1942               Part "005"
                   Poke &H90F0, X       Number of lives
Aleste             Part "001"
                   Poke &H8084, S:
                   Poke &H80EC, S:
                   Poke &H80ED, S       Stage (1t/m8)
                   Poke &H8474, 0:
                   Poke &H8B2E, 0       Immortal
Alibaba            Part 1 - &H87CA

                   Poke &H8C95, X       Number of lives  
                   Poke &H96CE, 9       No trouble with green enemy
Alpharoid          Part 1 - &H87D7 
                   Poke &H92E8, 0       Immortal overground
                   Poke &H97BB, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HB492, 200     More fighting power underground
Antartica          Part 1 - &H87E4

                   Poke &H9A04,0        Nothing (?)
Arkanoid           Part 1 - &H8598

                   Poke &HB614,0        Next level instead of dead
Arkanoid 2         Tip
                                   Next level
Army Moves         Password             37215
                   Part 1
                   Poke 35739, 1        Acces code after phase 1
                   Poke 35206, 201      Immortal
                   Part 2
                   Poke 34964, 201      Immortal
Arsene             Part "001"
                   Poke &H844E, 0:
                   Poke &H8C1C, 0:
                   Poke &H8C1D, 0       Immortal

Batman             Part 2 - &HE00C

                   Poke &HA999,0        Immortal
Beamrider          Part x
                   Poke &HB427, X       Number of bombs
Billiards          Part x - &H8702

                   Poke &H97A5,0        No loss of balls
Blagger            Part 2 - &H8700

                   Poke &H9254,255      (Sorry, I forgot)
Blow-Up            Cheat                After break
                   "COSMIC"         Unlimmited number of mines
Bomb it            Passwords
                   Stage 5              mnab eekg kjcp pcdf efef
                   Stage 7              abef pjab acjd djpd jdjl
                   stage 8              jdcp idah ifnm ihek gkgh
                   stage 9              bafe mplf enfe kgmo loln
                   stage 10             djef plpp cnfe cgmc pcpl
                   stage 11             hipc oniu mngh imnk ihih
                   stage 13             bagk kegp cjcp pcdk gkgf
                   stage 15             balo ehkb allo baom nmnh
                   stage 16             ihih pmkb allo baoa bolc
                   stage 23             mnfe modf eaab olbc ppcl
Bosconian          Part 1 - &H87A0      File : 8800, C7FF, 87A0 
                   Poke &H8ABB, X       Number of lives
Boxing (Konami)    Part 1               File : 8800, C7FF, 87A0
                   Poke &H964D,9        2x not K.O.
                   Poke &H8A06, 90:
                   Poke &H8B37, 90:
                   Poke &H8B96, 90      Continue with Breaker     Part 4
                   Poke &HAA9D, X       Number of lives
Breaker-Breaker    Passwords
                   Bank 1               EASY
                   Bank 2               ANGRY
                   Bank 3               GREATFUL
                   Bank 4               DEAD
                   Bank 5               VISIBLE
                   Bank 6               HAROLD
                   Bank 7               SMILING
                   Bank 8               WAITING
                   Bank 9               MINSTREL
                   Bank 10              TIGER
                   Bank 11              ILLUSIVE
                   Bank 12              RAMPANT
                   Bank 13              ROARING
                   Bank 14              BORED
                   Bank 15              FINAL
                   Red                  Gun bat
                   Green                Large
                   White                100*1
                   Yellow               3 balls
                   Blue                 Sticky
                   Purple               100*6
Buck Rogers        Part 1 - &H8400

                   Poke &H854D, X       Number of lives

Child parc         Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H8A71, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &HA9D4, 0       No low balls
                   Poke &HA9D5, 0       No bouncing balls
                   Poke &HA9D6, 0       No high balls
                   Poke &H8CF2, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8CF3, X       Start Stage
                   Poke &H8CF6, X       Start Scene
Circus Charlie     Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H8BB4, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8BB5, X       Stage
                   Poke &H896B, 0       Immortal
City connection    Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &HA37D, X       Speed car
                   Poke &H88B9, X       Number of cars
                   Poke &HA3D7, 9       Small number of enemies
Clapton II         Part x
                   Poke &HA069, X       Number of lives
Comic bakery       Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H89BD, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &H8CCA, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8CCB, X       Begin stage
Crazy Train        Part x
                   Poke &H8AEE, X       Number of lives

