
I've seen too many tears
coming from your eyes.
Too much sorrow in your heart.
I've seen
too much pain around me...

Come into my arms,
there, close to my heart .
I will rock you
as long as it may takes,
until your smile
comes back again
to light up
your eyes and your heart.

Until pain goes away,
until you do not hurt anymore;
and then, I will rock you still!

I will stand by your side
until darkness goes away...

I will cry, if I have to,
all the tears in the world
so that you may
never have to cry again...

I will cry my tears,
yours tears...
all the sorrows in the rain,
all the waterfalls of the earth,
and the rivers too.
So that you may never have
to cry again...

I will love you
until time stands still
and space fills with love
because limits, heart has not.

I will recreate beauty
just for you,
again, again, and again...
untill all universes
have no more place
for ugliness.
Until there is no more space
for you to suffer...

may l998