Here are shown differents photographs i've done as a variation from installation. Click on the link.


-Cryogenics 1 to 3

-Cryogenics 4

moulting    cryogenics 1 to 3     cryogenics 4

-1" of "IS"

- Cryogenics details

-Serial cryogenics 5

1 of IS    Cryogenics details     serial cryogenics 5

-Curious Fashion show

-Sample 1 to 3

-Bank & Thaw & Almost escaped

curious fashion show    sample 1 to 3     bank & thaw & almost escaped

-Solo 1

-Cryo spare dolls.

-Stand By. (new)

solo 1    cryo spare dolls     stand by

- Jäävalokuvakirjasto. 2003.

-LATENT, Suite 301. 2004.

Jäävalokuvakirjasto    LATENT.     

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