Danger Mouse       Part 2               7842981
Darwin 4078        "ERTSDFZ"       Immortal
D-Day              Part x
                   Poke &H93AC, X       Number of lives
De Erfenis         Passwords
                   "AAPMGAOA"           Part 2
                   "OLAAGAKA"           Part 3
Deep Forest        Part 1 - &HC000

                   [9200..9300], 201    Invulnerable
Demand             Part x
                   Poke &HC8C9, X       Number of lives

Eggerland          Distances for shops: see other file (later Warper)
                   Part 1 - &H87A0

                   Poke &H88F7, &HX     &HNumber of lives (till &H99)
                   Poke &H94A6, 63      Enemies don't return after
                                        being killed
                   Poke &HA004, 201     Medusa won't shoot
                   Poke &HA088, 201     Skull and brown animals won't walk
Eggerland 2        Part "000" - None
                   Poke &HB545, 201     Firethrowers won't be activated
                   Poke &HB531, 201     Shooters won't shoot L-R
                   Poke &HB7D9, 201     Skulls won't be activated
                   Poke &HB8D1, 201     Walking shooters won't walk
                   Poke &HBC3C, 201     Enemies won't walk but also cloak
                   In combination with previous pokes:
                   Poke &HAA51, 16      Walk though all the screen
Eric & Floaters    Part 1 - &HC000

                   Poke &HC061, X       Level
                   Poke &HC066, X       Number of lives
Exa Inova          Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H9102, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H9299, 9       Everything blows up automatically
Exerion            Part x
                   Poke &H9859, S       Speed [1..9]

F1 Spirit          Code
                   TWVH3CZHSIM0AJ       All weapons
                   IIQG0L00B0JPGT       All weapons
                   HYPEROFF             Fast pitstop
                   ESCON                F5 = Ritire Empty
                   KFJJ MDBI PLNM 
                   JGLJ DDIL EIGK       Won all circuits
                   Slot combinaties (Slot 2)
                   Q-Bert               Track determination not always
Fantasm soldier    Passwords
                   Input method         In the demo,
                                        by typing  52x40021ll0
                   x                    Number of juwels (Maximum 5)
                   ll                   Number of lives (Maximum 99)
                   Stage passwords
                   Stage 2              2331442341
                   Stage 3              3230031740
                   Stage 4              0795586315
                   Stage 5              09279008227
Firebird           Also known as Hinotori
                   Passwords            F1 Home Home Password
                   "ILOVEHINOTORI"      Invulnerable
                   "SUPERBALL"          All round maps
                   "METAL SLAVE"        200 points for weapons
                   "TURBO"              3 shoes
                   "ULTRABOX"           10 boxes
                   "FULLITEMDAYOON"     All items
                   "DOKODEMOMAP"        F5-Complete
                   "KOKOWADOKO"         6 maps
                   "KINOOOIHITDANE"     All maps
                   "HAYAME"             3 ladybirds
                   "GAOOOOOOOOOOH"      More live
                   "HOIHOIHOIHOIHOI"    Compas?
                   "ENDDEMOGAMITAINA"   Game played to completion
                   "HANEYOKAGAYAKE"     Mony is worth 10
                   "ME3AMUGZIA"  +
                   "KEFUA2YABSM"        At last demon
                   "PHBZF8VI1ZQ886KCKG19G"             Stage 2
                   "84jasfs3pg4shghgzr9lfj"            Stage 3
                   "vqphnpf59hv9188q21d5c"             Stage 4
                   "nc4kcj5dbeldm955fdrid"             Stage 5
                   "hy4vg1b1ma9sfdlgbhmbm"             Stage 6
Flappy             Part x
                   Poke &H8C6F, 99      You survive when hit by stone
                   On level further,
                   at the cost one one live
Frogger            Part 1 - &HD000

