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Shoot it !
Version 1.02

- Support us -

        Shoot it ! is a free game, you don't have to pay anything to enjoy it, but if you like this game, it would be nice to support us. We found a way in wich you don't have to pay anything to support us, and you will even make money out of it, you probably already heard about sites like AllAdvantage or GoToWorld which pay you to view advertisements while surfing the web. If you register to these programs using the links below, we will earn some of the money you earn (10% to 50%), but you won't lose any money. Of course if you don't want to support us, you don't have to register these programs, but it would be nice to help us, so we can continue working on our softwares. Here's a list of these programs:

Earned money: 0.50$ per hour up to 25 hours per month, 0.10$ per hour for direct refferal, 0.05$ per hour for extended referrals
Our ID: LNE-077, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Earned money: 0.40$ per hour up to 40 hours per month, 0.10$ per hour for direct refferal, then 0.15$ and 0.20$
Our ID: 1052581076, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Join GoToWorld

Make Cash on the Net
Earned money: ~0.50$ per hour, unlimited time, ~0.125$ per hour for refferals
Our ID: 958138, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Earned money: ~0.25$ per hour, unlimited time, 10% of refferals, up to 4 levels
Our ID: sgravejat, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Join CashSurfers

Join Mediabarre
Earned money: 0.05FRF per seen banner, 20% of refferals, then 10%, 5% and 2,5%
Our ID: 124456, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Earned money: ~0.50$ per hour, up to 75 hours. 10% of refferals, then 7%, 5%, 2%, 2%, 1%, 1% (7 levels)
Our ID: sgravejat, use this ID when you're asked for a referrer's ID
Join GetPaid4
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