Me and the recipes demanding patience

I give up. I mean, I'm really not a dessert girl. Making them, I mean. I think the only dessert I've really succeeded in crafting so far has been that brownie for a special someone 3 years ago. And it was a ready-to-bake brownie mix. How low down do I have to stoop?

Quaker Oats, renowned brand huh? Don't trust their recipes (Or maybe it's just me) I had had enough of oats cereal for a while and with some rotting bananas to spare, what better idea than to follow the recipe for oatmeal banana biscuits on the box? (Most normal people would eat the bananas and leave the cereal, but not me. Always choose the difficult way out.)

I'm not even going to repeat the recipe here cos' it ain't worth it but I shall state that I chose it, as always, because it looked SIMPLE. Haha

After mixing all the ingredients for the batter, the mixture was to be left standing for 2 hours. Fine. I even set my alarm clock. When it went off, I incorporated the sliced banana as instructed and heated the pan.

That was really the catch. I should have suspected something was amiss when the biscuits were to be fried, not baked. Then again, wasn't I happy to find something that didn't require the oven! (For my oven stories, call..oh never mind, it's painful just thinking about them)

Well, this whole get-up just arouses Marc's curiosity, which was a good thing cos' I might never have gotten anywhere on my own with the liquid mixture I was trying to fry. Didn't solidify, refused to be turned. He suggested adding more cereal. Goody. Less to eat! While we're at it, why not more flour and another egg too. When you start improvising, sometimes, you just can't stop.

Cristian looks on with curiosity. Then he tries one of the done ones and his look becomes one of distaste. He suggests butter. I don't have any! Wasn't I knocking on doors this morning asking for some cos' the recipe demanded 2 spoons? In that case, no oil. Fine! Let's test Marc's fabulous non-stick Tefal pan to the max.

There you go. The biscuits turn out more like pancakes but they are at least edible. The first batch go toward feeding the hungry guys watching the French Open. The French girl was defeated so I was frying to the tune of "France is the world champion" sung by Cristian a little later. (maybe this will help u understand, Cristian is Italian)

For those of you out there who have yet to see our lovely kitchen

Course Marc takes the opportunity to snap away with his digital camera. He doesn't get very far cos' it makes a clicking sound when the picture is taken.

The guys said they tasted not bad, even good. Thanks to Marc and Cristian for the ideas. This is exactly the kind of thing I would do when I have a tough paper on Friday.



Read this in French! (no, it's not the same focus. I can't tell the same story twice)

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