                   Poke &H93EC, X       Number of lives
Frontline          Part 1 - ???
                   Poke &H80E3, X       Number of lives
Fruit Panic        Part 1 - ???
                   Poke &HABBD, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HABC8, X       Number of fruitpoints * 10
                   Poke &HABE0, X       Number of bombs

Galaga             Part 1 - &H87A0

                   Poke &H93F6, 0       2 Enemies in one
                   Poke &HA1C3, X       Hi-Score in tenthousands
                   Poke &HA25F, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HA3C3,9        1e Round = Bonusround
Ghostbusters       Code's
                   Name : Herbie        64301110       Fl. 203.400
                   Name : Butterfly     50542224       Fl. 512.800
                   Name : Jon           1234                Fl. 700.000
                   Name : Rudi          23223504
Girly block        Passwords
                   Dome 1             KJ4PRCH4
                   Dome 2             ZLT66LYT
                   Dome 3             V25L7P6L
                   Dome 4             DYQKV208
                   Dome 5             BYBMQ05H
                   Dome 6             VGK5AA3T
Gongo Bongo        Part 1 - &H8400

                   Poke &H8BB2, 201     Walk through screen (field 1)
                   Poke &H86FC, X       Jumping distance (Eg 9) (field 2)
Goonies            Levels               Select with Ctrl-K
                   Level 1              Goonies
                   Level 2              Mr Sloth
                   Level 3              Goon docks
                   Level 4              Doubloon
                   Level 5              One eyed Willy
                   Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &HBFC9, 9       No bullets
Grand prix         Codewords
     motorrider    RAIN, DUNE, COLD, DUSK, BLIN, DAWN, NOON
Green Beret        Part 2 - ???
                   Poke &HAA1F, 0       No enemies
Guttblaster        "COSMIC"      Cheat mode
                   "COSMIC "     DEMO.DAT gets recorded

Higemaru           Part 1 - &HC000

                   Poke &H8BE4, 0       Walk through screen
                   Poke &H8E3E, 201     Big enemies won't shoot
                   Chuck island      PNAC JJAJ BAKP BHGM LKDE MIIN (1940 p)
                   Curse island      LFJJ KIKK GPAB DPIO BICN IFGH (5260 p)
                   Mermaid island    BPOM FKBA FPMM CMPC BNOP ALFK (9770 p)
Hunchback          Part 1 - &H9000

                   Poke &H912E, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HBEB6, S       Stick number
                   Poke &HBEE7, S       Strig number
Hype               "HARVEY"             When in game
                                   Stop programmer mode
                   (1-7)             Demo
                   ..           Slow motion
Hyper Rally        Part 1 - &H87CA

                   Poke &HAF62, 0       No slipping in curves
                   Poke &H8B5B, &Hh,
                   Poke &H8B5C, &Htt    Rank : &Hhtt

Hyper Sports I     Part x
                   Poke &H9212, S
                   Poke &H9213, S-1     Stage

IceWorld           Codeword             CASIO

Keystone Kapers    Part x
                   Poke &HA0C7, X       Number of lives
Kings Valley       Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H8B23, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8B27, X-1     Level -1,
                   Poke &H8B28, X       Level,
                                        Only levels : 1, 2, 3, 6, 7,
                                                      8, 10, 11, 13
                   Poke &H916C, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &HA484, 201     Invulnerable
                   "CRYSTAL BALL"       played till piramide 15
                   "NILE RIVER"         played till piramide 30
                   "KING SHIP"          played till piramide 45
                                        Push after this and
                                        you will move to the next piramide
Kingsvalley II     Passwords
                   A1=01 A2=02 A3=03 A4=04 A5=05 A6=06 A7=07 A8=08
                   A9=09 AK=10 AL=11 AM=12 AN=13 AO=14 AP=15 BA=16
                   BB=17 BC=18 BD=19 BE=20 BF=21 BG=22 BH=23 BI=24
                   BJ=25 BK=26 BL=27 BM=28 BN=29 BO=30 BP=31 CA=32
                   CB=33 CC=34 CD=35 CE=36 CF=37 CG=38 CH=39 CI=40
                   CJ=41 CK=42 CL=43 CM=44 CN=45 CO=46 CP=47 DA=48
                   DB=49 DC=50 DD=51 DE=52 DF=53 DG=54 DH=55 DI=56
                   DJ=57 DK=58 DL=59 DM=60 PP=98 (for number of lives)

