How long does it take to develop a tan?
                         This depends on your skin type, the lotion you use and your current skin color. In general the average person can develop a base tan in 10-15
                         sessions in standard our beds. On your first visit we will determine a schedule for you to follow, usually starting off with just a few minutes your
                         first session and gradually working up to a full 20 minute session. It is very important not to overexpose your skin to the sun! Plan on 30 - 45
                         days to build a tan.
How often should I tan?
                         You should wait a very minimum of 24 hours before your next session. We recommend you follow a 3 tan per week schedule when building
                         your base tan. Continue this shedule for 3 to 4 weeks. After you have developed your base, you can reduce you schedule to once or twice a
                         week depending on the tan you desire and the equipment your using.
What do I wear when tanning?
                         What ever you want! Once you enter your private tanning room it’s your choice. Some people wear their under garments, others bring swim
                         suits, and many prefer to tan in the buff. (So they say) REMEMBER if you choose to tan without undergarments, those areas of skin normally
                         covered will be more sensitive to the sun. Don't allow those areas to get full exposure when you start building your tan.
 Do tanning accelerators / intensifiers really work?
                         Lotions created for Indoor Tanning help you tan faster, replace and maintain moisture. Many help reduce and combat the signs of aging (e.g.
                         appearance of fine line and wrinkles.) By supplying your skin with needed vitamins, minerals, amino acids and moisture these lotions can help you
                         tan better than using no lotion at all. By using lotions you can tan faster in less sessions with less UV exposure = smarter tanning!
 Do I have to wear those goggles?
                         Yes!!! Sunlight can damage your eyes producing SEVERE BURNING and possible long term damage. The skin that makes up your eyelids is
                         very thin, UV can penetrate. So wear the goggles! If you are worried about the “raccoon eye” effect, use a small amount of self tanner around
                         your eyes to blend your tan.
Other helpful advice:
                         When tanning indoor or out, moisture is lost from the skin. Use a good moisturizer after tanning, showers  to keep a health glowin tone. 
                         Choose a good quality lotion when tanning. Exposure to UVA can cause premature skin aging and wrinkling. A high quality tanning lotion 
                         can help prevent and reduce these effects. It’s well worth the money! Remember, like most fun things in life, moderation is the key. Talk 
                         with your salon owner about tanning, take care of your skin, and take a break every now and then. 
  Is a tan from a tanning bed the same as a tan from the sun?
                         Yes, it is exactly the same.  It is created by exposing the skin to the same kind of U.V. light that we get from the sun.
  I always burn the first time I go out in the sun.  Does that mean I must also burn in a tanning bed?
                        Absolutely not!  Sunburn is a sign of overexposure and skin damage and  must be avoided at all cost.
  I'm going south on vacation.  If I get a tan before I go, will I still need a sun screen?
                          Yes, although a base tan will give you a great start for your  holiday, it is still advisable to protect yourself, especially on those
                           first few days.
I've heard that some people tan in the nude. Is this true?
                   That's what they tell us! Tanning rooms are totally private and you may  tan in swimwear, or however you choose.
Do I really need to use the eye wear you provided?
                   Yes, please wear it.  Eyelid skin is very thin and U.V. light  is able to pass through it quite easily and may cause permanen damage,including ...................cataracts   in later years.
 Lotions smell nice, but will they really help me tan?
                   Yes, they will.  Some lotions work better than others, but any tanning  lotion will help you tan more easily than no lotion at all.
 I've been tanning down the street and can do 30 minutes in their ``super duper" bed. Can I do 30 minutes in your beds?
                   Probably not.  All tanning beds and tanning salons are not created equal.  The type and age of lamps, age of acrylics, and cleanliness of bed
                   interiors all have a bearing on the intensity and quality of a tanning session. Listen to and take the advice of your Palm Beach tanning consultant.
Why inside tan is better then ouside ?
                  Interior tanning enables you to control exactly the quantity of light ultraviolet ray that your skin get. This fact, the risk of a sunstroke is almost 
                  to eliminate. You never have trouble about the climate, the weather is always nice and heat at the interior of a tanning salon. It does not take a 
                  complete day to obtain atan, depend of  your type of skin, some period during the week and you will have a beautiful tan. Of course, as the cabins of 
                  tanning are private, youcan completely tan. Only one small portion of the solar spectrum is responsibl for your tan, all the other rays deployed by the 
                  sun, are there for nothing.Moreover, among the ultraviolet rays, only best are retained by the solar lamps
                  It false to believe than a " sunstroke " is the secrecy of beautiful tan.Le sunstroke brings permanent after-effects to the skin. 
Why certain part of the body don`t tan ?
                  Among the reasons possible, there is the heritage génétique.Les mélanocytes certain places are defective to produce the melanine. It can also be at 
                  question of he presence of a fungus has the surface of the skin It is him which absorbs all the U.V which should normally be absorbed by the skin has 
                  this endroit.Ce fungun' isat all a resultante bronzing but rather a phenomenon which was it before in dormancy. It is looked after by pharmaceutical 
                  regulation. The catch of drug isphotosensitizing is often the cause of white spots which do not bronze. Lastly, thepoints of support, on the acrylic resin 
                 of a solar bed, cause bad a circulationdublood in these areas of the body; what does not support of anything bronzing ofthese parts. 
Can a pregnant woman get tan? 
                 Yes, there is no scientific or biological reason which prevent  a pregnant woman to get tan.
                 However, of the secondary causes such heat can assign these people, it is thus preferable to have the permission of her doctor.

What your type of skinThe tanning processTanning and medecineSome tanning advicesThe UVA UVB UVC raysThe goods sides of the tanningWhy tan insideTips for tanEvaluate your tanning salonQuestions of tanningThe mélanomas and the tanningBack home