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How to build a paraglider simulator almost for free ?

Thanks to Mac Giver which strongly inspired to me.

Needed material : string, elastic, mouse, pieces of clothes, a board of wood, nails, clamps, rings metal.

The idea is to connect a mouse to paraglider commands. First you must buy a usual mouse, then you bore it various holes. Then made loops with string, to fix the elastics at it : one elastic forwards and three backwards (see picture 1). The elastic are connected to the board of wood with nails. Then you connect the back of the mouse to two strings, these strings go then to the ceiling (with the help of two metallic rings on the board of wood). The board of wood is fixed at a table with clamps. There are metallic rings in the ceiling, which lead the strings again downwards. Finally put some clothes at the end acting as handle. Here you are...

picture 1

To have enough movement in the command I use the principle of the forces' reduction with multiple pulleys (but I haven't pulleys so I use one more time metal rings). (see picture 2)

picture 2

The use of the metal rings is not best adapted! It is necessary that I test that with pulleys... Encountered problems : First the direction left right was ok, but the vertical axis was reversed (we pull commands and the paraglider accelerate !!!). One solution is to reverse the mouse, but it isn't really easy to fix elastics because of the buttons of the mouse. So I download mouseware by logitech. We could choose orientation with this program : I pull the mouse to define orientation, and then the two axis are reversed... so now it's ok for the vertical axis but the horizontal one is reversed... To resolve this last problem, we must just cross the string of the two commands (we do this on the ceiling). (see picture 2) There remains however the problem of the neutral which is sometimes wrong. But keep cool, for some dollars you must not think that you can fly with a paraglider of 4000 dollars...

Good real and vitual flight.



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