                   AB__DAFO             1st two for level
                   __ABDAFO             3th and fourth: number of lives
                   Passwords, vervolg
                   FESTIVAL             Invulberable, normal start
                   TRYAGAIN             Continue mode
                   Part 4 - &HE000

                   Poke &H9AB1, 201:
                   poke &H9AF3, 201:
                   poke &H9B64, 201     Invulnerable
Knightmare         Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H89CA,0        Immortal
                   Poke &H8AA9, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8AAA, BS:     Beginstage,
                   Poke &H8AAB, BS-1    Beginstage-1
                   Part 2 - &HC800

                   Poke &H8B3C,0        Rampoke
Kontra             Passwords
                   Stage 10             Cavern
                   Stage 11             First Undermaze
                   Stage 12             Homicide Censor nr.3
                   Stage 13             Magma Area
                   Stage 14             Second Undermaze
                   Stage 15             Homicide Censor nr.4
                   Stage 16             Underground Fall
                   Stage 17             Magma Area
                   Stage 18             Underground Fortress
                   Stage 19             Vicious Space
Kung fu masters    Part 1 - &H87E0

                   Poke &H983B, 63      Easier
                   Poke &HC496,201      Invulnerable
                   Poke &HC7E3, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HC7E8, (1)     Extra lives in tenthousands

Lazy Jones         Part 2 - ???
                   Poke &HC96D, X       Number of lives
Lupin              Passwords
                   "AHA"                Reset
                   "BAKO"               Reset
                   "SQRPMRGO"           Stage 1
                   "SQRYEPGO"           Stage 2
                   "SQRYJTRRGO"         Stage 3
                   "SQRGPITGO"          Stage 4
                   "SQRGOBRGO"          Stage 5
                   "SQRDOCGO"           Stage 6
                   "SQRRBRMGO"          Stage 7
Lupin 2            "RPMPDMFIVJ"         Level 2
                   "SEWFEMFIWF"         Level 3
                   "FMOIDFDNXT"         Level 4
                   "NXKMIFFMUF"         Level 5
                   "XVJOMEJJFF"         Level 6
                   "XWQEMDAJFP"         Level 7

Macross            Scene instelling     Type when 'Scene' is on
                                        screen. Now you can choose from
                                        scene 1 till 32
Magical tree       Part 1 - ???
                   Poke &H99C1, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H99C2, X       Stage
                   Poke &H99C6, X       Hight:16
Magical Wiz Kid    Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H948E, 0       Invulnerable (Immortal)
                   Poke &H99D1, T       Time of 'hour-glass'
                   Poke &H99DD, T       Time of 'extra speed'
                   Poke &H9A36, T       Time of 'fire'
                   Poke &H9A4C, T       Time of 'bird'
                   Poke &H9D19, 0       Invulnerable (for ghosts)
                   Poke &H9D4C, 201     Invulnerable for 'sick making bullets'
                   Poke &H9EF0, 201     Invulnerable for 'hand'
                   Poke &H9ED0, 201     Imposible to get 'Purple skull'
                   Poke &H9ED6, 201     Imposible to get 'L. blue skull'
                   Poke &HA198, X       Number of hits to break wall
                   Poke &HA1F6, 20      Choice of what you can get
                   Poke &HA321, 15      Ghosts get weaker
                   Poke &HA3CF, 15      Dragon gets weaker
                   Poke &HB966, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HC48B, 4:
                   Poke &HC48C, 7       Castle is on the lower level
                   Part 2 - &HC800

