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Disused frozen room.
Antony. France.

Ice, silver gelatine, frozen room. 20 m3.

Color print, styroglass, steel.
100 x 80.

After 30 minutes

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This installation is a variation of the Family Cryogenic Memory Concession. After that conservation time inside Perishable Bank expired, i bring the photographs iceblocks in a disused frozen room of the disused University restaurant in Antony (suburb of Paris).
Iceblocks were hanged by net and butchery hook for their last instant of existence.
I let its melt during more than 24 hours.
Slowly extract from icy enveloppe, slowly losing their structures, but the photographs still expanding and going further than their original traces and living again for a last and extraordinary movement. This memory was at last release.

after 4 hours.

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Ice is a huge exchange border between air and frozen water. It's a recycling area. Ice catch the Carbon and release oxygen. The structure of the ice is moving and living all the time. but we can't see it. Even frozen, the photographs evolve in a very slow motion.

after 24 hours

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