Metaphysical reflections

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The only true reality is the present perception of our mental state which contains the memories of our past sensations and actions. Anything else is mental construct.

Perception is an information transfert from a perceived reality to a perceiving spirit. Then it requires the existance of spirit.

The informations which we perceive are not random, they show regularities . They are like the unfolding of a smaller seed.

These regularities permit us to build a mathematical model of the world.

Perception is an information transfert from a perceived reality to a perceiving spirit. Then it requires the existance of spirit.

What can be the place and nature of spirit in such a model ?

The feeling that the colony of cells called individu has to be a monadic spiritual entity comes from the enormous difference between the strong internal connectivity and the relatively week external connectivity.

Why are the physical laws exactly the good ones which permit existing of amazing complexity permitting the apparition of an intelligent life? If they were very fewly different, they would have generated a universe without interest. That is called the anthropic principle. Can we conclude to the existing of a supreme being which has chosen these laws to permit the apparition of man ? This is not sure. The Many Worlds hypothesis permits to imagine that an infinity of universes exists, one for each possible set of physical laws. Furthermore, it permit to explain the non-determinism of quantum physics without use of random, by supposing that when the wave function collapses, the universe "ramifies".

Why is there something and not nothing? What would happen if there were nothing? Only mathematics would exist because they are the study of nothing. Then mathematical models would exist, and converging infinite sequences of such models. Such an infinite nesting could then generate a spirit which would perceive it as a world in which it lives. So it appears that universe could have been generated by nothing.

This idea has been feeled by the Polish science-fiction novelist Stanislas Lem in the short novel titled "Profsor A. Donda" ("The professor A. Donda").

This hypothesis of mathematical universes gives a new lighting on non-determinism of quantum physics when the wave function collapses and on the Many Worlds hypothesis.

The dissymetry of time could come from the fact that the nearest fixation point of the universe (the Big Bang) is in our past.

Thepleasureis the way used by Nature to make us realize its goals.