MAP 1:
A cataphile map of the tunnel grid under the
5th, 6th, 14th, and 15th arrondissements. The northern/eastern/southern/western-most
limits of this grid are, respectively,
rue de Vaugirard, rue de la Sante, Boulevard
Jourdan/Boulevard Brune, and rue de Dantzig.
This map is presumably a copy of a copy of a copy,
ad infinitum. The source of the original
is unknown, though there is reason to suspect that
it may be a map stolen from the
Bibtiotheque National ca. 1975. This copy traced by
a cataphile identified only by his
signature-glyph "SHADOW" and dated 1987.
The inscription at the top left reads "CITY OF PARIS
-ancient underground quarries- existing
under the 14th arrondissement." (Note: a deliberately
archaic phrasing.) Below this is a
scale, 500 meters in length at 100-meter intervals;
then "Map traced by SHADOW-ca. 1987-shadow."
(Note: the copyright symbol is presumably a cataphile joke.)
The box located at the left of center is a key to
the principal areas of this grid, numbered on the map,
as follows:
l- German Bunker
2- Room Z
3- bone depository under Montparnasse
4- FFI Bunker
5- Room of the Staircase
6- La Craie-Robert
7- Sainte-Anne
8- The Crypt
9- Room of the Paintings
10- The Beach
1l- The Reservoir
12- Room of the Chairs
13- The Cellar
14- "The Spam". (Note: "The Spam" is a cataphile slang euphemism for the
southern bone depository.)
The inscription between the two left boxes, running along a tunnel that extends
beyond the limits of the map, reads "Towards the Bunker-The Raidos Room."
The small box at the lower right is a key to the three lettered exits, as follows:
A- Petite Ceinture exit
B- RER exit
C- Cité Universitaire exit. (Note: an "exit" can just as well serve as an entrance.)

The box at the lower left is a general key to the map, as follows:

Finally, the bottom inscription reads: "WARNING! Entrance into the consolidations of the ancient quarries is dangerous and illegal ! DESCEND AT YOUR OWN RISKS AND PERILS!" (Note: "the consolidations of the ancient quarries" is the technically accurate description of the underground quarries; the more popular term "catacombs" is in fact a misnomer.)

MAP 2:
A cataphile map of Paris showing the areas of quarries under the city. This map, like Map 1, is signed by Shadow and dated 1987. Its origin is equally unknown. The inscription at the top left reads: "CITY OF PARIS-Map of the Zones of the ancient quarries." The top kinds of shading are keyed as follows:
dot areas-open air-former quarries; and solid areas-underground former quarries.
The remaining inscriptions refer to the numbered areas of the map by name,
and are divided into two groups according to the dominant type of mineral
the quarries were excavated in, as follows:
l- Montmartre
2- Belleville Menilmontant.
3- 12th arrondissement
4- Charenton/ Bois de Vincennes
5- 13th arrondissement
6- The Great Southern System
7- Passy Chaillot.
(Note: the area covered by Map 1 is the right-hand half of area #6 in Map 2.)