About the Program
The International Counselor Exchange Program makes possible the placement of several hundred students and young people from Europe, Africa, and other parts of the world, ages 20-30, to serve as counselors in American childrens' camps in the US. The program's goal is to create opportunities that will facilitate a healthy interaction between international counselors, American children and American camp staff, with the ultimate aim of nurturing friendships and better understanding between peoples from different cultures.
International counselors participating in the ICEP are considered social and cultural ambassadors of their respective countries and hence carry major responsibilities and obligations in making sure that the summer experience turns into a mutually enriching experience that promotes international understanding between peoples of the United States and peoples from different countries across the world.

Since ICEP's key initiative is to contribute significantly to the childrens' experience at their summer camp, we aim to bring in counselors qualified, or at least interested, in the educational fields. Participants with backgrounds in sports education, psychology, psychiatry, social work, teaching, arts, etc. would make strong candidates for summer camp counselors. The ability to teach chldren international traditions from their respective countries is what makes qualified international counselors ideal participants in any camping experience.

Many counselors return for a second or even third summer of participation at a camp they already know and love. Thus there are veteran counselors as well as "freshman" and the camaraderie amongst them helps every counselor through his or her summer here in the US. Most counselors say they are here to meet interesting people, work with and educate children, make friends in the United States, meet with other international cultural ambassadors travelling here for similar reasons, and hone their communication skills, specifically in English. In addition to these myriad benefits, counselors also find their weeks at camp a spiritual experience in the healing atmosphere of the wilderness.

ICEP counselors must be able to communicate in English!

In order for the international camp counselor to be an effective educator, friend and leader among the American children at camp, he or she must be proficient enough in English so a language barrier will not become a hindrance to an otherwise mutually benefitial opportunity. The ability to read, write, and certainly speak idiomatic English is an absolutely essential qualification that every camp counselor must have. Counselors who feel they are close to achieving this competancy are advised to practice their English language skills so they are up to par by the time they arrive here in the US. If you do not have the prerequisite skills in English and feel that you cannot gain the necessary proficieny in time, ICEP urges you to reconsider your application until such a time when you can claim adequate language competancy.

We definitely look forward to hearing your various accents and culturally unique usages of the english language!


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