wordsheet (τ,σ).

See also Introduction to String Theory


See Mathias Home - Explaining the surplus of matter with the Rishon-model

The Rishon-Model

Name origin
Rischon - hebraeic adjective: ancient

The Rishon model was developed by Haim Harari, Professor for high energy physics at the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot/ Israel and Nathan Seiberg.
The main idea is that quarks and leptons of the first generation {u (up-quark), d (down-quark) and e- (electron), ne (electron-neutrino) } each consist of three particles - the rishons or their anti-particles.
The model assumes two new particles (rishons) and their anti-matter counterparts (anti-rishons). They were named after the state of the earth in the beginning of the creation (1. Mose), Tohu and Vavohu (desert and empty). The symbols are T and V.

Rishon Charge
T +1/3
-T -1/3
V 0
-V 0

Rishons and anti-rishons can be combined in triples. There is only one restriction: Rishons and anti-rishons may not be combined together in one particle (quark or lepton).

Rishon-combination Particle Name Charge
T T T e+ positron +1
T T V u up-quark +2/3
T V V -d anti-down-quark +1/3
V V V ne electron-neutrino 0
-V -V -V e anti-electron-neutrino 0
-V -V -T d down-quark -1/3
-V -T -T -u anti-up-quark -2/3
-T -T -T e- electron -1

There are eight possible combinations, corresponding to the quarks and leptons of the first generation and their anti-particles.
The model considers the color of the particles. There are three color states for each rishon:

T , -T : red, yellow or blue
, V -V : the corresponding anti-colors

For example TTT (e+) is a colorless lepton, containing rishons of one color each resulting in white.
Quarks are colored combinations, the colors cannot compensate to white.

Particles with charges -2/3, -1/3, 1/3 and 2/3 are colored.
Particles with the charges -1, 0, +1 are colorless.

The colors describe a very strong force that does not allow any colored particle to stay alone. Stable particles must be white, the particles they consist of have to compensate each other to white.

The rishon-theory offers a very interesting answer to the question why proton and electron have exactly the same absolute charge (1.60217733*10-19C). There is only ane particle that carries charge in the rishon-theory: the T rishon. Electron and proton consist of this rishon and its anti-rishon.

Further conclusions from the Rishon-Model

1. The hydrogen atom - matter, anti-matter or energy? - A question of the 'distribution' of the rishons.

What are the particles, a hydrogen atom consists of?

particles description
e- + p electron + proton
e- + u u d electron + quarks (proton)
-T -T -T T T V T T V -V -V -T rishons (electron) + rishons (proton)

There are 4 T rishons and 4 -T , 2 V rishons and 2 -V .
These rishons can be combined to one electron, one positron and one d/-d-pair as well. And that would be pure energy!

-T -T -T , T T T -V -T , V V T

the same can be done with the anti-hydrogen atom:

particles description
e+ + -p positron + anti-proton
e+ + -u -u -d positron + quarks (anti-proton)
T T T -T -T -V -T -T -V V V T rishons (positron) + rishons (anti-proton)

From the level of the rishons, matter and anti-matter consist of the same particels. They can theoretically be converted into each other or into energy.
This is a very important aspect of the following description of how there can be more matter than anti-matter in the universe.

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Next: Four-dimensional Actions and Dual Up: String Effective Actions Previous: Kaluza Klein Theory

Reduction of the Low Energy String Effective Action

The method discussed in the previous section can be generalised to include more dimensions and more complicated fields. We can use it to reduce our ten-dimensional string effective action sea10 to four dimensions. But let's consider the general case of an effective action in D-dimensions that we want to reduce to (D-d) dimensions. So in the simplest case we assume that space-time is of the form $M\times K$, where M has D-d dimensions and K has d dimensions and all fields are independent of the coordinates ym of K.

This the simplest way to compactify the extra dimensions and of course there are more interesting ways to do this compactification which have more realistic features, but they are also far more difficult. For the moment we will stick to the case in which the fields are taken to be independent of the extra K coordinates.

