Marijuana is one of the more safer drugs in our society today. We know more about marijuana than most prescription drugs. Nobody has ever overdosed on marijuana. Marijuana is not physically addictive. The test that show marijuana can cause reproductive problems and short-term memory loss are greatly over exaggerated. The test on the affects of marijuana on the reproductive system. Was done on monkeys and at lethal injections and in a uncontrolled environment. Short-term memory loss only occurs when someone is under the influence of marijuana.

If marijuana cannot be legal for recreational use at least for medical use. People find greater relief from marijuana than the drugs that are used instead. Marijuana can be used to help people with Aids, M.S., Glaucoma, even people who suffer from migraines, and other diseases

If marijuana cannot be legal for medical or, recreational use. Than at least it can be used for industrial reasons. Marijuana can be made into paper, rope, and a hard plastic like substance. Which would help stop deforestation and be environmentally sound.

Marijuana does not lead people to violent crime. In most cases it makes people calm. In Connecticut, USA lawmakers there are thinking of reforming there marijuana law to due over population in jails and prisons.

These are just some of the facts that I have stated about marijuana. With all the research that has been done on marijuana and nothing extremely harmful has been discovered. Marijuana is not even as bad as alcohol and tobacco. Yet they still remain legal. Alcohol and tobacco do not have any medical value, and most violent crimes happen when people are under the influence of alcohol.

John Schroeder.

http// schroeder.188