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Vasile Calmatui, le 20 mai 2001

VasCacheCode - Documentation

  1. Quelles sont les options du mode ligne de commande ?
  2. What is VasObfuLite?
  3. Why Java needs obfuscation?
  4. What does VasObfuLite?
  5. Will VasObfuLite stop decompilers?
  6. Is VasObfuLite as good as X obfuscator?
  7. Will there be any change to the size of my classes?
  8. Comment je peux coller mon code java dans la text area?
  1. Quelles sont les options du mode ligne de commande ?
    Vous pouvez lancer VasCacheCode depuis un mode ligne de commande pour procéder un ou plusieurs fichiers d'un coup, sans avoir a faire du copier/coller dans une applet. Donc "VasCacheCode.class" est une applet et une application en même temps.
    Le programme créera de nouveaux fichiers en ajoutant ".vas" à l'extension ".java" existante. Par exemple, si votre fichier source est alors le fichier de sortie de VasCacheCode sera
    Les options en mode ligne de commande sont :
    java VasCacheCode [-f] fichier1 fichier2 ..
    En utilisant l'option "-f" le programme ré-écrit les fichiers existants.

  2. What is VasObfuLite?
    VasObfuLite is a Java obfuscator. It obfuscates your Java source code and makes your programs less vulnerable to reverse engineering.

  3. Why Java needs obfuscation?
    When compiling your .java files, Java compilers place a considerable amount of data and symbolic names into .class files. Also, as a result of Java architecture, the bytecode (.class files) can easily be reverse engineered into readable Java source code.
    Now, several decompilers have been written that take advantage of the large amount of symbolic information contained within an applet. You can just take a look at javap program shipped with Sun's JDK.
    Java decompilers are particularly effective because applets are typically small, by creating a highly readable, easy to understand and even recompilable source code. In most cases, the decompiled code is missing only the comments, and often, the new code is tidier than the original.

  4. What does VasObfuLite?
    Working on source-code level, VasObfuLite will just rename private fields (variable names) to new, short ones, like v0, v1, v2... Thus, if decompiled, your program will give less (and obscure, hard to understand) information to the hacker.
    Source code (.java files) processed by VasObfuLite is fully equivalent to the original code, and is still compilable.

  5. Will VasObfuLite stop decompilers?
    No. As a result of Java architecture, the bytecode (.class files) can and will be easily decompilable.
    VasObfuLite will not stop a decompiler, but it will make decompiler's output less intelligible.

  6. Is VasObfuLite as good as X obfuscator?
    VasObfuLite is far from being commercial code. It is a tool I made for myself and I use to obfuscate my programs. It was tested only on Win95 with Sun's JDK 1.02. Obfuscation applies only to private variables.
    However, I plan to further obscure the meaning and sense of the original source program (obfuscate the private methods, too). With VasObfuLite, if registered, you'll get the source code and you'll be able to adapt it to your own needs.

  7. Will there be any change to the size of my classes?
    Yes. VasObfuLite will slightly reduce the size of class files. On my classes, it's normally saving 10-15% of .class files. However, the amount of reduction will considerably vary from one program to another, depending on the naming conventions.

  8. Comment je peux coller mon code java dans la text area?
    Comme dans la majorité des applications de votre Système d'Exploitation.
    Si vous êtes sous Windows, ouvrez votre fichier .java dans un éditeur de text, Bloc-Notes par exemple. Sélectinnez tout le texte et copiez le (avec Ctrl+C). Coller-le après dans la text area (avec Ctrl+V).
    Après le traitement sélectionnez le code de la text area (par exemple appuyez la toutche Tabulation deux fois) et copiez-le (Ctrl+C). Vous pouvez alors coller le code dans votre éditeur Java favori.
    N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez toujours utiliser le mode ligne de commande.

La page de VasCacheCode
Page modifée le 12 mars 1999
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