We will use the following notation: Local coordinates of M are $x^{\mu}$ ( $\mu=0,1,\ldots,D-d-1$), internal coordinates of K are ym, ( $m=1,\ldots,d$). The total space $M\times K$ has signature ( $+-\ldots -$) and fields in this D-dimensional space are denoted with a hat, as well as their coordinates ($\hat\Phi$, $\hat g_{\hat\mu\hat\nu}$, etc.), ( $\hat\mu=0,1,\ldots ,D-1$). Quantities without a hat are then the (D-d)-dimensional ones.

We begin with the first terms of the low energy string effective action seff, the Einstein term coupled to the Dilaton:


S_E = \int_M d^{D-d}x \int_K d^dy \sqrt{\hat g} e^{-\hat\Phi...

...artial_{\hat\mu} \hat\Phi \partial^{\hat\mu}\hat\Phi \right\}.

\end{displaymath} (3.18)

If we assume that the internal space K is compact, we can perform the integration over the internal coordinates: $\int_K d^dy =1$.

It is very useful to do this reduction with the aid of so called vielbeins (vierbeins or tetrads in four dimensions, vielbeins in any other dimension). With the use of these vielbeins we make the connection between curved coordinate systems and local Lorentz (flat) coordinates. See appendix [*] for a short introduction of these vielbeins.

On the same transformation grounds that we saw in the previous section we can determine the reduction of these vielbeins. Let again the greek indices denote the curved indices, ( $\hat\mu=\{\mu,m\}$) where m labels the internal coordinates. And the hatted roman indices will denote the Lorentz indices in D-dimensions, ( $\hat a=\{a,n\}$). We assume that the internal space is flat, so there is no difference between the internal 'curved' indices and the internal Lorentz indices. The vielbeins reduce in the following way [5]:

\begin{displaymath}\hat e^{\hat a}{}_{\hat\mu} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} e^a{}_...

...-e_a{}^\rho A_\rho{}^m \\ &\\ 0 & E^n{}_m \end{array} \right).

\end{displaymath} (3.19)

The internal metric is $G_{mn} = E^k{}_m \delta_{kl} E^l{}_n$ and the space-time metric is $g_{\mu\nu} = e^a{}_\mu \eta_{ab} e^b{}_\nu$. We can express the D-dimensional metric in these quantities as we did in previous section [8]:

\begin{displaymath}\hat g_{\hat\mu\hat\nu} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} g_{\mu\nu}...

...u{}^m G_{mn} \\ &\\ A_nu{}^n G_{mn} & G_mn \end{array} \right)

\end{displaymath} (3.20)

and its inverse

\begin{displaymath}\hat g_{\hat\mu\hat\nu} = \left( \begin{array}{cc} g^{\mu\nu}...

...{\nu m} & G^{mn} + A^{\rho m} A_\rho{}^n \end{array} \right).

\end{displaymath} (3.21)

So when we reduce d dimensions, the D-dimensional metric will reduce to a (D-d)-dimensional metric, d abelian vector fields $A_\mu{}^m$, ( $m=1,\ldots,d$) and a scalar matrix Gmn. Because a metric is a symmetric tensor, this scalar matrix Gmn will consist of ${\textstyle{1\over 2}}d (d+1) $ independent scalar fields.

We can put these expressions into the Einstein part of our effective action r1 and after a tedious calculation one finds

S = $\textstyle \int_M d^{D-d}x \sqrt{\vert g\vert} e^{-\phi} \left\{ -R + g^{\mu\nu} \partial_\mu \phi \partial_nu \phi + \right.$    
  $\textstyle \left. + {\textstyle{1\over 4}}g^{\mu\nu} \partial_\mu G_{mn} \parti...

...{mn} + {\textstyle{1\over 4}}G_{mn} F_{\mu\nu}{}^m(A) F^{\mu\nu n}(A) \right\},$   (3.22)

where we have made a shift in the Dilaton field

\begin{displaymath}\phi = \hat\Phi - {\textstyle{1\over 2}}\log \det G_{mn} \end{displaymath}

and of course $F_{\mu\nu}{}^m = \partial_\mu A_\nu{}^m - \partial_\nu A_\nu{}^m$.

