Almost escaped

Sound & Cryogenic Photograph Installation.
Kokoteatteri, Helsinki.

Ice, silver gelatine, freezer, fluorescent light, sound.
85 x 55 x 50.

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This installation was made in the entrance of the Hamiina theatre & Kokoteatteri in Helsinki (Finland). It was in relation with the theatre play Deep Joy, performed during February & March 2001.
The installation was made with a normal vertical freezer with a full door. It contained a photographic iceblock with a child picture inlay into it, two fluorescent light and a loudspeakers inside the freezers, then the sound cames from inside, behind the door. The audience was able and invited to open the door which makes the sound coming more loud, and people could see the cryogenic portrait.

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Pretty soon, a sample of sound of the installation.

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Variation of Almost escaped, living for a while in the natur, last moment. Finally it have been escaped and disappeared.

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