:: STAFF ::
AHAH !? You want more informations about MN'G's team ?

Webmaster since 00/12/02.

At first, me FoxTHEBEST : a tiny modest guy =) whose english speaking reveals his nationality : french. Well, it gives a nice french touch to this Mugen site, doesn't it ? Just like "cafe, rendez vous or croissant" which are used frequently in the Mugen dialect ! =D
To be more serious, Web, computer games, Mugen and webdesigning are my favorites hobbies. Ok, I'm not here to detail my life, it would take 3 pages...
email : mng@fr.st
icq# : 73177237
homepage : MN'G Portal !

Designer since 01/04/13.

Let me introduce myself : I'm JSM, I draw stuffs for the site. I love fighting games ( Thanks MUGEN :-), internet, anime and as you way already have noticed, drawing !
Have fun on the site !
email : jozinho@free.fr
homepage : http://jozinho.free.fr

Reviewer since 01/06/03.

Hey Gang, my name is Jackfrost116 and I'm the official char reviewer and i also provided webspace for the rare chars for download. Im a mugen freak, I would sell my mom to play mugen...(I wonder how much i could get for her hmmmmmm) When Fox asked me to join his team I just took the chance because there are not a lot of french mugen players IMO.I'm French Canadian so my french and Fox's are totaly different but we manage. Enough of my ramblings, enjoy your visit to Mugengine and drop me a line if you want.
email : jackfrost116@hotmail.com (one message per person please, my hotmail is pretty full)
ICQ : 70425464
homepage : My website has NOTHING to do with mugen so I'm not gonna tell you where it is.

News sender since 01/06/04.

Like FoxTHEBEST I come from Europe, Portugal in the case. I've been following Mugengine site for news since it begun and decided to help sending some. I'd like to thank FoxTHEBEST for inviting me to join him on his project. Like him, my favorite hobbies are webdesign and programming and of course playing Mugen.
email : nunor2000@hotmail.com
homepage : The Mugen Fighters Guild