We also have to reduce the other part of our string effective action involving the anti-symmetric field tensor $B_{\mu\nu}$


S_{\hat B} = -{\textstyle{1\over 12}} \int_M d^{D-d}x \int_K...

...t H_{\hat\mu\hat\nu\hat\rho} \hat H^{\hat\mu\hat\nu\hat\rho} ,

\end{displaymath} (3.23)

where $\hat H_{\hat\mu\hat\nu\hat\rho} = \partial{[\hat\mu} \hat B_{\hat\nu\hat\rho]}$.

We can derive that the following reduction of the D-dimensional anti-symmetric field tensor gives us the correct transformation properties in (D-d) dimensions

\begin{displaymath}\hat B_{\hat\mu\hat\nu} = \left(

\begin{array}{cc} B_{\mu\nu...


-B_{\nu m} + B_{mn} A_{\nu}{}^n & B_{mn}

\end{array} \right).

\end{displaymath} (3.24)

So the D-dimensional anti-symmetric field tensor gives us in D-d dimensions again a anti-symmetric field tensor, d abelian vector fields $B_{\mu m}$ and a $d\times d$ scalar matrix Bmn, which because of anti-symmetry has ${\textstyle{1\over 2}}d(d-1)$ independent components.

Note that $\hat B_{\hat\mu\hat\nu}$ is a gauge tensor field: $\delta\hat B_{\hat\mu\hat\nu} = \partial_{[\mu} \Lambda_{\nu]}$. This means that the (D-d)-dimensional fields will have the following transformation properties:

$\displaystyle \delta B_{\mu\nu}$ = $\displaystyle \partial_{[\mu} \Lambda_{\nu]}$  
$\displaystyle \delta B_{\mu m}$ = $\displaystyle \partial_{\mu} \Lambda_m$  

We can use the vielbeins to convert the curved indices of $\hat H$ to Lorentz indices $\hat H_{\hat a \hat b \hat c}$ and then use the reduced vielbeins ($e^a{}_\mu$ and Enm) to convert them back to (D-d)-dimensional curved indices:

$\displaystyle \hat {\textstyle{1\over 12}} H^2$ = $\displaystyle {\textstyle{1\over 12}}\hat H_{\hat a \hat b\hat c} \hat H^{\hat a \hat b\hat c} =$  
  = $\displaystyle {\textstyle{1\over 12}} H_{mnk} H^{mnk} + {\textstyle{1\over 4}}H...\nu m} H^{\mu\nu m} + {\textstyle{1\over 12}} H_{\mu\nu\rho} H^{\mu\nu\rho} .$ (3.25)

Here Hmnk =0 since Bmn is independent of the K coordinates. We can also calculate the other terms:
$\displaystyle H_{\mu mn}$ = $\displaystyle e^r{}_\mu \hat e_r{}^{\hat \mu} \hat H_{\mu mn} = \partial_\mu B_{mn},$ (3.26)
$\displaystyle H_{\mu\nu m}$ = $\displaystyle e^r{}_\mu e^s{}_\nu \hat e_r{}^{\hat\mu} \hat e_s{}^{\hat\nu} \hat H_{\hat\mu\hat\nu m}$  
  = $\displaystyle F_{\mu\nu m}(B) - B_{mn} F_{\mu\nu}{}^n(A),$ (3.27)
$\displaystyle H_{\mu\nu\rho}$ = $\displaystyle e^r{}_\mu e^s{}_\nu e^t{}_\rho \hat e_r{}^{\hat\mu} \hat e_s{}^{\hat\nu} \hat e_{t}{}^{\hat \rho} \hat H_{\hat\mu\hat\nu\hat\rho}$  
  = $\displaystyle \partial_\mu B_{\nu\rho} - {\textstyle{1\over 2}}( A_\mu{}^r F_{\nu\rho r}(B) + B_{\mu r} F_{\nu\rho}{}^r(A) ) + \mbox{cycl.},$ (3.28)

where $F_{\mu\nu m}(B) = \partial_\mu B_{\nu m} - \partial_{\nu} B_{\mu m}$.

