First of all what a script ? The script is a text which tells the history of film coarsely. It is like a summary. The script must comprise, as a book, three principal parts:

- the beginning (which exposes the facts, i.e. the situation of stating).

- the body (which contains the actions of film)

- the end (it is the final outcome); it answers the problems exposed in the situation of stating.

In all the script, there is a discussion thread. This is sometimes called the frame. For example in " Germinal " of Zola, the discussion thread is the universe of the mines, even if multitudes of stories in love develop around.

The script is the development of an idea, it is thus the result of the history. But this idea must be original. It should be improved, to work it. The introduction of various intrigues inside the script is very positive. That makes it possible to create problems and to bring the hero closer to the witness. Caution! Too many intrigues scramble the principal idea and also the witness.

For having found a good script, it is necessary to write the dialogues. For historical films, ridges attention with the vocabulary employed. Not to say: " did you see the concert of Johnny? " if you write a history which proceeds in the Limousin during the second world war. The dialogue must preferably indicate the name of the actors (in capital letters) and retorts it. Please place before the counterpart the ply of the actor (in italic characters). All this as with the theatre.

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