                   Poke &H8AA4, X       Number of magic sticks
                   Poke &H8AA5, X       Number of boomerangs
                   Poke &H8AA7, X       Number of poisons
                   Poke &H8AA8, X       Number of explosions
                   Poke &H8AA9, X       Number of fire shields
                   Poke &H8AAB, X       Number of bottles of healing poison
                   Poke &H8AAC, X       Number of keys
                   Poke &H8AAD, X       Number of diamants
                   Poke &H8E48, T       Time in hundreds              (0-99)
                   Poke &H8E49, T       Time in tens                  (0-99)
                   Poke &H8E4A, T       Time in tenthousands          (0-09)
                   Poke &H8E4B, T       Time in hundredthousands      (0-09)
                   Poke &H8E4C, T       Time in millions              (0-09)
Maze of Galious    Passwords
                   Wereld 1             YOMAR
                   Wereld 2             ELOHIM
                   Wereld 3             HAHAKLA
                   Wereld 4             BARECHET       
                   Wereld 5             HEOTYMEO
                   Wereld 6             LEPHA
                   Wereld 7             NAWABRA
                   Wereld 8             ASCHER
                   Wereld 9             XYWOLEH
                   Wereld 10            HAMALECH
                   Part "001" - &HE000  (Primary slot - &H4000)
                   Poke &HA12C, 201     Immortal
                   Poke &HB1E9, 201     No walls or doors
                   Part "002" - &HC000  (Out &HFE,3)
                   Poke &H9234, 201     No decrease of arrows or coins
                   Poke &HB1FD, 201     Invulnerable, with exception of water
                   Slot combinations    in slot 2
                   Q-Bert               100 keys, coins and ammonition
                   Knightmare           Popolon and Aphrodite can be brought
                                        back to live 99 times

                   Total game         There is a description of the whole
                                      game, with everything in it.
                                      (sure there is, but it's all in dutch
                                      :-( Warper )
Metal Gear         Passwords            (F1-Passwords-F1)
                   ANTA WA ERAI         All stars
                   INTRUDER             Unlimited bullets
                   DS 4                 One star extra
                   HIRAKE(M) GOMA       All maps
                   ISOLATION            999 ratio's
                   Part "001" - &HC000

                   Poke &H80DB,201:
                   poke &H80DC,201      Walk through screen
                   Part "005" - &HC000

                   Poke &HB77B, 201     All doors open,
                                        play it as fair as possible!
                   Part "006" - &HC000

                   Poke &H8A0E,201      Invulnerable concerning enemies/
                   Poke &H8C27,201      Invulnerable concerning gas- or
                   Poke &H8F17,201      Invulnerable concerning roller
                   Poke &H8F8A,201      Maximum when getting power item
                   Poke &HA82D,201      Enemies dom't shoot
Merlin             Part x - ???
                   Poke &HD323, X       Number of lives
Mutant Monty       Part x
                   Poke &H9321, 201     Immortal

Nemesis 1          Passwords             Passwords 
                   Stage x : HYPER      All bullets
                   Stage 1 : Momoko     All bullets
                   Stage 2 : Chie       All bullets
                   Stage 3 : Akemi      All bullets
                   Stage 4 : Syuko      All bullets
                   Stage 5 : Chiaki     All bullets
                   Stage 6 : Noriko     All bullets
                   Stage 7 : Satoe      All bullets
                   Stage 8 : Yasuko     All bullets
                   stage B1: Kinuyo     All bullets
                   Stage B2: Hiasae     All bullets
                   Stage B3: Miyuki     All bullets
                   Stage B4: Yohko      All bullets
                   LASER                Laser
                   MISSILE              Missile
                   OPTION               2x Option
                   DOUBLE               Double
                   SHIELD               Shield
                   Slot-combinaties     in Slot 2
                   Twinbee              You change to twinbee
Nemesis 2          Part "002" - &HE000

