Psst, God. Are You Listening?

So you've come to find god, huh? Well if you are the same as me you have not been able to find any answers for your questions. Oh, sure there are a lot of people who claim to have the answers but how can I know who tells the truth, if there is such a thing? Basically any conversation I have with someone who holds the truth comes down to me saying, I'm sorry but I can't put my faith in something that I don't even know exists so if you want to save me you're gonna have to prove to me that what you are saying is true. Once I have asked the person to prove it they are sort of stumped, I mean how do you prove the existence of a god when his number is unlisted?

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When you think about a god who knows all and sees all, you have to think; what kind of being would create a world in which innocent people suffer every day? Christians claim that god created a perfect world etc. and that it was man who fucked it up. Well didn't this perfect god of their's create man? And if god is perfect, not to mention if he exists, wouldn't everything he creates be perfect. Belvieve me, man is about as far away from being perfect as possible. It just frustrates me to think that if there is a god he's a fucking asshole for putting me and you in such a fucked up place. We had no choice in coming to this earth and according to Christians, it's either worship their god or be tortured forever. Free will, what the fuck is that?

It's interesting to think that belief in god was pretty solid until this century, a time when the number of educated people is as high as it has ever been in the history of man. Makes me think that since we have grown up expecting things to be proven before we believe them, the same goes for religion. Some of us are no longer like sheep in that we don't blindly follow the other sheep without asking where we're going and when they don't know the answers, we turn to the shepherd only to find that he won't listen to our questions. wow what a fucked up analogy! I like reading my stuff a few weeks after writing it, it's always interesting to see what i was thinking.

Well i have actually come to a conclusion about religion, albeit a pathetic one, but it is a conclusion nonetheless and closure is something i find pleasing. Here it is: I can disprove the bible as much as i want and i can show the hypocricsy inherent in being a christian and believing the bible. I can prove that everything the christian religion has taught us is wrong. I can do all this and still i wouldn't have come closer to the question of whether god exists or not. Even if i were able to do all this, it still wouldn't disprove the existance of a god.

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Well that's it for now, if ya want to comment on my thoughts or share your own with me, you can reach me here.