PLACEBO: inactive substance substituted for a drug to study the real effectiveness of this one by eliminating any psychological participation from the patient.

In Latin, PLACEBO means " I will please ", and it is true because this young trio international attracts more and more assistants, even if they remain a rather original group, from their music but also their personalities.

Common passion for Madonna, Prince or Dead Kennedys, PLACEBO is born in 1994.

The first demos are carried out with the drummer Steve Hewitt, but he will leave his place to Robert Schultzberg has he was at that in The Boo Radleys.

During two years, the band surveys England in the search of a producer, while giving some concerts.

Brian Molko writes the texts with the depressed words and also composes the music in company of his two allied. The recording of the first album begins then and is born in 1996.

PLACEBO to face the tabloïds which are give some to heart joy by describing them as junkies, misogynists (do not take Slackerbitch with the first degree, bunch of uncultivated!!!) and even of criminals... In short, the trio must be honest with the press and Brian makes his coming-out in " acknowledging " his bisexuality, just like Stefan Olsdal, who is gay (see him stef pics). These declarations, they make them especially to prove that they are free; freedom being what the group promotes above all: PLACEBO launches the style of boy of the next millenium...

After the output of the first album, they fall into the stereotype rock' roll (we leave free course to your imagination!!!).

Then Robert leaves the group following tumultuous and conflict relations with Brian. This one thus called upon Steve: collaboration bears his fruits and it is at the end of 1998 that comes out Without You I' m Nothing.

On scene, the lunar and poetic charisma of Molko is impressive, the agreements of Olsdal bewitching, and the sounds of Hewitt amazing. In light: the voice perched high of the singer-guitarist is accompanied by an energetic and emotive music. These wonders of the rock'n'roll qualify glamour band then, but a sad and solitary glamour (boohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!).

Excessive and agitators with wish, this new generation of artists releases a rough energy recognized and approved by largest such as David Bowie, Bono or Michael Stipe.

To summarize, one can say that energetic and melody, exploiting his sexual ambiguities and stylistics, this band is in the line of big rockers and kids (and others too!) are mad about their melodies crimped in an noisy case of the most beautiful effect.

PLACEBO: a remedy against bad mood to which we predict a long velvet future.