                   Poke &HA993,201      Rampoke
                   Poke &HBD63, &Hy:
                   Poke &HBD64, &Hxx    Cartridge RCxxx (A)
                   Poke &HBD67, &Hy:
                   Poke &HBD67, &Hxx    Cartridge RCxxy (B)
                   Poke &HBD6B, &Hy:
                   Poke &HBD6C, &Hxx    Cartridge RCxxy (C)
                                        Look for A, B, and C appendices
                                        (Forget that.....Warper) 
                   Slot-combinations    in slot 2
                   A)Penquin adventure  You turn into a penquin
                   B)Maze of Galious    You may keep the weapons you got
                                        before you died
                   C)Q-Bert             "Metalion"
                                        Green energy shield that is
                                        inpenetratable for any shots
                                        All weapons
                                        Next level
Nemesis 3          Passwords             Code  
                   FIND                 find bonusweapons / maps
                   EXPAND               ???
                   GOOD                 ???

Oh Shit!           Part 1 - ???
                   Poke &H8214, X       Number of lives
Oil's well         Part 1 - &H8F00

                   Poke &HA419, 8       Almost no trouble concerning enemies

Panda              Passwords            Caps on
                   "PQPPPQPPRP"         "TNRTPPTPLP"
                   "PQQPPWPPIP"         "TNSTPVTPWT"
                   "PUQPPWPPIP"         "TOSTPPPPJP"
                   "RKQRRURRMR"         "TOSTPPTPNP"
                   "RMRRQTRQMR"         "TOSTTTTTNT"
                   "RRQRRWRRVR"         "TRQTPQPPLP"
                   "RRRRRRRRRR"         "TWRTPPPPQP"
                   "TIQTPPPPRP"         "VOSVSWVSWV"
Parodius           Passwords             Code  
                   "ZENBU"              complete equiption
                   "TAKO18TH"           d. blue clocks
                   "KONAMI"             always red clocks
                   "PARO"               always white clocks
                   "KATAI"              ???
                   "BUTAKO"             always green clocks
                   Yellow clock         Everything vanishes
                   Witte clock          Left-right entrance
                   Rode clock           Laser vector
                   D. blue clock        Turns into drill
                   1 * green clock      Up-down through screen
                   2 * green clock      Up-laser
                   Part "002" - &HC000

                   Poke &HBBFE, &HCD:
                   Poke &HBBFF, &H2F:
                   Poke &HBC00, &HBC:
                   Poke &HBC01, &HC9      -->> Played to end

                   Part "004" - &HC000

                   Poke &HAA63, 201:
                   Poke &HAA3B, &H3D    Invulnerable for sprites
                   Poke &H82EB, 201     Invulnerable for everything else
                   Poke &H82C3, 201     Invulnerable (missile) for
                                        everything else
                   Poke &H823E, 201     Invulnerable (laser) for everything
Penquin (SEGA)     Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H9345, X       Number of eggs
Penquin adventure  Passwords            When in level selection
                   NORIKO               Continue when dead
                   Part "001"
                   Poke &H9228, 0       Time stops
                   Poke &H935F, X       &HNumber of lives
                   Poke &H9360, L:      &HLevel,
                   Poke &H9361, L       &HLevel

Pine aplin         Part 1 - &H8010

                   Poke &H84ED, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H86B7, 9:
                   Poke &H86E2, 9       Ajustable jumps
Pippols            Part x - &HD000

                   Poke &H89CF, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H9FE6, 201     No field
Protector          Part x - ???
                   Poke &H89B9, X       Number of lives

R-Type             Cheat keys           When playing
                                     Extra live
                                     Loose live
                   <1>                  Option
                   <1>+<1>              Spiral weapon
                   <2>                  Laser
                   <3>                  Hose or snake (both translations
                                        of 'slang' in dutch)
                   +              Next level
Rambo              Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H9CD0, 9       No enemies
                   Poke &H9AEC, 9       No laserbeam
                   Poke &H9F8D, 98      Enemies remain inactive
River raid         Part 1 - &H8800

