Born on December 10, 1972 in Brussels, of American father and Scottish mother, this poet maudit (as calls it Mr Crousle our philosophy teacher), passes the major part of his adolescence to Luxembourg where the morose days and telltales enable him to be devoted to his passion: music.

He becomes anexceptinnal, which does not prevent it from continuing his drama lessons at school.

It's with the American college of Luxembourg that he meets the future bass player Stefan Olsdal, and it is in South Kensington (subway of London) that they meet once more a few years later and Brian invites him to one of his concerts.

A little later Placebo is born and Brian exploits without reserve his androgynous side which makes noise in the press... this one is given some to heart joy and drag the band in mud to the advertisement of the bisexuality of Brian, thus forgetting his strong point: music...



If you want to impress Mister (?) Molko, thorough your knowledge on these subjects

who impassion him or are related to him:


(Olivier Assayas)

(Agnes B.)