The vitamin D3 produced by rays UVB helps to maintain in the organization a
 healthy phosphorus and calcium level which contribute to prevent the rickets and
 the osteoporosis as well as other physical and cutaneous affections. It is safer to tan in tanning beds than it is outdoors.     
     It is important to develop some kind of base before heading down south, thus ensuring you that you will not burn while on vacation. 
Dr. Alan B Fleisher showed in private clinic that they can relieve the psoriasis. 
People with Psoriasis and other skin disorders tan regularly to help their condition. 

    Thorough search even suggests that the solar exposure plays a crucial role in the
 prevention even the inhibition of certain cancer such those of the breast, the
 prostate, the ovaries, the colon and blood (ref.: " "Beneficial effects of sun exposure on cancer mortality" " by Gordon Ainsleigh, Preventive Medicine, 1993) 
At last, a progressive and moderate pigmentation  is the best natural protection against the solar aggressions .

What your type of skinThe tanning processTanning and medecineSome tanning advicesThe UVA UVB UVC raysThe goods sides of the tanningWhy tan insideTips for tanEvaluate your tanning salonQuestions of tanningThe mélanomas and the tanningBack home