                   Poke &HA863, 9       Bullets go through enemies
                   Poke &HB80C, 9       River turns into a canal
Rollerball         Part 1 - &HD00F      File : 8010, xxxx, D00F
                   Poke &H9FD2, X       Number of balls
Rotors             Part 1
                   Poke &H8A16, X       Number of lives

Salamander         Part 2 - &HC000      256KRAM version
                   Poke &HB621, 7:
                   Poke &HB622, &H52    Instead of Nemesis in slot 2 
                                        now F1-spirit
                                        (RC752), see appendices (NOT Warper)
                   Spel combinations
                   with Nemesis 2       Extra level: 6A
Samantha Fox       Part 3 - ???
                   Poke &H86FC, 0       (I forgot)
                   Poke &H8700, 0       Music different

Samurai (MSX-2)    Part "007"  - &HC000

                   Poke &HB7BF, 201     Walk everywhere but on water, rest 1
                                        (level 1)
                   Poke &HB7F2, 201     Walk everywhere but on water, rest 2
                                        (level 1)
                   Poke &HB7FD, 201     Walk on water (all levels)
                   Part "008" - &HC000

                   Poke &HB53C, 201     Money doesn't decrease, you will
                                        never have too little money anymore
                   Level setting (I wish I knew what THIS means, Warper)
                   zpc8tv.4t            Last level
Sasa               Part 1 - ??? 
                   Poke &H862A, 0       (I Forgot)
Skooter            Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H8AC0, X       Number of lives
                                Next field
Skyjaguar          Part 1 - &H87D7      File : 8800, C7FF, 87D7
                   Poke &H8972, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &HAFF1, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HA040, S       Speed of scrolling
Snake it           Part 3 - &H8777

                   Poke &H8B02, X       Number of lives
Solid Snake        Sounddemo            Choose cigarettes and push 
                                        to get the radio. Choose freq.
                                        140.07 and you will hear the sound
                                        demo. Push repeatedly  to here
                                        different music.
Sparky             Part x
                   Poke &HA101, S-1     Stage
                   Poke &HA102, X       Number of lives
Starquake          Teleports            1. Vorax        6. Uplan 11. Ercot
                                        2. Razon        7. Zodia 12. Indle
                                        3. Taraq        8. Snool 13. Dulan
                                        4. Kwake        9. Argol 14. Antio
                                        5. Angor       10. Kranz 15. Optin 
                   Part 4 - &HCCA1

                   Poke &H9135, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8CF2, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8CF3, S       Stage
                   Poke &H8CF6, S       Scene
Super Cobra        Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H910D, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H910E, Z       Zone (stage)
                   Poke &H8F0E, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &H890D, 255     Bullets disappear
Super Laydock      Passwords            When in "LOAD"
                   SUPCOOAOOOZOFD       Now you get when in 2 player mode:
                                        TORA, BULDOG, ALPHA, DOUBLE,
                                        SPECIAL, CONDOR, MERRY, SLOW,
                                        KILLER, FIRE,
                                        SPEED:NORMAL, HIGH, TURBO
                                        when in 1 player mode:
                                        BULLPOP, TORA, ALPHA, DOUBLE,
                                        CONDOR, SPEED: NORMAL, HIGH, TURBO
                   SLPHXJJLMOGPAS       All weapons (when in 2 player mode)
                   + TORA               Laser (enemy)
                   * Bulldog            Rocket (bases)
                   + Alpha              Multiple bullets
                   * Double             Rockets to both sides
                   + Special            Kills all enemies
                   * Condor             Homing missile
                   + Merry              Bigger bullits
                   * Slow               Everything slows down
                     Killer             ???
                   * Fire               Fireball (bases)
                   Verklaring *         Mount planes left-right
                   Verklaring -         Mount planes up-down
Super Rambo Special                     Part 000
                   Poke &H9B61, 201     Enemies won't shoot
                   Poke &H8b7E, 201     Keep playing after dying
                   Veld 1               10A09A38
                   Veld 2               04K14O42
                   Veld 3               03M16O41
                   Veld 4               05U01K42
                   Veld 5               03K12M41
                   Veld 6               04K29K38
                   Veld 7               03S21K40
                   Veld 8               12F04M29
                   Veld 9               10Y20T31
Super runner       Passwords            1.  WATA       2.  TAKE  3.  MOTO
                                        4.  KANE       5.  MATS  6.  UIYO
                                        7.  BETS       8.  UNOD  9.  AMIY
                                        10. ATAJ       11. IMMA  12. RYMO
                                        13. RIOU       14. EDAO  15. NONA
                                        16. RUSE       17. MACH  18. IDAM
                                        19. IYAZ       20. AKII
                   +           Full power
                   +           Full time
Sweet acorn        Part 2 - ???
                   Poke &H8312, X       Number of lives

