Canto XXXIII of the Purgatory
image Luis Rojo

The prayers of the Lady of the camellias.
The decline of the Garden of Eden.

'Deus, venerunt gentes', alternando or tre or quattro dolce salmodia, le donne incominciaro, e lagrimando; e Beatrice sospirosa e pia, quelle ascoltava sì fatta, che poco più a la croce si cambiò Maria. Ma poi che l'altre vergini dier loco a lei di dir, levata dritta in pè, rispuose, colorata come foco: 'Modicum, et non videbitis me; et iterum sorelle mie dilette, modicum, et vos videbitis me'.


"O Dieu!"

"Odious are the men of having profaned your temple
and thus, wanting to assume the trade of God!"

So, they sang, by crying, the Apsaras, and Jeanne listened to them
as sad and demolished then was Marie at the foot of the cross.

But, after these virgins kept quiet to let Her speak, She rose and, standing,
Her face ignited, She answered her beloved sisters as such:
"Modicum et non videbitis me; et iterum, modicum et vos videbitis me."
She then, made them go ahead of Herself and, by a sign, told us to follow Her,
me, the lovely Lady and Dante, who was still there.

Thus, She went away and, after having made ten steps,
She stopped, directed Her eyes towards me and She says to me:
"Come nearer, so that if I have to speak to you, you would be in a good place to hear Me.
I want you to strip yourself from your dreams and that you speak to Me such as with a woman,
who exists, who lives, who breathes and who whispers for you, you, Marco, who do not merit this.
Take note of my words and repeat them to the mortals who run to their death while wanting
to modify life. Describe how you saw the havoc of the tree, the spoil of the atmosphere
who sustains life and the decline of this Garden of Eden which supported them. Tell them the destiny
of those who crunched the Forbidden fruit while thinking to assume the trade of God.

But since I see that your intelligence is hardened and darkened, so much so, that my words fly away,
I also want you to carry, as a faithful pilgrim, the images if not my words, to the simple mortals.
If you cannot remember having moved away from me and that your conscience does not reproach it to you,
remember at least that you just drank the water of the Lethe, and that this forgetfullness shows
that your desire was guilty of having carried your feelings elsewhere. But from now on,
my words will be without veil, as much as necessary to be understood from your clumsy spirit."

When the seven Goddesses stopped at the borders of a shade that veiled the forest,
it seemed ro me, that I saw in front of them, two sources coming from the same river,
similar to two lovers separating with regret.

"O light and glory of mankind, what is this water which runs here
from a single source, and which separates from itself?"

To this prayer it was answered to me:
"Pray the Lady of the camellias who guided you up to now, she will be pleased, in telling it to you ."

And, as if she was washing herself from some reproach, the lovely Lady answered:
"I told him that, and many other things too; and I am sure that it is not
the water of the Lethe which had made him forget it."

And Jeanne added:
"Perhaps a more serious concern has darkened the eyes of his spirit,
but go at the Eunoe that runs over there; lead him to its water and,
as it is custom for you to do it, revive his failing memory."

And like a noble heart, not seeking excuses but, by the will of others, does her own,
so, after having taken my hand, the Lady of the camellias approached the source
and she laid herself into the water until the water infiltrated into the folds of her beautifully stripped body.
And, with a very female kindness, she drew me towards her, saying to me:
"Come and lay yourself and taste this potion which lies there, hidden in the deepness of my vulva."

If it remained to me, reader, more space to write, I would celebrate at least imperfectly,
the soft beverage from which I would never have been satisfied; of this very holy water,
I came back from there, regenerated, like young seedlings which renew a new foliage,
pure and ready to climb up on other stars and to taste at, as many other nectars
hidden in the deepness of the caverns of desire.

Marco Polo ou le voyage imaginaire (the human tregedy, janvier 2000) © 1999 Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Theme musical: Petite Suite: en bateau de Debussy, emprunté aux Classical Midi Archives.
Important Notice: any photos or fragments of photos subject to copyright will be removed on notice.