Drink lots of water
DDrink lots of water. Water will moisturize your ski from the inside out. It is important to
     keep your skin moist because moist skin tans best
     Flip over during your session. By flipping over you will eliminate pressure points on you
     back and tan more evenly. By allowing the blood to circulate you will run less of a risk of
     getting a "heat rash". 
     Use an Indoor tanning lotion. These lotions or "accelerators" have been designed to be
     used with tanning beds. They will help you tan faster, darker, and make your tan last
     longer. Most importantly they will keep your skin moist while you are tanning. 

Don't use an alkaline based soap

    Don't use an alkaline based soap Use a p.h. balanced shower gel. "Bar" soaps will strip
     off an oily layer of your skin called your acid mantle and leave a waxy film on your skin.
     One of our P.H. balanced shower gels will leave you clean, moisturized and best of all
     won't harm your tan. 
    Wear the supplied F.D.A. approved goggles. This will protect your cornea and retina
     from irreversible damage that may not show up until later on in life. 
     If you have any questions please ask. We love questions, our employees have been
     trained to help you with anything that you might have a question about. The only questions
     we won't answer are stupid ones (stupid questions are ones that don't get asked)! 
     Use the High Output Beds. These beds are designed to help you achieve the deepest,
     richest, best-looking tan possible. Plus, they also will help to even out your face, neck, and
     shoulders with the rest of your body. 
     TAKE IT SLOW Tanning is not a speed race. We know that you want a tan yesterday,
     but by overdoing it will take longer to get that tan you want and you won't get as dark in
     the long run with a burn as a base. .
What your type of skinThe tanning processTanning and medecineSome tanning advicesThe UVA UVB UVC raysThe goods sides of the tanningWhy tan insideTips for tanEvaluate your tanning salonQuestions of tanningThe mélanomas and the tanningBack home
