Jennifer Aniston from GMTV:

Jennifer Aniston from GMTV, June 1998.

Helen: Hello there. Well, the World Cup may be over for England and Scotland, but France is still buzzing with the competition. I think I must be the only one here not here for the football, and if people were to find out who I'm about to meet, then I dare say there'd be a few football fans who'd abandon their matches. She's the one friend they'd all like to take home.

Clip from opening sequence

Jennifer: It's truly like brothers and sisters, and a deep love there. We love what we do, we love going to work, we love doing the show and making it the best that it can be. It's just fun.

Clip from "TOW the Jellyfish".

Helen: There must be lots and lots of upsides to...

Jennifer: Oh, there's nothing but upsides.

Helen: But are there downsides as well, are the downsides of, you know, you loose your anonymity for example?

Jennifer: Of course, yeah the big ones are your anonymity and your privacy.

Your private life is picked apart and scrutinized and speculated upon and stories made up about you and people sit there and probe you and it's like, it's wild. It's a very weird thing.

Helen: How do you feel about all the pictures of you and Brad Pitt and the speculation about romance? What's the truth behind that?

Jennifer: We're friends, and that's like, you become single and everyone wants to peg you with somebody. I mean, I've been matched up with people I've never even met! It's just, it's unfortunate but it also comes with the dinner and it's part of it and you have a good laugh about it, and that's all.

Helen: So no romance there.

Jennifer: No..

They both chuckle.

Clip from The Object of my Affection.

Helen: What was it that particularly caught your eye about "The Object of my Affection" and made you want to become involved?

Jennifer: The complexity of the story, of the characters, It didn't wrap itself up in sort of a Hollywood ending, you know, it was kind of just real and a gay character was represented as a human being, you know, a real man. A lot in there.

Another clip - "You slept with a girl!".

Helen: How did you get on with your dancing lessons?

Jennifer: I was very impatient, because I was not very good at it. Paul was as bad as I was, so we goofed around too much, but somehow we managed to get to a place where we kind of looked like we knew what we were doing.

Helen: You were working with one of our great British favourite actors,

Nigel Hawthorn.

Jennifer: Oh my God!

Helen: How did you get on with him?

Jennifer: He was the goofiest, silly, dirty, wonderful human being on the planet. I have to say that was one of my favourite scenes, was our thanksgiving scene. I mean, I could literally sit and listen to him reading the phonebook and I would be very happy.

Helen: You didn't though, presumably?
JA: No I didn't, but I also didn't ask, so maybe I'll ask him sometime.

Clip from the Loreal advert.

Helen: The trademark that we can't ignore...

Jennifer: Don't talk about my hair. They laugh. That haircut has been around for four years, let it die!! It's not as if it was the first time I'd ever seen this haircut. Plus, I walked out of that hair salon practically in tears thinking "I don't know what the hell he did to my hair. I'm wearing a hat for like, a year. And that's the ironic part of it all, suddenly everyone starts talking about it.

Helen: But you still do the shampoo ads, so that helps perpetuate it!

Jennifer: Don't look like that haircut, that's all I'm saying!

Final clip from same ad: "Cause I'm worth it".