
A simple page, only redirection to other pages

DrawPage( 1, "init/ref index");
SetLSK( L1, "<IDENT", ActPage, PageIdent );
SetLSK( L2, "<POS", ActPage, PagePosInit );
SetLSK( L3, "*<PERF", ActPage, PagePerfInit );
SetLSK( L5, "*<TAKEOFF", ActPage, PageTakeoffRef );
SetLSK( L6, "*<APPROACH", ActPage, PageInop );
SetLSK( R1, "NAV DATA>", ActPage, PageRefNavData);
SetLSK( R2, "*MSG RECALL>", ActPage, PageInop );
SetLSK( R4, "*N1 LIMIT>", ActPage, PageN1Lim );
SetLSK( R6, "*MAINT>", ActPage, PageMaintIndex );

You can see the result on the screenshot page.

A more complex page, showing a few properties

DrawPage(0, "IDENT" ,
  "model|eng rating",
  " nav data|active",
  " op program");
SetLSK( L1, "ac-model", ActData );
SetLSK( L2, fmcNav->navcycle, ActViewOnly );
SetLSK( R2, fmcNav->navdate, ActViewOnly );
SetLSK( L4, DataGet("fmc/prog") + " (" + DataGet("fmc/prog-ver") + ")", ActViewOnly );
SetLSK( L6, "<INDEX", ActPage, PageInitRefIndex );
SetLSK( R1, DataGet("eng-rating"), ActViewOnly );
SetLSK( R6, "POS INIT>", ActPage, PagePosInit );

DrawPage display the static content of the page no the cdu (title, LSK labels)
ActData verb is used to display the content of a property, also the property can be set with an upselect of this LSK.
ActViewOnly verb display some "const" data.

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Last modified: 22/8/2004
Harald Johnsen hjohnsen at evc dot net