because imps would be nothing without!
many thanks to all those who have given us a hand and enormous smile to all the others who have provided support:
the hands of certain individuals for their hours spent fighting amongst needles, thread, poppers, scisors, paint, drills etc... - the human sewing machines and repairs specialist - louise for the industrialised sewing - the legs of others for their wonderings, hunting for items - the dancers and characters for their performances, help, and trust - the photographers - "the light surfer" - the cameraman "promotor for the right of the fairies (and videos)" - the gnome for his tribal videos - the chauffeurs - the translation fiddlers

 - friends, promotors and sound people who help (a lot) with promotion - the clubs, live sets, bands, DJs and festivals who hosted us - the donations of bike inner tubes, shells, curtains, foam, lace, netting, underskirts, diamonds, penny's jars - the hair un-tanglers - the ideas for materials and techniques etc... - mission control and BB design for the picture's edition -

lady T as UVfairy for the picture downloads - tufty for the hair gel specialist advice - friends and collegues for their internet connection - the neighborhood's washing machines - our website gurus - hum...feedbacks on grammar and spelling - the cat-sitters - L'amiral for his sense of navigation - MrsRed for a loaned devil stick - the Bristol BRI for fixing us - the knee support manufacturers - buxy for his kicks up the back side - few angels - and of course to all sounds, organisers, party animals...
of all kind.
"ai eh ai oh...and off to work we go..."
costumes and mouvements:
fairies    -    aquatic
industrial    -    rainbow    -    more
apparitions and presse:
2005 > 2006    -    2003 > 2005
2002 > 2003    -    1997 > 2002
links    -    back homepage

 delphine: "oh, he will take pictures for next gig"
amy: "great we get someone different to stalk us"
"the smiles are free"