Born on March 31, 1974 in Göthenborg (except error of our sources) in Sweden, which it inherited all the Scandinavian charm, it is however in Luxembourg that Stefan passes part of his adolescence.

Become inveterate sportsman, his first passion remains altogether the music to which it dedicates body and heart by playing various instruments such as the piano, the guitar, and even the drums at its beginnings... but it is with his bass that he excels.

His parents living in London, it is between England and Luxembourg that he makes his path a guitar on the back; it is thanks to this distinctive sign and with his impressive size (2,05m) that Brian recognizes it in a subway station of London after having attended the same college... and thus is born Placebo.

Just like Brian, he likes to wear skirts and to make up himself, the table is thus supplemented perfectly; and Stefan will also create some movements in the press following his coming-out, which give the band an insane image rock'!!!


If you want to impress Mr.O, thorough your knowledge on these subjects which impassion him or which related to him:



(ABBA of course!!!)


(gay magazine)




STEF pics