Thunderbirds       Passwords
                   Level 2              recovery
                   Level 3              aloysius
                   Level 4              anderson
Trickboy           Part 1 - &H9000

                   Poke &H93AA, X       Number of lives
Twinbee            Part 1 - &H8700

                   Poke &H895C,9        Ease up
                   Poke &HAD02,0        Immortal

Usas               Passwords
                   Ruin 2               JUBA RUINS
                   Ruin 3               HARAPPA RUINS
                   Ruin 4               GANDHARA RUINS
                   Ruin 5               MOHENJO DARO
                   Slot-combinations    in slot 2
                   Maze of Galious      100 coins to start with
                   Nemesis 2            Continue with F5
                   F1 Spirit            Secret power through all game
                   Metal Gear           2 Hits only cost one power   
Vampire            Part 3 - &H8598

                   Poke &H9FE5, 201     Enemies won't walk
                   Poke &HA0AD, 201     One arrow per field
                   Poke &HA504, 201     Invulnerable
Vampire killer     Part 1 -&HC000       128kRAM version
                   [81D5..8233], 0      Power stays the same
                   Poke &H87C6, 3       Stay able to grab hearts
                   Part 2 - &HC000

                   Poke &H84E2, 3       99 hearts
                   Poke &H84F0, &HX     Number of lives

Who Dares Wins 2   Part 1 - &HE001

                   Poke &H8379, X       Number of granates
                   Poke &H867E, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H92A0, 99:
                   Poke &H9379, 99:
                   Poke &H937E, 99      Immortal
Wizards Lair       Level 1              Vault          
                   Level 2              Dungn          
                   Level 3              Crypt
                   Level 4              Hawlo          
                   Level 5              Caive          
                   Level 6              Liayr
                   Level 7              Lyons
                   Part 1 - ???
                   Poke &H9177, X       Beginning amount of gold
                   Poke &H9178, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H9A72, X       Number of keys
                   Poke &H9A73, X       Number of rings
                   Poke &H9A74, X       Number of diamonts
Xyxoloc            Part x
                   Poke &H8174, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8170, S       Stage

Yie ar Kung Fu 1   Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H89B7, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &H8AC1, X       Number of lives
Yie ar Kung Fu 2   Part 1 - &H87A0

                   Poke &H8A10, 0       Immortal
                   Poke &H8E95, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &HACEB,9        No small enemies
                   Poke &HAE8E,5        Immediate K.O. (for fields (?))
                   Poke &HAE8E,0        Enemy dies when you are supposed to

Zanac              Part 1 - &H87D7

                   Poke &H89E8, X       Number of lives
                   Poke &H8CC1, 63      Invulnerable (bullets)
                   Poke &H8CAE, 63      Invulnerable (ships)
                   Poke &H8CC6, 68      Destroy ships
                   Poke &H8CC6, 68      Destroy bases
Zanac expert       Part "001"
                   Poke &H907F,5        Immortal (by points)
                   Cheat                Push at the beginning of a stage the
                                        number of the weapon (keep it down),
                                        the weapon will be given to you
Zexas              Part 1
                   Poke &H901A, X       Number of lives


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