New List of Orders


All orders should begin at the begining of a line by a # BEGIN

#BEGIN <Team Name>

This command shows that your orders begin. Everything before it is ignored. By the way your first password will be your team name (ie Paris for example).

#BEGIN Paris

#BONUS <Amount of money * 10000> <Player Name>

This order gives an amount of money to one of the players of your team to increase his morale.

#BONUS 15 Romario

#BORROW <Amount in Millions> <Time in Months>

With this command you borrow some money from the bank. You will have to pay the money back each month with a bonus of (number of years)*10% (maximum 5 years = 260 months). You can only borrow 100 Millions each time.

#BORROW 15 26

#BREAK <Player Name>

This command allows you to break a contract with a player. But be careful, because you will have to pay part of the salary you would have paid to the player (25% of it !). And sometimes the UEFA might decide to increase the indemnity. But it is also a very useful command.

#BREAK Ravanelli

#BUY <Player Name> <Price in Millions> <Salary * 10000> <Time in months>

This command makes you buy a player from another team and is realized only if the other team made the order SELL with the same followings (except for the team field which should contain your team code). The price is in FF (could be 0). The salary is in FF per month (1/12 of a season).

#BUY Bebeto 10 50 2

#CONTRACT <Player Name> <Salary *10000> <New duration in months>

This command allows you to keep a player in your team longer than supposed by offering him a new, better and longer contract. Usually, you have to offer him a better salary than before but that depends from his age and how he's doing in your team, his morale... The new duration has to be longer than before, else the order is invalid. This order is only possible at the end of the year. Other teams may make better offers. If the player is still under contract he will not sign with you but will sign when he will be free with the other team. If then the other teams refuse to pay him enough he will attack his new team in justice for contract broken.

#CONTRACT Edmilson 50 14


This command shows that your orders end. Everything written after it is ignored.


#GIVE <Team Name> <Amount in Millions>

This command makes you give money to another team. It is a very dangerous one ! Be careful. Everyone will know it ! If the FIFA or the UEFA thinks it is not legal, you can get a lot of problems and lose the money and maybe more !

#GIVE Napoli 15

#HAND <Amount *10000> <Team Name>

This command makes you give some money off-hand to another team. Be careful, this is illegal !!! You have 1 chance within 5 that everybody would know it.

#HAND 10 Marseille

#LEND <Player Name> <Team Name>

This command makes you lend one player to another team. To take effect, the other team has to use the command GETLEND. Each month the player will be playing for the other team, the other team will have to pay his salary. It is legal to give some money to the owner of the player. To get the player back, you have to use the command RECALL.

#LEND Caveglia Juventus

#LENDBACK <Player Name>

This command allows you to send back a player to the team who has lent it to you whenever you want.



This command is used to send me a message without bothering me with an email. After the command you write your message on the same line.

#MESSAGE How are you doin' ?

#RECALL <Player Name>

This command allows a team who has lent a player to another team to get the player back whenever the lending manager wants. The player will come back before having played his weekly game. It might cause sometimes problems to the other team who might ask the FIFA or UEFA for prejudice.

#RECALL Adailton

#SEAT <Number of seats to be built * 10>

This commands orders to build some seats for your stadium. It costs 5000 FF per seat built. If you do not have enough money, the maximum of seats possible would be built.

#SEAT 500

#SELL <Player Name> <Team Name> <Price in Millions> <Salary * 10000> <Time>

This command makes you sell a player to another team and is realized only if the other team made the order BUY with the same followings (except for the team field which should contain your team code). The price is in FF (could be 0). The salary is in FF per month (1/12 of a season).

#SELL Ronaldo Juventus 10 500

#SPY <Team Name>

This command allows one team to spy another one. It costs 500.000 FF and you can only do one per turn (else you would pay for eat too but get nothing). The only exception is for the national manager.

#SPY Monaco


The first order #TACTIC makes you come in the tactic mode which allows you to change your tactic. The orders within it are :
#<Number> <Player Name> <Position>
And all this ends with #ENDT .

#1 Revault Goalkeeper
#2 Thuram Left Defender
... #12 Lama
#13 Roche
#14 Guerin
#15 Loko
#LC Simone (that means that Simone will kick the left cornerkicks)
#RC Rai (that means that Rai will kick the right cornerkicks)
#P Rai (that means that Rai will kick the penalties)
#C Rai (that means that Rai will be the capitain of the team)
Look at the available positions for players. 

#TRANSFER <Player Name> <Price in Millions>

This means that you put a player on the transfer list which will show to the other manager that you want to sell this player. But the price is only here to evaluate what you at least want for this player. You do not have to sell this player at this price and you do not have to transfer your player at all even if he is on the transfer list.

#TRANSFER Ronaldo 200