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- Tools-Filebase -

Latest version of Alexander Ldmmles "Creatures Object Editor" which enables you to edit and/or extract *.spr sprite files and convert them to *.bmp-files. A COB-FILE-COMPILER WAS ADDED TO THIS NEW RELEASE! This is file is shareware. A High-Colour-Display is required (>65000 colors)
Uploader: Alexander Ldmmle
REG-File that enables the "Hyperdrive Options". You'll get three new menus.
Look at the Tips-Page for further Informations
Uploader:Janko Heilgeist
REG-File which helps you to run Creatures without the CD. This file is useful if you use a Notebook or Laptop and have to decide wether you install your Floppy-Drive or CD-ROM-Drive
Uploader: Michael Gardiner
DOS-File which enables you to extract *.spr sprite files and convert them to *.pcx
Uploader: Paul D. Margrave
REG-File wich immediatly gives you the "More Eggs" option in the emergency-kit. Great if you have a faulty egg-disk!
Uploader: Alexander Ldmmle
The original Millennium "Christmas-Pack". You need this file to inject new *.cob-files into Albia
Uploader: Harry Siegel
Some *.COB-Files containing the bugfixed "Fruit of the Doom" (enhanced killer turkey) and "Selector Lemon" to select and export Grendels. Hyper-Carrot-Dispensor (Just like the old Carrot-Dispensor but moveable. It serves Hyper-Carrots... Just test it!)
Please read the readme.doc for further information
Uploader: Alexander Ldmmle

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