Due to the dimensional reduction there arise extra terms in the definition in the field strength tensor $H_{\mu\nu\rho}$. These are the so called Abelian Chern-Simons terms.

We can put all these terms back into the action. The total reduced effective action, consisting of the Einstein part as well as the part with the anti-symmetric field tensor, can be written in a very symmetric form [5]. The claim is that there is a O(d,d) global symmetry that keeps this action invariant. (see Appendix [*] on the symmetry group O(d,d).)

First we have to introduce the $2d\times 2d$ scalar matrix M,

\begin{displaymath}M=\left( \begin{array}{cc} G^{-1} & -G^{-1}B \\ BG^{-1}&G-BG^{-1}B \end{array} \right),

\end{displaymath} (3.29)

where G is the $d\times d$ metric scalar matrix Gmn and B is the scalar matrix Bmn. Furthermore we have to introduce the matrix L:

\begin{displaymath}L = \left( \begin{array}{cc} 0&I_d\\ I_d&0 \end{array} \right),

\end{displaymath} (3.30)

which is the identity matrix of the group O(d,d) in a basis rotated from the one with a diagonal identity åppodd. If we also put the field strength tensors of the vector fields in a d+d doublet,

\begin{displaymath}{\cal F}^i_{\mu\nu} = \left( \begin{array}{c} F_{\mu\nu}{}^m(...

... \partial_\mu {\cal A}_\nu{}^i - \partial_\nu {\cal A}_mu{}^i,

\end{displaymath} (3.31)

where $i=1,\ldots,2d$, the total action can be written as [7][5]


S = \int_M d^{D-d}x \sqrt{\vert g\vert} e^{-\phi} {\cal L},

\end{displaymath} (3.32)

with ${\cal L}={\cal L}_1+{\cal L}_2+{\cal L}_3+{\cal L}_4$, where
$\displaystyle {\cal L}_1$ = $\displaystyle -R + (\partial\phi)^2,$  
$\displaystyle {\cal L}_2$ = $\displaystyle -{\textstyle{1\over 8}} g^{\mu\nu} \mbox{tr} (\partial_\mu ML \partial_\nu ML) ,$  
$\displaystyle {\cal L}_3$ = $\displaystyle {\textstyle{1\over 4}}g^{\mu\mu'}g^{\nu\nu'} {\cal F}_{\mu\nu}^i (LML)_{ij} {\cal F}_{\mu'\nu'}^j,$  
$\displaystyle {\cal L}_4$ = $\displaystyle -{\textstyle{1\over 12}} g^{\mu\mu'}g^{\nu\nu'}g^{\rho\rho'} H_{\mu\nu\rho} H_{\mu'\nu'\rho'},$  

where $H_{\mu\nu\rho} = \partial_{[\mu} B_{\nu\rho]} + 2{\cal A}_{[\mu}{}^i L_{ij} {\cal F}_{\nu\rho]}^j$. This action is obviously invariant under the O(d,d) transformation:

\begin{displaymath}M \to \Omega M \Omega^T, \quad {\cal A}_\mu{}^i \to \Omega_{ij} {\cal A}_{\mu}{}^j,

\end{displaymath} (3.33)

keeping the other fields invariant and where $\Omega \in O(d,d)$ satisfying

\begin{displaymath}\Omega^T L \Omega = L \end{displaymath}

So the reduction of a Low energy String Effective Action in D dimensions to D-d dimensions results allways in a action redsea which has an O(d,d) symmetry. This dual symmetry is called T-Duality, where the 'T' stands for Target-space. In the case of the string effective action of the bosonic sector of the Heterotic string sea10 we have to reduce from D=10 to four dimensions. This means d=6 and the reduced action will be invariant under O(6,6) transformations. This also means there will be 12 vector fields and M will be a $12\times 12$ matrix with 36 independent scalars.

As we mentioned before, we expect that compactification on more complicated manifolds K will give more realistic features in four dimensions. In fact there are very many ways to perform this compactification and it is not clear yet which of them should be the correct way.

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Jan Pieter van der Schaar